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     After leaving the beach, Skye was walking back towards the Lookout, not even bothering to look back. She walked along the sidewalk as she glanced at the Lookout that was glowing in the distance. Skye then looked back as she noticed a figure standing from a fair distance. She stopped and looked to see Tundra standing there with almost a horrified look on her face.

"T-Tundra?" Skye stuttered with surprise, but the Husky didn't respond as she just stared at the Cockapoo with wide eyes and a slightly open mouth.

"How could you?" She asked in disbelief which shocked the small pup even more. Did she hear all of it? Skye thought.

"I...I..." The Cockapoo began to stutter as she didn't know what to respond.

"How could you say that?" Tundra asked and Skye did nothing but stay still in silence as she watched Tundra run past her towards Chase.

Tundra ran down to where she saw Chase and Skye talk, but to her horror, the German Shepherd wasn't in sight. She turned her whole body around, but she couldn't see a glimpse of the shepherd anywhere and Tundra immediately became worried. Where is he? She thought in a concerned tone.

But she knew she couldn't find him anymore and Tundra became even more worried. She looked back at Skye with a glare who only stared back at her.

"I hope you're happy." Tundra growled before she walked past Skye again and towards the Lookout.

With Chase

The distressed pup walked along the beach, his hair covering most of his eyes, but he didn't need to look forward as he kept his vision down at his feet. The tears dried upon his cheeks leading down from his eyes.

He didn't care about the crabs clapping their claws at him as they tried to pose as a threat, but the depressed shepherd couldn't give a care in the world.

Flash Back

"You know what!? I don't even care anymore! You've been nothing but a pain! You get abandoned in a city and you act like we were the reason why!"

"I can't believe I actually felt sorry for you at that time. You're weaker than I thought! Aside from living alone in a city, what else have you gone through that made you act like this? Absolutely nothing!"

"Y'know, Jamison had the right idea. I don't know what his dealer was thinking! He should've accepted you and Jamison should've sold you off a long time ago."

Flash Back Ends

Maybe the world would be better off if he wasn't alive, right? Maybe Ryder and everyone else would be much happier without him. The police pup chuckled at that thought as it was probably true.

Soon enough, he found himself standing at the same rocky door that closed off the other side. Behind that door was the place where Chase could feel safe and loved. He walked up to it and raised his paw as he was about to knock on the door.

But he suddenly stopped.

He hesitated. Memories of his conversation with Skye began replaying in his mind. Each word stung even more. Should he bother the Humdingers with his problems? I'm not worth it. Chase stated in his mind. He slowly moved his paw back down and backed away from the door. He turned around and began walking away. He didn't want to bother Captain Turbot again since he just brought him here, so he decided to spend the night outside.

With Skye

Skye and Tundra walked back to the Lookout in an uncomfortable silence. But the Husky made sure to stand a little further away from the Cockapoo as she was more than angry with her. When they arrived at the front doors, Ryder already came out and saw the two girls and a look of confusion mixed with some worry was expressed on his face.

"Hey, where's Chase? Wild cat told me he was with you guys." Ryder asked and Tundra spoke up.

"Well some things happened and he decided to be alone for some time." Tundra answered and Ryder now became a little worried.

"It's pretty late, I should call in to check with him." Ryder said as he quickly ran back up to the Lookout and Skye glanced at Tundra.

"Why didn't you tell him what actually happened?" Skye asked and Tundra looked at her with a frown.

"Because It's not my job to tell him." Tundra slightly growled and walked inside.

With Chase

Chase walked along the sidewalks of Foggy Bottom. It was dark but the poles shined with bright lights, and the fog blurred out the sky. He only sighed as he wiped the dry tears off his face with his paw.

Suddenly, he felt a small trickle of water drop on his nose and suddenly, multiple light drops came down. Chase looked up and his eyes widened a little bit as it started to drizzle.

"Oh come on!" Chase's broken voice cried out as threw his hood over his head and began running down along the sidewalk. He kept on running and suddenly found a bench by a light pole. Finding no other option, Chase quickly crawled under the bench, hearing the drops splash on the wood.

Even though it prevented some of the rain, tiny drops of water still made their way through the gaps of the long wooden planks and the drops on the outside made a small puddle which slowly flooded towards the shepherd.

As cold as the air was, it still didn't turn the tiny drops into snow. But still, the shepherd began shivering due to the coldness. He pulled the strings of his hoodie with his teeth, slowly closing off his face with the hood, trying to grasp more warmth.

But no matter how much he tried, the cold still got to him. least I'm not bothering anyone anymore. Chase sadly chuckled and tried to get comfortable with his position, but the wet and rocky ground made it nearly impossible for him to even get a little comfortable.

Soon enough, giving up, the police pup slowly closed his eyes and slept as the rain kept on drizzling.

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