Meeting Maya

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     The little pup ran down the alleyway to escape the workers of the pound that were chasing after her. She jumped over puddles, over trash, while she heard the crashes of trash and cans from behind, she could feel them gaining up on her.

"Get back here!"

"You won't get away!"

"You can run but you can't hide!"

"It's over!"

"Run all you want!"

She kept hearing shouts of them from behind and she became a little more afraid, but she was more irritated and annoyed that they weren't giving up.

But now, her legs stopped followed by a gasp as the straight path of the alleyway led to a dead end. She turned around to hear another crash and saw the four workers standing a fair distance, blocking her only pathway of escape.

Their faces represented a mix of anger, annoyance, but their grins were mixed into that mix of emotions as well. Seeing them hold their nets, leashes and cages, the little pup began to growl at them.

"Back off!" She yelled out, making the other workers laugh.

"Haha! Guess the little pup has nowhere to run!" One of the guys with the nets chuckled and made an attempt to swing at the pup but she jumped back, dodging the attempt and quickly dashing up, biting down on the user's leg.

"AGH!" He yelled out in pain and lifted his foot where the pup was biting down and swung it violently, desperately trying to get the blue pup off of him. 

The worker with the cage quickly stepped in and used the cage to hit the pup straight her side, causing her to cry out as she released the biting force from his leg and let herself slam right into the brick wall behind her.

The small pup whimpered as she began struggling to get back up, she opened both of her eyes and groaned as her body was still in a shock of pain after the impact of the cage. She looked over to see the four of them even more angry than before.

"That's it! I'm gonna make sure you get the worst of it!" The worker that she attacked, yelled out. The four began approaching as the small pup was still getting back up. She stared back at them with a growl, trying to warn them that she'll attack if they won't back off.

"If...If you don't back off. My...My sister is gonna tear you up!" The small pup threatened and earned a scoff from one of them.

"What can she do? You're just as weak as all the other dogs! Get her!"

And one of the other workers with the leash ran over to capture the small pup and the blue furred puppy quickly closed her eyes, getting ready for the pain that never came to her. She suddenly heard a large grunt and loud thud.

She opened her eyes back and stared at the sight of the man with the leash out of his hands and laying on the ground, groaning in pain. But half of her sight was blocked by a figure and she looked up to see a pup, an older pup than her, standing in front of her, facing the four workers.

It was Chase

Of course, she had no idea who he was, but she stood on all of her fours and stared at the back of the German Shepherd.

"It takes four adults to try and capture a small pup? That's honestly pretty sad." Chase chuckled a little bit, which irritated the four workers.

"Hey! Who do you think you are?" One of them asked.

"I'm the guy that's gonna tear you apart if you don't leave right now." Chase warned as he got into a fighting position, growling at the four as he acted like a shield for the small, helpless pup.

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