Do You Wear A Mask?

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     Arya was sitting alone, outside of the mansion to where she was taken in by Lady. She kept thinking over and over about her past life. She glanced at her paw as she kept replaying the comments she got from other dogs before they had been killed.

Flash Back

"She's so beautiful!"

"I've never seen a dog that beautiful in my life!"

"I love you!"

"Can you go out with me?"

"How is she so pretty?"

Flash Back Ends

She wasn't able to return anything because she hasn't felt any love in return. She didn't feel anything back towards them. She couldn't feel anything. No love. No hate. No feelings. No nothing. Ever since she'd been found by her, Arya's been emotionless.

Chase, huh? Arya thought.

Flash Back

"Hehe, no. I've made lots of good friends in the past, but none of them have seen my face," He began, and then he sighed without a care in the world. "But they're all dead anyways. I have a certain someone who I want to show my face to, though. I want him to look at me in the eyes when I finally kill him." He said in an evil, deep tone of voice, but Arya didn't seem fazed by it.

Flash Back Ends

Him? Arya began thinking about The Blood King's words. We have two enemies. Is this, Chase, the one he's talking about? She asked herself. Just then, she heard some footsteps walking up behind her and glanced back to see The Blood King, with his usual mask on, walking up and sitting beside her.

"It's a full moon tonight." He said and she looked up at the full moon of the night sky.

"Chase..." Arya began and The Blood King slightly glanced at her, "Is he the one you're after?" She then asked, glancing back right at that mask. The Blood King only responded in silence as he looked back up at the moon. Arya studied his stance, he looked off as if he was thinking on what to say.

"Years ago, he...put my father away." The Blood King hissed a little bit and Arya looked at him even more, not giving any reaction.

"He own father in prison. He was everything I had left to live for." He began and now, Arya looked at him in some confusion. Arya could feel some anger rising inside of him, but again, wasn't fazed.

"Me and my family were in poverty. We had to steal, we had to fight for survival, and then, he came out of nowhere and...he ruined my own family. Now I lost both of my parents. That's why I won't ever forgive him. And I'll make sure he suffers for it." The Blood King growled.

Arya only stared at him, and then looked back at the moon. She didn't seem fazed by The Blood King's anger at all.

"Interesting." Was all she could say.

With The Pups

The lights were off in the Paw Patroller. Slowly, everybody began falling asleep, some of the other pups went asleep while Ryder and Robo-Dog kept watch on the road. Chase was awake, and he kept staring at the highway quickly washing by. He was able to get a good view of the stars and the night sky. The full moon was out tonight.

Just then, the small pup felt his nose was flinching a little bit. He snuffled a couple times before his whole body tensed up.

"Achoo." Chase quickly raised his front leg to cover the sneeze and to muffle it so he wouldn't wake anyone up. Figuring that it wasn't anything serious, he just shrugged it off and looked back at the scenery in front of him.

Chase smiled slightly at the moon, just then, he heard someone quietly jumping up next to him and he looked at his side and frowned when he saw Skye sitting down next to him.

"The moons beautiful, isn't it?" She said softly as she sighed into the light of the moon that it provided.

"Yeah, I guess." Chase said a little bit coldly. Even though he wouldn't say it out loud, he admitted to himself. He's been a little nicer to them only because their parents were around. Especially to Skye.

Flash Back

"Yeah, it can be a lot sometimes. I understand that he's the leader, but he definitely should stop when we're outside of missions. Like taking walks? Of course, he's the only one who really walks long around Adventure Bay and tries to get us to come with him."

Flash Back Ends

The German Shepherd frowned at that memory. If you think I'll forget that, you're wrong Chase thought angrily.

"I think you should go to sleep." Chase suggested, hoping for Skye to just leave him alone. Skye looked at him, a little surprised by his words, but nodded a little bit.

"I guess you're right. But before I do, can I ask you something?" Skye asked and Chase mentally groaned, but figured that if he'd just answer to what she asked, she'll leave him alone faster.

"What?" He almost spat out and saw Skye sadly glancing to the other side of the Paw Patroller.

"What did we do...that made you change this way?" She asked and Chase's eyes widened at the question. Did she seriously just ask that? Chase thought. That state of shock was replaced with annoyance and anger.

"It took you that long to ask, huh?" Chase stated, keeping his voice quiet. Skye only looked at him with her eyes a little bit more open. Chase only glared at her.

"I think it's something that you and others should figure out." Chase hissed and Skye looked at him with a bit of sadness and also a little bit of shock.

"But how can we if you won't talk to us?" Skye asked, hinting a little bit of anger in her voice as well. She was trying to find out why their police pup had changed, but every time she would try and spend time, he wouldn't say anything.

"Okay then, let me ask you something?" Chase then suggested and Skye seemed a little surprised and speechless. But none-the-less, listened in.

"Do you wear a mask?"

Skye looked at Chase in visible confusion. What is he talking about? Skye asked in her mind. The question has completely thrown the Cockapoo off guard.

"What? What does that have to do with what we're talking about?" Skye asked, still hinting her impatience and irritation.

Silence. Chase just stared right into her magenta eyes. A look of disappointment made its way to his face.

"Until you figure that out, I won't talk to you about this anymore." Chase stated harshly and Skye's face turned into visible sadness and shock. The pink pup couldn't believe her ears. Silence fell between them, and it was clearly obvious that the German Shepherd didn't want to speak to her right now. She just sighed.

"Y'know what, it's useless speaking to you about this. Goodnight." She said bitterly and walked off to the other side to join her sleeping parents.

Chase only glared as he looked back and then he turned his head to the highway. He squinted his eyes as he looked back down on his paws.

How many more times do I have to let down my mask for them to finally figure it out? The police pup wondered. But now, he didn't care as all he wanted to do now was just rest. He bent down and curled himself into a ball as he positioned himself next to Kushina and soon, fell into his slumber.

But before he slumbered, he made one final thought, as if he was speaking to the entire Paw Patrol again.

My to hide who you guys have been destroying this whole time

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