Panic Attack

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     Chase felt the world come to a stop. His heart began increasing at a rapid pace. His eyes were wide and his mouth was open agape. His emotions couldn't be described or expressed. His entire body froze like ice and he felt his blood go cold. The extreme panic and shock he felt in his chest left an uncomfortable feeling. He didn't notice it, but his face began sweating a little bit but it didn't stop as Arya continued on talking.

"That's the Overlord's name, but most people just call her Lady Keres."

The German Shepherds' eyes widened even more. He knew who Arya was talking about, but hearing that name and the nickname just added even more conflicting thoughts inside his mind. Chills ran down his spin. No amount of hoodies in the world can keep him warm from the coldness his entire body felt.

He thought he wouldn't have to hear that name ever again. He has been told he was safe. He has been told that she has been arrested. But here he was. Being told that a friend to which he looked up to as a sister, just admitted to working for the women that had tortured him years ago when he was just a small, vulnerable puppy.

His thoughts ran wild, he didn't even know what to think anymore. But he didn't say anything. No words, he was completely speechless. He stood there like the whole world was breaking apart and crumbling around him. He was in total paralysis, but still shaking a little bit. He felt his stomach twist on the inside. Time seemed to slow down as he couldn't even comprehend what he was seeing or even hearing anything so on.

He saw all of his surroundings go black and white while he was the only spot of color in the room. His shoulders felt like they've gained more weight and felt a sting pain in his chest. He looked down at the ground and his vision blurred.

Flash Back

"I bet you've suffered a lot." She began in a soft voice

"But that's over now." She then said, As much as Chase wanted to believe her, the nauseous feeling just wouldn't get away.

"Because I'm taking custody of you."

"You did well,, don't worry...because from this moment on..." She then looked Chase directly in his eyes, and her bright, red colored eyes.

"I will be your owner and your mother, Chase."

"There's nothing to be afraid of." She said and slowly put her hand forward and placed it on Chase's cheek, softly rubbing it.

"Now...I need you to come with me."

"W-What?" He stuttered, asking in noticeable fear and confusion. Lady Keres rubbed her thumb under Chase's eye, trying to sooth him.

"I told you, didn't I? That there's nothing to be afraid of. You're now one of my precious children." She said.

"I want you to accept me as your new mother. Because when you'll no longer be empty." Chase looked at her with wide eyes, surprised by that sentence.

"When you and I truly become mother and son...I'll give you a special gift as my favorite."


Flash Back Ends

More memories came in as his eyes twitched a little.

Flash Back

"You. Have. Nothing. No family, no friends, no power, no talent, no worth, no nothing. You don't have a measly thing. You're just a hollow thing and you should know that better than anyone else. And you hate yourself for it."

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