The Blood King

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     "So, which one of you want to make the first move?" The Blood King slightly chuckled, hoping for one of them to try and take The Blood King down first. He was just aching for one of them to make a move.

This looks and sounds insane Chase commented in his mind as he also glanced back at Lincoln. So if he's not working for Lincoln, is he working for some other Overlord? Chase asked in his mind, but one thing was for sure, he couldn't let Lincoln or The Blood King escape tonight.

Just then, Chase heard stomps caused by running and Chase glanced at the Overlord who charged towards The Blood King by surprise. He quickly jumped up and tried to assault The Blood King with a punch, but the masked dog just laughed as he pulled his hoverboard back, causing Lincoln to fall and land on his feet, while he still kept his usual frown on his face.

"Ruff! Zipline!" Chase barked out and shot his zipline right past the Overlord which confused him for a second. Just then, the cup grabbed onto one of the tables and Chase pulled back as hard as he could, pulling the table back right into Lincoln.

But Lincoln didn't move as he raised his hands up and the wooden table smashed right through his body, but he didn't seem affected by it. Okay, looks like a table won't work Chase mentally laughed as he then heard something fly towards him, just then, he looked up to see The Blood King charging right at him.

"Woah!" Chase yelled as he jumped to the side and growled while he also reeled in his zipline.

"Ruff! Grappling hook!" Chase then launched his grappling hook, wrapping itself around the dog's stomach and pulled him back off of his hoverboard. 

Just then, The Blood King laughed as he landed on his four feet and quickly turned the situation by pulling the grappling hook back and sending Chase up into the air above him and letting the pup smash right through another table.

"Augh." The German Shepherd groaned as he then looked up and was surprised to see Lincoln quickly rising back on his feet and charging towards The Blood King as he quickly sent a swift quick which sent the adult dog flying right into the concrete wall.

"Oh my. What kick you have! Hahahaha! This is interesting." The Blood King maniacally laughed as he slowly got back up. "I'm gonna have fun making you suffer." He then growled with a smirk

He then slightly gasped as a zipline shot towards and attached to him and watched as Chase pulled his body and spun it around, causing The Blood King to spin in a cycle around the air and suddenly pulling him forward, crashing right into Lincoln who was also sent back by the impact and smashed into another table.

Both of them groaned and suddenly, both of them stared at each other and The Blood King jumped back and leashed out his claws as he tried to send a swift bunch at the Overlord, but Lincoln rolled back, kicking The Blood King during that roll.

"Hohohoho, that was a nice kick." The Blood King laughed as he dizzily spun around and then turned to the direction of Chase who dashed towards him and sent his paw into collision with his face, punching him back towards Lincoln.

"Woah, haha. You two really know how to combine your strengths. I'm surprised you're not working for him." The Blood King laughed as he glanced at Chase. Chase winced a little bit at that sentence.

Flash Back

"But, I can help you out of that mess." He said and walked behind his desk as Chase walked up to the front of it and saw a suitcase being lifted up and placed in front of the German Shepherd and his eyes widened when the suitcase was then opened up, revealing itself being filled up with money made out of a hundred dollar bills.

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