"You've gotta be kidding me." Chase annoyingly growled as he saw Duke, flying up, looking down at the running people with a smug grin, while Fiona was confused, but could tell that this guy is bad news. Chase looked over and saw a small stand that served chocolate apple pops and a tray under them along with rope leaning beside it. Chase quickly put up his hoodie and ran over to the stand.
Not noticing the police pup, Duke yelled out.
"I know she's here!" He screamed, confusing both Chase and Fiona.
"Where is Skye from the Paw Patrol!? Where is that pathetic, mongrel mutt for a Cockapoo dog!" He yelled out, suddenly, being hit on the forehead with a chocolate apple pop.
"What!?" He was confused and angry and looked down to see Chase smirking at him while pulling the tray of apples, pulling it back with the rope tied between the stands.
"Oh my, you sweet charmer, you!" Chase sarcastically laughed as he launched the tray, fully hitting Duke right in the face, causing him to fly recklessly around the air.
"Who is that?" Fiona asked as Chase ran right next to her.
"He's Duke. The Paw Patrol had to deal with him back when he tried to rule Barkingburg and let's just say he's not a big fan of Skye, who mostly stopped him." Chase explained.
"So he wants revenge on her?" Fiona clarified.
"Yeah." Chase confirmed and looked up at the wings Duke wore that were keeping him up in the air.
Flash Back
"But you're different. You were able to take down bad guys all on your own. And in the most ruthless way entirely. But when you fight against others like Carson or Ruben, then those thugs think that they are less of your concerns." Lincoln stated as he walked up to one of the windows which got a good view of Adventure City.
"Hold on, so you're saying that as long as me and the team keep fighting crime, you're gonna make more super-villains like Carson and Ruben?" Chase asked and Lincoln turned around.
"Now you're getting the point. Except, there was one flaw in that sentence," Lincoln stated and Chase looked at him in confusion. "It's not you and the teams. It's just you." He stated and Chase was left speechless.
Flash Back Ends
If Lincoln's behind this, then it's obvious the war is still on. Chase thought and glanced at Fiona who looked as if she was ready to fight.
"Get out of here and get Skye and the others to a safe place." Chase stated, making Fiona look at him in shock and confusion.
"What? You're just a pup, you can't take someone like him down all on your own." Fiona said and Chase glared at her.
"We don't have time for this!" Chase yelled and looked over to see Duke throwing the tray off along with the apples stuck to his face. "Just go!" Chase yelled and pushed her away which surprised her, but ran off to her husband and the other two girls. Chase looked back to see a dog, running from behind Duke, and Chase recognized him as the Rottweiler as the cashier.
That idiot! Chase thought as he got up and ran as fast as he could.
"Hey, ugly! Over here!" Duke turned to see the Rottweiler jump at him with his teeth sharp and with ease, he commanded one of his metal wings to quickly slap him off which made the dogs eyes widen, but fortunately, he was pushed down by Chase who also jumped up and brought the cashier dog down, making the German Shepherd land safely on the ground while the Rottweiler plummeted to the ground, both dodging Duke's assault.
"Thanks for the help, try hard, but let's be clear, you're not pretty enough to save twice." Chase said and the Rottweiler who had a noticeable fear expression, quickly ran the other direction, away from the danger and Chase looked back at Duke who also looked back at him and noticed that he was going against the police pup of the Paw Patrol.
"Now tell me, where is Skye!" Duke asked, making Chase look at him with an expression of confusion.
"Huh? Why would I know?" Chase lied, obviously knowing where the flying pup was but he knew he couldn't let Duke get Skye.
"Well, you're her boyfriend, right? So you should know!" Duke yelled.
"WHAT!? In what world, makes you think me and her are dating?" Chase asked with a fake offense, making Duke grown.
"Whatever! You tell me where she is, or else I'm gonna destroy this place!" Duke threatened.
"Why do you even want her?" Chase asked, wondering why Duke was here in the first place.
"Is that even a question!? I'm here to get revenge on her for everything she did to me back at Barkingburg!" He stated.
"Dude! You were literally trying to take over the place, what made you think she or any of us would let you do that?" Chase asked in complete shock and confusion.
"It doesn't matter anymore. With these new wings, I'll be sure to get my revenge." Duke started with an evil grin.
"Where did you even get those things?" Chase asked, asking the question that was on his mind.
"An Overlord gave me a great deal and luckily, we both saw eye to eye!" He bragged and Chase frowned as he knew which Overlord he was talking about.
Chase sweated as he realized he was at a disadvantage without his pup-pack with him. Chase looked back down at the debris on the floor that Duke had already caused. Guess I gotta make the most of it. Chase thought and looked back up at Duke.
"So you want Skye, huh?" Chase asked, and Duke growled at the question.
"Duh! Isn't it obvious?" He asked and Chase smirked, knowing that he was already irritating Duke.
"Alright birdy, follow me!" Chase gestured with a smirk and jumped up and began running towards the exit of the carnival, making Duke growl in frustration.
"UGH! Tell me where she is!" He demanded and flew towards Chase. He's fast! The German Shepherd quickly thought and knew this was going to be a harder fight to deal with since he can't use his zipline or grappling hook.
The police pup quickly ducked and felt the wind of Duke flying right above and past him. Chase looked up to see Duke with a furious face and was about to fly towards Chase once again. Chase growled in frustration as he needed to think of something in order to defeat Duke.
Chase looked around, seeing if there was anything that he could use to take Duke down but unfortunately, there was nothing that he could use right now. But luckily, Chase heard the sound of a familiar truck driving up and Chase looked ahead and slightly smirked as he saw the Paw Patroller quickly pulling into the carnival.
The Paw Patrol was here

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...