Chase's Past Part 6

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    In the darkness, all alone. Wet, covered in mud, pain from the wounds and exhausted. He didn't even know where he was running any more, he just cared about getting away from that man. That's all he ever cared about.

He literally ran for over five minutes and Chase felt like he got away in a far enough distance. He was panting and his face was drenched in sweat.

Chase opened one of his eyes and looked at his surroundings, he was in a forest in the middle of nowhere, a forest that he didn't recognize.

"Where am I?" Chase asked himself, hoping that someone in the forest would answer, but no answer came. Chase took a couple steps, looking around. He forgot which way he came from and was hoping he could recognize a route, but sadly, he couldn't.

Suddenly, in the corner of his eye, Chase noticed a faint light coming from the darkness of the forest. With a slight bit of hope, Chase followed the light, each step made the light shine brighter and brighter until he noticed that the light was shining through a window, and quickly hiding behind a tree, Chase studied at what he saw in front of him.

It was a shack, but a much smaller shack than the one Chase lived in. But the conditions of it seemed better than Chase's, to which he was surprised, he noticed the window was opened, and quietly took a couple steps forward.

As soon as he got closer, he heard footsteps coming from inside, but not by one person, but more. More like two people were in there. Getting the courage, Chase peeked over at the window and his eyes widened.

Inside was nothing but a table and a doorway on the floor. Inside wasn't that furnished at all, but what shocked Chase the most was who was in the shack. There was an older man, around the age of thirty or forty, who was wearing a torn black shirt and dirty cargo pants. But that didn't shock Chase the most, he saw two other people there with him. Not people, but an adult German Shepherd that he recognized.

His Father

What was his father doing here? Why is he here? A million questions ran through Chase's mind and a thought entered Chase's mind. Is he getting a job? Chase suddenly thought and for some reason, he felt excited. He then peaked back at the window and saw his father sitting down on opposite ends of the table with the man on the opposite side.

"I'm surprised you guys asked to talk with me tonight." The man said while taking a drink out of his cup.

"Yeah, well there's something I need you to take care of." Chase's father said in a serious tone. Chase then began to worry. The thoughts of him getting a job was right out the window, but now he was curious on what his father needed to take care of.

"Oh? And what situation do you have that is needed for an assassin like me?" The man asked and Chase had his mouth agape. His father was talking to a hitman!? Chase wanted to run and scream. Was his Dad planning on killing someone? Chase stood quite, he stopped peeking at the window and just leaned against the wall.

"Look, I have a wife and a son. Obviously, he's gonna get people's attention, and when he does, my wife and I will have our lives ruined like they weren't already." Chase's father explained.

"Already?" The man repeated.

"My son was a mistake, he never should've happened. Even when things couldn't get harder, of course my wife had to give birth to a mistake and ruin our lives even more. He can't even work properly. Which is why tomorrow, I'll be making him sleep outside and that's where you'll come in and kill him." Chase's father explained.

Chase couldn't believe what he just heard. His entire life just fell apart. His entire body went still like a statue, his blood was cold, his heart began beating faster due to the fear he felt. He couldn't move at all.

"Sleep outside? Then your son will have to do something really bad in that case." The man giggled and in response, Chase's father laughed.

"My son has been doing work and has been getting very little money so he's not able to afford liquor for me and my wife. Which is why, these past couple days, We've told the people that he was giving the wood to, to give my son little to no change at all. My wife and I basically rigged the whole thing!" Chase's father laughed, making the assassin laugh too.

Chase's eyes began to water, feeling fear and betrayal. This whole time, he was doing hard work these past couple days, just to make his father and mother happy. He just learned that his father has rigged the payments in order to kill his own son! Not only that, he also found out that his mother knew everything. She was on board with killing her own son!

"Here's the thing though, after you kill my stupid son, I want you kill my wife too." Chase's father stated and Chase peaked at the window in shock.

"Huh? If you and your wife agree on me killing your son, why do you want me to kill her?" The man asked, surprised, but at the same time, it seemed like he didn't care.

"Look, that woman has been a pain all my life. It's also her fault I got stuck with disappointment as a son. You can never understand how many arguments we have and I'm quite fed up with it. Hah! The only thing we agreed on was getting rid of our mistake." Chase's father laughed, referring to Chase.

"Okay? Tomorrow right?" The man asked, and his father nodded.

"And how much are you willing to pay?" The man asked.

"You think it's hard for me to rob places? I'll get your payments in no time." Chase's father said coolly. The man hesitated at first, but then made up his mind.

"Alright. Tomorrow it is then. And you sure you want me to kill your son AND your wife." The man asked, once again, making sure that this adult dog was confident.

"There's nothing I want more." Chase's father said with an evil smirk.

And the deal was done.

Chase couldn't take it. He began breathing heavily. Immediately, he placed a paw over his mouth so they couldn't hear him. He slowly backed away from the shed and when he was far enough, he quickly dashed towards the way he came from. Tears were still streaming down his face.

How? How? How? How could he!? After everything he did for him, Chase has just learned that his father is hiring someone to kill his own family. Chase couldn't believe it. Everything's my fault! If I wasn't a disappointment! If I was never born then my Mom wouldn't be in danger right now! Chase yelled in his mind. He needed to do something. If Chase got to his house fast, he could tell and warn his mother about what his father is planning. But then, Chase forgot the fact that she was in on the plan of killing her own son.

Chase suddenly felt pain in his head and placed two of his paws on his head, his head was in pain. Everything that Chase had just witnessed was taking a toll on him.

They don't want you

You're not needed

You're nothing

You're useless

You deserve to die

You're not wanted

Voices have been repeating words like that. The voices kept on talking and talking, they wouldn't go away.

"Go away...GO AWAY!" Chase shouted and suddenly...

He fainted.

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