Chase's Decision

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     If things weren't busy enough, people were surely busy on Christmas Eve. With the next day being Christmas, people are baking, cooking, shopping, working as much as they can while preparing for the holiday tomorrow.

The pups were over at the mall, getting the last few gifts for Secret Santa, but as the day progressed, they got more and more concerned if Chase was gonna return for Christmas at all. Tundra began getting a little more irritated if Skye was ever going to tell Ryder. Time was running out and still, nobody was doing anything.

With Chase

While Humdinger and Helga decided to start baking some stuff for tomorrow's holiday, the pups and the others were playing some games.

Humdinger was glancing back and forth, smiling at the sight of Chase and the others. But then a thought came onto his mind. If he just opened up to the shepherd a while ago, would he have been much happier longer ago?

Each little minute that he spent with the shepherd, all he could feel was happiness, just like what he experienced back as a kid when he always played with Kamato.

But now, Humdinger was wondering when Chase was going to go back to the Lookout for Christmas. But the idea of him leaving this place just made him feel a bit uneasy. Ever since finding out that Chase had been hiding those scars from his body, he wanted to spend Christmas with the police pup.

It wasn't only him, but Helga, the kittens and Maya and Arya as well.

"You want them to stay, don't you?" Helga interrupted his thoughts and Humdinger looked at her and back at his kittens, Chase, Arya and Maya all having fun.

"Yeah, I do." He sadly sighed and looked back at them.

"But I know he's eventually going to go back." Humdinger sighed and kept on baking the food, not noticing that Chase was now walking up to them.

"Hey guys, how's food coming along?"

Both of them looked at Chase, then at each other, and smiled back at the small pup.

"It's going great." Helga grinned which made Chase smile. Although he was happy to see the interactions, Humdinger had to ask the shepherd his questions.

"So, when are you going back to the Lookout? I'm pretty sure you're gonna go back for Christmas tomorrow, right?" Humdinger asked and Chase's laughter died down and looked at Humdinger with a confusing but surprised expression.

The whole time Chase has spent here, he forgot everything that happened at the Lookout. Every terrible memory that he experienced that day has all been washed away by the happiness and comfort that he felt right here. But for the shepherd, there were more pros than cons for him to stay with the Humdingers and spend Christmas with them.

For the past years of, on Christmas Day, he normally spent them alone while his parents would argue or fight even more. He got no gifts, nothing. He was just in his room alone. During his time at the Lookout, there have been most times where Chase would just be left out and felt like he didn't belong. But the times that he has been, he now knows that it was all just for show. Nothing felt real there. It all felt fake. And with this year including everyone's parents and Secret Santa and by what he learned from the other pups and especially from Skye. They don't want him there.

For them, they should spend time with their families and friends because Chase now didn't consider them as family, just pups that he has to work with.

Here was a completely different story. Helga and Arnold treated him when he was at his deepest end, and he found someone that he could relate to. Not only that, there was Maya and Arya who quickly became close to him. They treated him like what he should've been treated a long time ago. And looking at it now, Chase could only feel happy and comfortable and safe around these guys.

The only thing he could think of, the only reason why he would come back, is for Ryder, Kushina and Edan. But lately, things have been just a little off with them. But other than that, it mattered if he was happy or not. And in his mind, he wanted to spend Christmas at Foggy Bottom more than anything else.

And with that decision, Chase smiled at the two of them.

"I...don't think I'll be going back for Christmas." Chase decided which made the two of them look at him with pure shock. Obviously, they didn't expect this kind of answer, especially Humdinger. For years, he's always seen Chase so loyal to the pups and love them with all of his heart and now, he would rather spend Christmas here with him and the family rather than the "family" he had back at the Lookout. It confused him.

"Really? But why? Wouldn't you want to spend Christmas with Ryder and the pups?" Humdinger asked and Chase frowned a little bit as he glanced back at Arya and Maya who were laughing with the kittens.

"To be honest, I never felt happy there," He began, which confused Helga and Humdinger, but also concerned them. Humdinger noticed the huge change in him, but he didn't think it changed his perspective and feelings for the Paw Patrol. "Spending my time with you guys has been one of the best things that's ever happened to me. You guys are family and I...I wanna spend Christmas here." Chase said softly while glancing off to the side a little bit.

Needless to say, Humdinger and Helga were shocked. But at the same time, they felt the same way that Chase did, so they were happy with his decision.

"I'm glad, honey. But what about Ryder? What's he gonna say?" Helga asked with slight concern and Chase only grinned at her.

"Don't worry, I'll call him about it soon. For now, let me help you guys with baking." Chase offered and they nodded in acceptance.

"Actually, Mom? Can you prepare some pillows and blankets for Arya and Maya?" Humdinger asked. Helga looked at her son with slight confusion, but realized what he wanted to do and quickly agreed with a smile on her face. Upon hearing their names, Maya and Arya looked at Humdinger with slight confusion who looked back at the two of them with a grin.

"For Christmas, you two are gonna spend the holidays with us. You're a part of the family now." Humdinger said.

Needless to say, the two of them looked at him with wide eyes. Especially Arya. For the longest time, nobody considered or even said that she was a part of a family. She watched as Helga walked off to get some blankets and pillows. Emotions ran through her body. Even though she was partly a robot, she could still feel...loved and cared for.

"Are you serious?" Both sisters asked with disbelief.

"Of course. Chase told us about the living conditions and I've talked it over with Arnold, and we've decided that this place is gonna be your brand new home. Sorry, but we can't allow you to live in those horrible conditions so we wanna help." Helga explained while Humdinger nodded in agreement.

Arya felt something fall down her cheek and she gasped a little bit as she felt a tear on her face. Quickly wiping one off, that triggered a couple more tears to fall which worried her little sister.

"Big sis? Are you okay?" She asked as she hugged her leg, but was surprised to see Arya grinning while also giggling a little bit.

"Yeah, I'm okay it's just...nobody...has ever done this for us. So it means a lot," Arya said in a quite broken voice. Chase warmly smiled as he was watching Maya and Arya getting what they truly deserved.

"Thank you!" She almost yelled out as she removed her face from her paw and grinned at them with dried tears which earned grins from everyone. Arya truly felt happy. Maya truly felt happy. Humdinger truly felt happy. Helga truly felt happy. The kittens truly felt happy. Chase truly felt happy.

"Alright! We've got no time to waste, let's make tomorrow the best Christmas ever!" Chase declared as he swung a paw in the air as all of them cheered in agreement.

And with tomorrow being Christmas, the family got to work.

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