The Night Before Christmas

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     'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house.

Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

In hopes St. Nicholas soon would be there

Colorful lights were hung on the walls,

As Mayor Goodway decorated City Hall

The pups were excited for the party,

They still couldn't help but feel sorry

There's Rocky, now Zuma, and then we've got a Rubble.

Next was Everest, then Skye, don't forget about Marshall!

But there was something out of place.

As everyone was missing a Chase

Everything was set up and ready. The Christmas tree was decorated, inside and outside. The lights and stocking were hung up and everything else was taken care of. Everyone in the Lookout got their gifts hidden for Secret Santa, so it was time that only stood in the way between the pups and Christmas.

And still, Chase wasn't back. Skye and Marshall were angry about this earlier in the day, but now, with each passing minute, their anger formed in worry. It wasn't just them, everyone else inside the Lookout wondered where their German Shepherd pup was. Is he gonna come back for Christmas?

That's a question that Ryder wanted to know. He knew Chase was staying over at the Humdingers, but what about Christmas? Everyone was down at the Lookout, preparing a last couple things when they heard Ryder's pup-pad ring.

The leader pulled out the device and answered, and everyone heard Chase's voice through the line.

"Hey Ryder." He greeted and everyone quietly grouped up around the boy. Hearing Chase's voice made them relieved, but wondered why he was gonna call and hopefully, he called to say that he was coming back for Christmas.

"Hey Chase, I'm glad to see you're doing well." Ryder said with a light smile.

"'re things at the Lookout?" Chase asked as everyone heard his voice drop when he asked that certain part of the sentence.

"Busy, but everything's okay, I guess. When are you coming back? Christmas is tomorrow." Ryder asked and silence filled the room as Chase hadn't responded. But then he opened his mouth.

"I'm not coming back for Christmas."

Everyone's jaw dropped the second he finished that sentence. The tension was high. Silence. Everyone had their own thoughts. They were shocked. They were confused. Some were even angry. Why? Why isn't he coming back?

"W-Wait, what? Why not?" Ryder asked, trying to hide his broken voice. But he too was shocked by what came out of Chase's mouth. They always celebrated the holidays with each other. If it wasn't family, it was friends. For the amount of time the pups have been a part of the Paw Patrol, they always celebrated Christmas with friends, or not, they would travel and spend it with their family. And especially, everyone would be there, even Chase.

"Sorry Ryder but...I don't wanna spend Christmas alone again, so yeah." Chase chuckled a little bit, which shocked them even more.

He sounded like it didn't bother him at all. He laughed it off like it was nothing. That bothered them even more, but then there was the wording of "I don't wanna spend Christmas alone again," What did he mean by that?

"Y-Yeah, sure...I...I hope everything's okay." Ryder agreed. Of course, he couldn't deny Chase's wishes. Besides, he understands what he means by not spending Christmas alone again, but it also confuses him. What about the Paw Patrol? He wasn't alone...was he?

"Thanks, and...Merry Christmas Ryder." Chase said before ending the call.

Everyone in the room was silent but most importantly, they felt betrayed. Kushina and Edan worryingly looked at each other. Are they not gonna spend Christmas with their son? So many thoughts and emotions ran through everyone's minds but all of them couldn't help but think.


With Chase

Meanwhile, at Foggy Bottom. Chase helped Humdinger with baking while Arya and Helga were moving some tables and some bean bags over because they wanted to spend Christmas with just each other. Maya and the kittens were cleaning some things up and bringing some games and some movies as it was a part of the Christmas activity they were gonna do tomorrow.

Humdinger watched all of them helping each other out and the sight just made him smile. He didn't think he would be this happy before. Normally, he would like to spend the holidays and basically every other day alone, but the truth is, he hated it. But now, a huge twist in his life happened.

He always hated the Paw Patrol. He despised every single one of the members, especially Chase. He couldn't stand the police pup getting in his way every time, especially with what happened in Adventure City.

Who would've thought that the same pup he hated would bring him happiness and pull him out of his darkness. He brought him family. Something he hasn't had in a while. But one thing he didn't know was that Chase felt the exact same way.

Humdinger and Chase shared a bond. They know what each other is going through, they understand each other and being together along with Helga, Maya, Arya and the kittens. It was like a puzzle piece, they all played their part and completed one another and created a beautiful image, a beautiful family.

Without a doubt, each one will feel like tomorrow will be the best Christmas they ever had...because they have each other.

Late night came, and everyone decided to sleep together in the middle of the main room. Arya and Maya were snuggling while Humdinger and Helga were cuddling with their kittens while Chase was still awake. Everyone slept in a formation of a circle.

And the shepherd wasn't up because something bothered him. He was up because he couldn't wait, he was happy, he felt excited for the first time in his life.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his slumber

Looked at the filled stockings, then began to wonder,

He has faced tragedy,

But now has a true family.

And giving a nod, his eyes sparkling with joy

He giggled with pleasure

As everything felt better

When Chase was with them together.

And away, he turned and closed his beautiful, chocolate eyes

In tomorrow's time, he will rise

As time was the only thing in their way

For them to enjoy their wonderful Christmas Day

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