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     Rocky and Tundra watched as Captain Turbot's boat parked and Humdinger and Chase jumped out and paid the captain some money and began walking off, both leaving the Husky and Mixed Breed confused. Of course, they knew that Chase was living with the Humdingers, but why were they here? Without asking each other any questions, they looked at each other and nodded as they ran down as fast as they could, not breaking eye contact on German Shepherd and the purple mayor.

With Chase

As Humdinger knew that Chase still had to go to work, Humdinger didn't want the Shepherd to do all of the work as he felt he was just slacking off while Chase was actually the one providing for his family. Of course, the shepherd didn't mind doing all the work because as long as it helped his family, he didn't care. Again, he had to repay Humdinger for bringing a family, but still, he insisted on helping the shepherd because again, family helps each other out.

"So, what job are we going to do first?" Humdinger asked as Chase didn't elaborate who he worked for after he gave them the money for the bills.

Chase on the other hand hesitated a little bit, as the last time Humdinger had been to this place, he got kicked out.

"Well, my first job is at Mr. Porters." Chase answered and watched as Arnolds face cringed a little bit.

"Yeah, I know. It's kind of the thing I'm nervous about right now." Chase chuckled a little bit, trying to lift his spirits, but then Humdinger sighed.

"Well, even if, I still wanna help you. So let's go." Humdinger said with some determination which made Chase smile, once again, proving him that he was wrong about Mayor Humdinger these past few years.

"Plus, if I get to work with you, I don't see this being too bad of a job." Humdinger shrugged off which made Chase smile even more as he also felt the same way. But then, Mayor Humdinger watched as Chase looked away and a frown appeared on his face as the pup stopped walking.

Confused and a little worried, Humdinger turned to Chase.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked as Chase sighed and looked to his side, without turning around.

"Tundra, Rocky? I know you guys are here." Chase called out, confusing Humdinger but then watched in a small distance, that two pups emerged from behind a few trash cans. Both of them had wide eyes as they were shocked that they were spotted. Of course, Humdinger recognized the two of them as the members of the team.

Chase on the other hand sighed and looked back at Humdinger.

"Uh, you can go on ahead. Just gimme a second." He said and Humdinger nodded as he could already feel some tension in the air and made his way towards Porters Café as Chase turned to face the two of them.

Chase didn't mind Tundra was here, but Rocky on the other hand, there was still that tension between them.

"So?" Chase began, as a gesture for the two of them to start talking.

"Oh, Tundra and I were walking around when we saw you and H-Humdinger walking here." Rocky nervously explained and Chase only raised a brow at him.

"So, you and Tundra tried to follow me? Without me knowing." Chase added the last part and both of them looked away from each other, blushing a little bit in embarrassment.

"How'd you even know we were here?" Tundra asked and Chase looked at her and used his paw to point at his nose which now answered their question and now both of them felt dumb.

"I could smell you guys a mile away." The German Shepherd chuckled a little bit.

"Hehe, so...what're you doing now?" He asked, hoping that Chase would say that he's coming back to the Lookout, but his hopes were crushed by Chase's answer.

"I came here to do my job, and Humdinger decided to come and help me out."

"Wait, you have a job? Since when?" Tundra asked.

"For a few days now, why?" The police pup asked back. Both Rocky and Tundra looked at each other with surprised looks, but also had worried looks on their faces and turned back to Chase.

"W-Wait, does this mean you''re leaving the team?"

That was a question that didn't cross his mind when he got hired. His eyes widened as that was a question he didn't think about, but now he is. Of course he wouldn't, he still had Ryder...right? But at the same time, there wasn't a reason to work with the Paw Patrol anymore. It's basically a job that he doesn't get paid for. He has a job that he doesn't mind because he gets paid to help his family.

There wasn't a reason for him to be a part of the team anymore aside from Ryder and that's it. Ryder is the only reason why he was still a part of the team now that he thought about it.

"N-No." Chase answered, hiding his hesitance which earned sighs of relief from Rocky and Tundra. Awkward silence filled in between them before Chase spoke up.

"Well, anyway, I gotta go. See you later...I guess." Chase said goodbye as he began walking the opposite direction from Tundra and Rocky and watched as the Shepherd walked off. They wanted to say some more, but nothing came out of their mouths.

But then, the shepherd stopped walking much to their confusion and Chase only glanced at them with no emotion etched on his face.

"Also, congratulations on you two getting together." Chase said which quickly made Tundra and Rocky madly blush as they were shocked to know that Chase knew.

"W-W-Wha-? H-How did you know?" Rocky asked in complete shock and disbelief as Tundra stood silent, but still blushing. Even though they were together, it still felt awkward as they were kind of worried about their friends', parents' and Ryder's reaction.

"I saw you two kissing from the boat. Ya' might wanna pick a more private place next time." Chase then chuckled as he turned back around and walked off to his job.

Leaving Tundra and Rocky stunned and a little embarrassed. 

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