Bigger Competition

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     Ryder and the pups below watched as they saw Ruben slam down on the road like a meteor hitting earth. As soon as the smoke cleared, Ryder and the pups looked ahead and saw that the impact left a huge crater on the ground. Then they saw Ruben walking out with a smirk on his face, as if nothing had ever happened.

"No way." Chase whispered in disbelief and quickly ran back towards Skye.

"Quick! We have to get down there!" Chase said out loud and Skye nodded as she began lowering her plane while Chase jumped and held onto one of the railings while Skye was beginning to increase her speed to fly back down. He's after me, I can't let the others get hurt Chase said and looked up to see a few other railings from other buildings attached and that's when Chase got his idea.

"Hey, Goldie!" Chase called out and Ruben turned around and growled at Chase which made the German Shepherd smile.

"Why don't we play follow the leader?" Chase joked as he jumped from the plane

"Chase!" Skye yelled out in worry and saw the German Shepherd launch his grappling hook onto the railings, making him swing by the other builds and land onto the ground, quickly taking off while Ruben chased after him.

What's he doing? Ryder wondered, questioning what Chase was up to as he and the rest of the pups drove after Chase and Ruben as well.

Meanwhile, Chase was quickly outrunning Ruben as he had some obstacles in the way, but nothing that he couldn't smash through, but Ruben had a huge evil grin on his face.

"You like being a coward, don't you weirdo!?" Ruben yelled out.

"Oh, would you please look who's talking!" Chase argued back.

"At least I ain't a coward!" Ruben yelled back and Chase growled and when he turned back, he noticed something strange. Quickly, Ruben punched down a fire hydrant and water exploded from it as Ruben threw his face out front which confused Chase. I gotta lead this guy somewhere deserted where nobody could get hurt. But where can I get to a place like that in a city? Chase thought and was suddenly brought back out of his thoughts when he saw Ruben quickly charging towards him again and Chase picked up his pace on running.

Just then, Chase looked back and saw that Ruben was gaining and realized he needed to put some distance between him and Ruben. Chase quickly looked around and saw a car with a metal spoiler and nobody inside it, parked beside the walkway.

"Ruff! Grappling hook!" Chase barked out once again and aimed it towards the car.

"This always works in cartoons." Chase whispered to himself and shot the grappling hook over the spoiler of the car.

"Here goes nothing!" Chase declared and with all of his might, reeled in the car while pulling it as hard as he could, as if he went fishing for cars. Luckily, with putting all of his strength in, Chase was able to pull the car and throw it towards Ruben, but unfortunately, thanks to his armor robotic suit, he was able to destroy the car in two like a knife slicing butter.

"Ugh! See!? This is why we don't trust everything we see on TV!" Chase whined and looked to his left to see an alleyway with a beverage machine to the left side and with no other option, Chase ran right through it.

He looked back and was again, confused to see Ruben punching right through the machine and destroying each bottle of beverage into his mouth. The German Shepherd quickly stopped and looked back to observe what's happening.

On one hand, he's going around rampaging the city and on the other, he's drinking like there's no tomorrow. Chase thought and then realized something on Ruben's face.

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