The Puppet And It's Master

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     "Where are the others?" Chase questioned as he, Wilson and Brutus turned to Lincoln who was looking at his phone.

"I had the others go into other positions, so In case she tries to escape, we'll have her trapped." The Overlord explained.

"So what's the plan?" Wilson asked with his arms crossed, looking through the window from outside at Keres who was just sitting at her seat.

"There's only one of her and nobody else. If we confront her, us four can confront her." Brutus suggested.

"That's not a good idea."

The other three looked at Chase who kept staring through the window.

"How come?" Lincoln asked. Chase looked at Lincoln for a moment before looking back at her.

"She's calm. Too calm. Whenever things are going wrong, she would start acting up. She definitely has something planned. It wouldn't make sense for her to be sitting there so calmly if she didn't have some sort of a trick up her sleeve."

The other looked at Keres once again, and when they thought about it for a moment, they agreed with the Shepherd. It was strange how she just sat there like nothing was happening, it was almost scary to look at.

"So what do you suggest?" Lincoln asked. At that question, Chase looked at the Overlord with an eyebrow raised.


"Let's not forget what you did back at the casino, I feel like, out of any of us, you would be able to come up with a plan."

The young pup had nothing to say to that answer, aside from looking back and walking up to the edge of the dining area and looking out at the view with the beautiful lights and the night sky. The Eiffel Tower, the hotels and other buildings filled the view. But there was something else that caught his eye. A black charter bus pulled up by the water fountain, with other tall guys in suits but there was one man in a particular red suit walking up to them with two other guys in black suits. Chase squinted his eyes, trying to make sure if his eyes were seeing correctly. It was the same man from Fahrenheit 451 play.

"Hey, remember that guy?" Chase asked as he nudged Brutus who also squinted his eyes.

"Yeah, it seems Keres has bailed him out."

But it wasn't just the weird scientist in the red suit, it was the certain briefcase that he was carrying in his two hands. The four watched him being walked into the bus, however it didn't move an inch. They sat there, watching the bus for almost about a minute, and it still hadn't driven at all.

"What could be in that case?" Lincoln slightly whispered.

"Probably serums." Chase replied while Wilson and the Overlord looked over at him with slight confusion.

"It's probably the last remaining serum Keres needs to erase everyone's memories of her." Brutus added in.

"Then we need to stop that bus." Lincoln stated.

The four looked back to see Keres still sitting at her seat.

"So what do we do?" Wilson asked.

The others tried to think of a plan while Chase only stared through the window.

"I'll distract her," The brown pup began, the other three just looked at the pup with slight bewilderment. "while the rest of you try to stop that bus." He explained.

"That'll buy us some time." Lincoln agreed. But Brutus had something else in mind.

"You two go on ahead, I'll stay here and give backup if I have to."

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