Chase And Kushina

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     After having such a crazy day at the Thanksgiving party, the Paw Patrol was able to make it back to the Lookout Tower by 8:50 PM, and everyone settled in.

"Man, I can't believe that festival was ruined by him." Marshall sighed, referring to Claw. Everest slightly smiled at the Dalmatian.

"Well, it's not all bad. At least they've been stopped, and we still get to have a Thanksgiving dinner." She grinned and Marshall slightly blushed at her.

"Y-Yeah. You're right, we do." Marshall agreed and looked at Chase who was walking next to him, looking down at his feet while they walked.

"You okay, bro?" Marshall asked as he placed his paw on the police pup's shoulder, to which he winced.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He responded as he slightly moved to the side to get away from the touch.

Flash Back

"Chase!" They all yelled out in relief. Ever since they noticed that he disappeared, the pups have been worrying non-stop. The police pup was about to speak up until he saw Kushina running up to him, quickly wrapping her paws around Chase's body and resting her head on top of Chase's.

"Do you have any clue how worried we were? You big idiot?" Kushina said in a worried and broken voice, as if she was about to burst into tears. The German Shepherd couldn't describe the warmth he just felt from the adult Dalmatian. Her hug felt so protecting and...loving. It was like he forgot everything around him and settled into her hug.

He then smiled

Flash Back Ends

Chase then glanced at Kushina who was talking with Mia and Fiona. Chase couldn't shake that memory off. The hug that Kushina gave the German Shepherd made him feel something that he never felt before.


Love, warmth, he felt important, as if he was one of her own pups.

Flash Back

"I-I wasn't slacking off, I was only able to get this much." Chase said in his quiet voice and placed down the bottle in front of his father. The reaction of his father was more of an annoyed expression, then Chase's mother came from behind and saw the bottle standing and scoffed.

"That's all? That shopkeeper thinks he can cheat you out because you're just a soiled up mutt? How ridiculous."

"I-I'm sorry, mom. I'll buy a lot more tomorrow." Chase softly said.

Flash Back Ends

Chase frowned, and began wondering what would've happened in Kushina was his mother instead of her. The coldness he felt when Kushina separated the hug just made him feel uncomfortable.

"Well, let's not get it to us. We still have our dinner to enjoy." Ryder said as he presented a whole large table full of food. Chicken, bread, corn, eggs, ham, honey, pork and a bunch of other stuff that dogs can eat. The dogs drooled at the food.

"Alright, let's dig in!" Edan said, and everyone didn't waste time picking out some food, leaving some for others, and eating. Ryder and Carlos chuckled at the dogs as they grabbed their own plates and began picking out some of their food.

9:30 PM

Laughter erupted from the table as the pups laughed along with the adults and Ryder and Carlos grinned at each other. Kushina smiled at the whole table, it was like having a large happy family. She smiled at every single pup and dog, but then frowned as he didn't see one certain pup in sight. She looked around as Chase wasn't with them at the table.

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