Dark Side

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     "You ready?" Chase asked and Jamison nodded as he stood at the edge of the lake, after he explained the plan. Of course the adult was hesitant, but the German Shepherd seemed really confident so he agreed.

"Yeah." He responded and watched as Chase closed his eyes and his mouth dropped closed. He then sighed as he looked up at the dragon, slowly running after him. Jamison took a breath and slightly presented Chase to Sparks.

"You want him!?" He yelled out and Sparks suddenly stopped, wondering if he was about to offer the pup to him.

"Then go and get him!" Jamison screamed as he pulled his arms slightly back and pushed forward, letting Chase slide off his arms and his body was in the air and the dragon's eyes widened and then Jamison watched as he saw one of Chase's eyes open and his mouth slowly formed into a cool smile.

"Ruff. Zipline." Chase whispered as his pup-pack took out it's launcher and shot a zipline around the dragon's neck which completely caught Sparks off guard. The sudden state of shock made his body lighten and made it easier for Chase to pull Sparks into the lake along with himself.

Jamison watched with his eyes wide open and his mouth agape as he watched Chase pull Sparks into the water with him. It worked...c'mon Chase, you can do this! Jamison mentally yelled as he nervously watched the bubbles form on the surface, more impatient than ever.


Chase opened his eyes as he saw Sparks floating above him with his eyes closed. Suddenly, they opened back up and looked around in fear and his eyes suddenly landed on Chase who coolly grinned at him. 

Suddenly his eyes gave out fury as he then opened his mouth to breath out fire, but then water entered and he closed his mouth back up, struggling to breath.

Heh, not easy to breathe or shoot fire underwater, can you? Chase thought with a smirk. Chase reeled in his zipline as it brought Sparks head closer and Chase quickly used his paw to punch Sparks right in his cheek, which caused him to open up his mouth once again.

Sparks' eyes widened as he realized if he doesn't get any air soon, he'll die. Sparks quickly made an attempt to swim back up. Where are you going? Chase thought again as he pulled his body back, keeping Sparks from reaching the surface.

Chase mentally chuckled at the struggling dragon. C'mon, let me see the pain in your eyes Chase thought and mentally gasped as to what he thought. His eyes widened and looked back up at the struggling dragon. 

Chase winced as he let himself be brought up by the dragon as it reached the surface and flew out of the water and roughly landed on the surface, with the brown pup landing on its back.

The police pup watched as Sparks breathed in the air he needed and passed out. Chase sighed and watched as Jamison ran up to him with a proud smile.

"Great job, you did it." He congratulated which only earned a glare from Chase which immediately made him quiet. The second-in-command stepped from the dragon.

"Ruff! Net!" Chase barked out as he shot a net over the sleeping dragon. He then focused on Claw who was struggling under the net but also surprised by what he witnessed. A single pup just took out a whole, strong dragon.

Chase walked up to him and Claw looked up to see Chase glaring down at him, with a look of fury that he has never seen before. 

The German Shepherd removed the net and quickly removed Claw's pup-pack and brought him up closer by his collar with his paws.

"You're coming with me!" He forced and faced one of the buildings.

"Ruff! Grappling hook!" Chase barked up as he reeled himself up, swinging over to a certain place, holding Claw tight.

Adventure Petronas Tower

The elevator opened up and Chase walked in, with his paw wrapped out Claws collar and brought them inside and the German Shepherd was about to speak but saw that the seat was empty and he was nowhere in the room. He growled as he looked back at Claw.

"Where is he!?" He screamed.

"What? Who?" He asked, in confusion and in a bit of fear.

"Don't play dumb, where is the Overlord!" Chase specified and Claw wondered for a moment and smirked at the angry pup.

"Heh! Give it up! I won't sell him out! You and the other pups have crossed me over for the last time! I'd rather go to jail than be a snitch." Claw answered and Chase stared at him with no emotion.

"Who said anything about jail?" He asked and Claw slightly widened his eyes at the sentence.

"W-What do you mean? I don't get it." He stated, now fearing what the police pup had in mind, Chase smirked at him while he stared ahead at one of the large windows, earning a great view of the city.

"Don't worry, you'll get it soon enough." Chase evilly chuckled as he dragged Claw to one of the windows and stared out at the city.

"It's like this, I'm through dealing with guys like you and not getting what I want." Chase interrupted himself as he wrapped both of his front paws around his collar.

He then dragged Claw forward, smashing right through the window. Claw screamed as he was being held out from the window, dangling above the huge drop down the city. Chase smirked as he slowly lowered Claw, watching him hold onto the only source he has that'll keep him from falling down to the abyss of the city.


Claw looked back at the German Shepherd in horror. His whole face was covered by the shadows of the buildings, but his smile was still visible.

"Y-Y-You...you can't do this." Claw silently said.

"I'm done being good cop." Chase growled as he slowly brought Claw back up, closer to his face. "Now tell me where he is, or else..." Chase slowly lowered Claw back down, making him scream.

"OKAY! OKAY! I'll tell you!" Claw yelled, his eyes begging for survival and Chase didn't change his position, but his face had an emotionless frown.

"He-he's at a party...a Thanksgiving party...at...at the Adventure Pyramid Tower." Claw answered, holding onto literal dear life.

Chase's expression didn't change for a second, but then it did, forming into a sweet smile.

"See? Now was that so hard?" Chase asked in a happy tone and without hesitating...

Chase then releases his grasp on Claws' collar.

Claw stared in horror as the German Shepherd dropped the Dobermann down to the void of the city, followed by screams of panic and horror. Every little second, his body went smaller and smaller. Claw couldn't feel what he's feeling as the wind blew coldly on his fur and his knight armor began flying off, piece by piece.

"Ruff! Zipline!" Chase barked out and shot his zipline down, catching Claw.

"Gah!" Claw gasped as tears began forming in his eyes. His life flashed right before his eyes, he  then looked down, thankful to see that he was still alive but also feared the long drop of the city. He then looked up to see Chase detaching the wire and tying it to something, but whatever it was, it made him still hang up.

The black hooded pup walked out and looked down at Claw and scoffed.

"The cops will be here any minute, they'll rescue you." Chase said with a smirk and looked ahead.

"Ruff! Grappling hook!" Chase then barked out and launched his grappling hook down, getting a good grip on one of the buildings and right before he jumped, he stared back down at Claw, leaving him with one final sentence:

"Savor this moment, because next time, I won't catch you." Chase threatened and jumped down, leaving Claw hanging by a thread, waiting for the cops to come.

While Chase made his way to the Adventure Pyramid Tower to confront the Overlord.

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