Right after the encounter, Chase and Arya ran back to Humdinger's home. To their surprise, Humdinger, Helga, the kittens and Maya have woken up and were surprised to see both of them run through the door. Of course, they weren't in any trouble because they didn't do anything, but it now left some questions. Quickly, Arya gathered the rest of them and when she told them she had some important words to say, all of them grew curious.
Now, everyone was sitting near the center, getting themselves comfortable and Arya began the conversation.
"Hold on, you mean The Blood King actually showed up here!?" Chase asked with a completely shocked tone and Arya slightly nodded.
"Wait, so let me get this straight. So you work for an Overlord who could potentially be a big deal in crime?" Humdinger asked and Arya shamefully nodded a little bit.
"Is that what your job was this whole time?" Maya asked with a somewhat soft and innocent tone and Arya just sadly looked down at her sister, feeling the disappointment in the air but it hurt as well.
"And you decided to quit after The Blood King told you this information?" Helga asked and Arya nodded back.
"At first, I wasn't interested in the first place, but after he promised I would find true love, I decided to help him." Arya admitted and everyone looked at her with a little confusion.
"True love?" Chase repeated and Arya sighed, knowing that if she was going to tell them this, she needs to reveal everything that has been going down for the past few years.
"I don't remember why, but part of my body is robotic. Due to that reason, I don't have a good memory at all. But one thing, it has robbed me of feeling love. I've been in desperate need of that for a long time and I was willing to do anything for it." She explained.
Everyone's eyes widened. It was unbelievable that at first, they thought she was lying.
"Hold on, so you're partly a cyborg!?" Humdinger nearly yelled in shock and Maya nodded back, confirming that she wasn't lying.
"But why though?" Maya asked with a somewhat broken voice.
"Like I said, my memory isn't that good, so I don't really remember." Arya shrugged a little bit. Chase frowned a little bit. Whoever the Overlord was that Arya worked for, he or she didn't sound like any good news if it erased most of her memories. But again, this leaves with so many questions.
"Your Overlord doesn't go by the name of Lincoln Krull, does it?" Chase asked, earning more confused looks from everyone except Arya.
"No, but it does involve him."
Flash Back
"We have enemies on our radar. Krull Morgan Lincoln. I know what move he's gonna make next. And it'll involve taking out a certain pup at Adventure Bay. Eventually, one of them will be wiped out by the other. And all we have to do is take down the final enemy, and then you'll have your resolve." The Blood King promised with a convincing voice.
Flash Back Ends
"Hold the phone, who's Lincoln Krull?" Helga asked this time, informing them that they needed some information to completely understand what's going on.
"He's an Overlord back at Adventure City. He's the guy me and the others had to deal with." Chase explained.
"Wait, so he's the one who was behind those attacks at the city? I remember seeing it on the news." Humdinger commented.
"Yeah, and he was the one who was behind the Ominous Ten attack as well." Chase informed Helga and Humdinger shivered a little bit as they remembered watching the damage they caused at the park on the news.
"Oh yeah, I remember that. Thankfully we had that mysterious pup who stopped him." Humdinger said with a little relief while Helga sighed along with her son. Arya looked at them in confusion and went back to Chase.
"Hold on, they don't know?" She asked and watched as Chase looked to the side with a nervous tone. Hearing Arya, both of them were now confused.
"Don't know what?" Maya asked and all of them looked at Chase who was trying his best to look off to the side.
But then they're eyes widened.
It didn't take them long to realize as based on the subject they were talking about, based on what Arya asked which was directed towards Chase and the fact they were talking about a mysterious pup who has taken down ten, powerful super-villains all on his own.
"Wait! You were the one who defeated them!?" Humdinger asked in complete shock while Chase nervously nodded his head.
"Wait, so does that mean you were the one who took down that giant dragon back at Adventure City?" Helga asked as she and Humdinger watched the news about that incident on Thanksgiving.
Chase nodded his head slightly once again and glanced back to see everyone's, but Arya's, shocked faces. It shouldn't be that surprising since they figured that Chase was a strong pup in general. But the fact that he could take down ten huge super villains, along with a dragon without any weapons by his side was even more shocking.
"That's impressive." Humdinger sighed with a little disbelief which now earned a surprised look from Chase. No words escaped his mouth but he was just speechless as he didn't describe that kind of response.
"It's true, I watched it all go down. You took them down easily. I think you'd even be able to take down The Blood King." Arya said with a slight, proud smirk.
"Man, this is all so confusing." Maya groaned a little bit and everyone else had to agree. Everything just came in way too fast. Arya worked for an Overlord? She lost her memory and is partly a cyborg? Now they found out that Chase is the mysterious pup who took down the Ominous ten? So many things came flooding in.
"Okay, okay. Let's calm down for a second. So let's get back to the main part, what did The Blood King mean when enemies will rise?" Helga said as she calmed everyone down. When they did, Arya shrugged a little bit.
"I don't really know, but one thing's for sure, they'll be going into conflict with Lincoln Krull soon." Arya said and Humdinger looked at her in confusion.
"So, it's a war between two Overlords." Chase noted.
"Hey, what's your Overlord's name?" Humdinger asked as he was curious about any other Overlords. He knew that there were famous ones, but these new crime lords he's heard about did not reach his hearing at all.
Arya debated a little bit as wondering why they wanted to know. She wasn't the kind of Overlord that sparked out into the world. And it wouldn't be a shock if they didn't know who she was...but she'll soon find out that someone in this room does.
Then, Arya spoke up.
"Her name is Felicia Williams."

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...