Thunder Island

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     As Ryder threw on his backpack, he was discussing with Katie on which way they should go. Chase kept on yawning and stretching his body.

"You okay?" Rubble asked.

"Yeah I'm...fine." Chase said between another yawn.

"You sure? You slept for, like, the whole trip." Everest said. 

"I guess I was really tired." Chase responded with a slight chuckle. But his smile slowly dropped. He never really realized how tired he actually was. Even now, his whole body feels tired and Chase felt like going back to bed.

"You were also moving around in your sleep...a lot." Everest added.

"Really?" Chase pretended to be surprised.

"Yeah, you were." Rubble backed the Husky up. 

Chase shrugged in "confusion", not wanting to admit why he was actually rolling around in his sleep. 

"Okay, now that we're here, we can start searching." Ryder suddenly interrupted, letting everyone know that they were already going to be on the move. 
Everyone nodded at the boy and they all suddenly turned towards Chase which sort of took him by surprise.


"Well, you're the only one who knows where Keres' place used to be, right?" Rocky asked.

"I know what it looks like, but I don't remember where it is. The only thing I know is that her mansion has a great view of a city." Chase responded.

"That really doesn't do much, huh?" Kushina asked and everyone agreed with her. 

"Whewe should we stawt?" Zuma asked but him, along with everyone else began thinking that exact same question. 

"Well, why don't we retrace my footsteps." Chase spoke up and everyone focused their attention back to him.

"You all know, the only reason why Keres found me was because I ran into her while running away from my uncle. If we can just find the place where I used to live and look around, maybe we can find some traces that lead to her mansion." The German Shepherd further explained. 

"That's a good idea." Skye agreed with Chases plan.

"It is, but do you remember where you used to live?" Rocky asked Chase.

"Near an ocean in Manuel Antonio I'm pretty sure." 

"Where are we now?" Tundra asked. Ryder pulled out his pup-pad to check their location and then gave out an answer with a smile.

"We're lucky. We landed near the river of Rio Naranjo. It'll take us about thirty minutes to get there." 

Everyone smiled at that. Ryder put his pup-pad back in his pocket.

"Robo-Dog will stay and guard the Paw Patroller while we're out." The leader of the Paw Patrol decided to mention. 

Chase looked at the sun and squinted his eyes while also using his paw to cover his eyes a little from the bright light.

"I'd say it's about eleven-forty seven in the morning right now. We basically have more than enough time to look around the whole day." Chase voiced.

"You can tell the time by looking at the sun?" Rocky asked with a hint of shock on his tone. Chase turned around and grinned at the mixed breed.

"Yup. Back then, I didn't have any clocks or watches. So when I worked and delivered wood, I would ask the buyers what the time was and basing it off of that, I would practice telling the time just by looking at the sun."

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