Forgiveness, gratitude, happiness, family trouble

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    Minutes passed by quickly and everybody was in the Observatory. All of their eyes on Chase. The German Shepherd scanned the whole room. Ryder, Marshall, Rubble, Rocky, Zuma, Skye, Everest, Tundra, Edan, Kushina, Rex, Ella, Tuck, Wildcat, Robo-Dog, Tracker, Katie, Carlos, Jake, Sweetie, Liberty, Humdinger, Helga, The Kitten Catastrophe Crew, Ace, Princess of Barkingburg, Bella, Spike, Delilah, Dallas, Jamison, Daisy, Axel, Penny, Rusty, Eve, Blaire, Charlie, Mia, Archie, Maya, Arya, Sylvia, Hubcap, Dwayne, Gasket, Fiona, Max, and Lincoln, Arrby, Sid, Duke, Ruben, Carson, Claw and Sparks were behind all of them on a huge screen. Seeing all of their eyes lay on him did bring a little bit of pressure, but he's faced worse.

Silence filled the atmosphere before Mia finally spoke up.

"So...what's this about?" She asked softly. Beforehand, Chase let everyone catch up on what Ryder and Lincoln talked about, making it easier for Chase as he doesn't really need to explain much, but there was still his plan.

"Look. We all know that Keres is still out there doing who knows what. And right now, as we sit here, she's planning her next move." Chase began.

"Maybe, but how are we gonna stop her? If Lincoln and his team can't find a single trace of her, how can we do it?" Sylvia asked.

"What she said. We don't have a single clue on where she might be." Blaire added.

"We don't have to know where she is," Chase responded, and just in that moment...

The pup smirked.

"She's gonna come to us."

Everybody, even Lincoln, were all confused. They all looked at each other, hoping that someone would know what he was talking about, but nothing. They all looked back at the speaker who had already dropped his smirk.

"Look, we may not know where Keres is. But she's not gonna go far. She's gonna come to Adventure City eventually."

"What makes you say that?" Rocky asked. Chase sighed.

"Lincoln and the others may know, but not all of you."

Lincoln knew exactly what Chase was about to announce and he wasn't going to stop them. That sentence from the Shepherd raised even more confusion.

"Know what?" Ryder asked.

"'s not really that...well actually it's pretty simple, Keres plans on wiping everyones memories of her."

That arose a lot of discussion along with shocked, worried and confused expressions. Everyone was now asking random stuff.

"What do you mean!?"


"Are you serious!?"


"How can she do that!?"


"Is that even possible?"

"You gotta be kidding!"

Chase kept opening his mouth, uttering words out, but he just kept on getting interrupted. Soon, his eye began to twitch a little and sighed.


The entire room went silent, and all of their eyes pointed at Skye who had an irritated look. But when she suddenly met their eyes, she realized what she had done and blushed a little in embarrassment. Even Chase stared at her with a little bit of a surprised look.

"Uh...thanks." The German Shepherd thanked her which really took the Cockapoo off by surprise. Chase then brought everyone back to his attention with his voice.

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