Chase stood on the roof of the Paw Patroller, and he looked up, seeing he was up against Claw and Sparks.
"C'mon Claw, are you even gonna try?" Chase taunted with a smirk, making Claw lightly growl.
"If I do, I'll destroy this whole city!" Claw laughed as he looked back at Chase who now had a frown on his face.
"Hate to break it to ya' loudmouth, but you're not the first enemy I've faced. You're just the first that smells like you've hadn't taken a bath in two years." Chase said, making Claw growl.
"Oh yeah? Well you'll smell like smoke! Now!" Claw ordered and quickly, Sparks channeled energy into his throat and quickly shot out fire towards the German Shepherd. Chase gasped as he quickly jumped back, dodging the blast. Okay, I've dealt with fire power before, I can take a dragon Chase calmed himself as he did deal with this type of thing before, but thinking about it more, he doubted it.
The user is a large dragon, much more dangerous than a human. Chase sighed as he remembered he needed to get them away from the pups. Here goes nothing Chase thought.
"Ruff! Launcher!" Chase barked out and his launcher formed from his pup-pack and began shooting tennis balls, much to Claw's annoyance.
"Agh! Cut that out!" Claw demanded in an annoying tone, which made Chase smirk.
"Sorry, my job is to be as annoying as possible!" Chase chuckled as he kept on shooting tennis balls and one eventually hitting Sparks nose.
Sparks eventually let out a huge roar in anger as the dragon eyed Chase with fury and growled, which made Chase sweat a little bit, but kept his smirk.
"Okay, I think I've made it mad." Chase told himself with a nervous chuckle as the dragon, out of Claws control, dove down straight towards Chase.
"Ruff! Grappling hook!" Chase barked out as he launched his grappling hook to one of the buildings the rope quickly pulled Chase from the Paw Patroller, and past Sparks and Claw as the dragon stopped and stared at Chase who now began swinging away from the opposite direction of the Paw Patroller.
"You wanna go after him first?" Claw asked and Sparks nodded and both of them nodded at each other and flew after Chase first.
Chase kept releasing and shooting his grappling hook nearby any attachment to the buildings, that's when he heard flapping behind him. Chase glanced back to see Sparks and Claw catching up to him. Okay, they're definitely faster, Chase thought as he looked up ahead and saw multiple pathways through the city.
"You can run, but you can't hide!" Claw said with a laugh. Chase turned around to face the two of them.
"You know what? You're half right!" Chase said with a grin, confusing Claw right then and there. Just then, Chase released the grappling hook and let himself fall, making Claw gasp.
"Ruff! Zipline!" Chase then barked out and his zipline shot out to an open pathway of the city, quickly pulling Chase to the left. Claw growled in frustration.
"Follow him!" Claw ordered and they turned right and they immediately stopped, floating in mid-air.
Chase was nowhere near in sight. Claw was confused as both him and Sparks looked side to side and below. How could he just disappear that fast? It made no sense at all.
"What? Where'd he go?" Claw asked himself, as if an answer would come to him. Just then, Claw and Sparks felt some weight land on the dragon as Sparks was slightly caught off and Claw looked behind himself as he saw Chase, standing a few feet away from him, smirking at Claw.

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...