Who You Really Are

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     He was immediately bombarded with questions the second he, Marshall, and Ryder returned to the mansion. Chase chuckled.

"Guys, guys, it's fine!" Chase calmed them down. 

"Is everything okay? What happened?" Kushina asked worryingly. Chase giggled again.

"Yeah, everything's fine. I just needed a breath of fresh air, that's all." He answered with a warm and charming smile.

Everyone just went silent for a moment.
They way he said it and the face he's making was different. It felt weird for some reason but they felt like they could trust and fully believe his answer. And like that, their worries disappeared. 

"Well, that's good then." Humdinger said his own response and everyone else followed up on it.

"Well now that that's settled, let's get back to on why we're here." Ryder announced and everyone nodded.

     Chase followed everyone else to the door that Marshall described. He walked in front of everyone else, observing the door. Getting a closer look at it, Chase immediately recognized the opening. At first, he wasn't sure what Marshall was describing but now seeing it here and getting closer looks, it's now familiar to him.

"So...you don't remember this door, ever?" Marshall asked.

"No, no. I remember it but...I don't remember ever giving my paw print for it." Chase answered.

"Where does it go?" Tundra asked.

"Downstairs. Where Keres kept all of her prisoners...and me...where she..."

Flash Back

"Oh, he will move. He just needs the right motivation." She said with a wide grin and slowly walked over to the table and picked up the scutica which was leaking fresh blood. And immediately, Chase got afraid and tried his best to talk.

"P-P-Please...no...no more." Chase begged softly, his voice wasn't strong enough to speak loudly.

"Then show me that you can stand up." 

Flash Back Ends

Chase trailed off at that sentence.
He shook his head and turned his view to the door. Then a question began to linger on his mind. He turned back to face the others.

"Hold on, why do we need to get in here?" He asked.

"We found some papers upstairs. It shows the layout of the mansion. Full interior and everything. And beyond that door, downstairs is some kind of lab. Maybe we can find a counter to the serum or the machine in there." Humdinger replied.

     Chase looked down for a moment in thought.
He never really knew there was a lab in this place nor did he ever hear anything about some kind of lab. Perhaps Keres was hiding more than he had thought. Now the only question remains...how were they going to get in? Well, they have an option.

"Well...let's see if my paw print works." Chase suggested. "Can uh...one of you guys lift me up please?" He laughed a little with a blush.

     Everyone else also chuckled. Ryder walked up and gently picked the pup up towards the door where Chase placed his right paw on the scanner. 
Like last time, the scanner made some rustling noises but this time, there was a faint blue line moving up and down the screen. It went on like this for a couple seconds before a blue glowing dot appeared at the corner of the scanner.
The screen read:

Access Granted. Welcome.

Wow. I didn't think that'd actually work. Chase thought with his eyes widened a little.
Everyone watched as the door slowly slide open. It caused some dust particles to fly up and made some of the pups and people cough.  

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