Heat Waves

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     It was around eight or nine in the morning.

     Ryder poured out food in the pups' bowls for breakfast, including Kushina and Edan. Helga prepared some kind of breakfast sandwiches for her son, Ryder, and Katie. The pups ate separately with their groups. Skye, Tundra, and Everest ate near each other. Rubble ate with Ryder and Katie, Kushina and Edan ate together. And Chase, Marshall, Rocky, and Zuma ate near each other.
     Chase kept glancing up from his food towards the only Cockapoo on the team. Skye also looked up from her food towards Chase and both pups made eye contact which made them quickly look away while blushing.
     He replayed the events of last night. His talk with her. The quick little nuzzle. He could still feel her fur resting on him despite not being close to her. That made him blush more. But now he has to think about tonight. What's gonna happen? How will everything go?
     He was constantly tapping his right foot which didn't go unnoticed by a certain Labrador. 

"Everything okay, dude?" Zuma asked. noticing the Shepherds actions. Rocky and Marshall looked up from their food.

"Uh...yeah-yeah, everything's fine." Chase said hastily. The other three pups looked at each other. They were about to ask since they knew something was up, but Chase quickly spoke up to their surprise.

"Uh, actually, can I talk to you guys about...something?"

     The three pups perked up hearing his choice of words and tone, they and knew that the something was...something. Now they were very curious,
Without saying a word after, the four nodded at each other sneakily separated from the others. They carefully looked around to try and notice if anyone saw them walking away. Quickly, they went behind a tree to talk in private.

"Okay, what's going on dude?" Zuma started.

"Okay-so...last night, something kindaaaaaah...weird happened."

"What happened?" Rocky asked.

"Well...um...I kinda talked with Skye a little bit last night and uh...welllllllll...?"

     As soon as he mentioned Skye, the three of them were even more hooked.
One, they were surprised it was about Skye but second, the way he's talking and the way he's blushing, the three of them began to imagine a lot of things that could've happened between them last night. 

"Hold on bro, did you guys like...get together?" Marshall asked. Chase now had a confused look upon his face.

"Huh? No. We're not a thing...I think...yet."

Yet!? The three of them exclaimed in their minds. 

"What do you mean, 'yet'?" Rocky asked.

"Are you guys like...starting to go out?" Marshall asked.

"Ah-just lemme think for a second dude, I dunno what's goin' on!" Chase exclaimed.

"Okay, calm dude. Deep bweaths." Zuma said as he began to breath in deeply, waiting for Chase to follow to which he nodded and took a deep breath with the water pup.
     Both of them breathed out and relaxed.

"Okay dude, tell us what happened last night." Zuma asked with a slight smile. All three of them, now knowing that it was about Skye, AND knowing his crush on her and other factors they are assuming, it got them excited so they wanna help in whatever way they can.

"Okay well, we talked a little last night and we...hugged each other-but that's it."

Marshall, Zuma, and Rocky stood silent for a few seconds.
Then slowly, wide grins made ways onto their faces and seeing that, Chase sweated a little. He almost felt a little terrified.

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