Cat Friend

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     Chase was hanging off of the cliff, one front of his paw was holding onto the ledge while the other was wrapped around Gaskets paw. The Husky looked up at her savior with complete shock on her face. Out of everyone who could've rescued her, it was Chase.

Gasket looked up at the German Shepherd, and stared straight into his beautiful, brown eyes. His little gritted teeth made him look even more serious, but also made him look worried. 

Gasket couldn't help but blush at the sight of much changed police pup. She kept staring at the handsome pup with many thoughts flooding into her mind.

She's beginning to see just how much he's changed, and for the better. W-When did he get so attractive? She thought to herself, even surprised at herself for thinking that. Then, from behind the shepherd, she saw Hubcap and Dwayne quickly wrapping their paws around Chase's paw that was holding onto the ledge and pulled him up.

Tundra quickly dashed out of the bushes and ran up to help them and she did, successfully pulling both Chase and Gasket from falling.

Everyone fell on their backs and began breathing as they took a minute to process what just happened.

"You alright?" The police pup asked as he had one eye opened to look at Gasket who stared back at the shepherd in shock.

"Y-Y-Yeah." She stuttered and quickly looked away, trying to hide her blush and Chase just looked at her in visible confusion towards her actions.

"We...We thought you were done for." Dwayne said, his voice breaking a little bit as he began wishing that what just happened tonight, would never happen again.

Then, out of nowhere, Chase heard some rustling in the distance and he looked back at the abyss of the forest. No rustling was heard again, it just came and went. The pup just shrugged it off and looked back at the four pups.

"Y-Y'know, just this once, thanks." The police pup of the Paw Patrol glanced over at Hubcap who stood back up and faced him.

"If it weren't for you, she probably wouldn't be alive." Hubcap said and Chase slightly smiled at him.

"No problem." He grinned, which seemed to surprise Hubcap, but he lightly smiled back. Gasket, Dwayne and Hubcap walked over to edge to see the water bubbling, and slowly disappearing. They sadly stared as they saw their vehicles consumed by the water.

"Well, that was something." Tundra commented who walked up next to Chase. The three of them then glared at the duo.

"Why were you following us?" Dwayne asked.

"Well we saw you speeding around town and I decided to follow you because why not?" Chase shrugged, once again, the three of them were surprised by the shepherd's response. It sounded lazy.

"We were minding our own business! Why did you have to butt in?" Hubcap asked.

"Again, why not?" Chase responded with a light smile this time, making them sigh in defeat.

"Well, how are we gonna travel around? We can't just walk home." Gasket said, as all three of them knew that their home was far away.

"Well, how far do you live?" Tundra asked.

"We kind of live in a warehouse. It's also kind of far away too." Dwayne answered.

"Well...good luck gettin' home." Chase shrugged and turned around and began walking away, which surprised the Ruff-Ruff Pack, even Tundra was a little surprised.

Then, Hubcap quickly dashed in front of the shepherd.

"Hold it! Where are you going?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"Uh, back to the Lookout?" He responded.

"No way! It's your fault that we lost our motorcycles. Now you have to help us get back home." Hubcap demanded, earning a look from the police pup with a look of shock.

"What!? I just dropped by to say hello and you guys tried to assault me. If anything, you're lucky I'm not arresting you right now cause I'm in a good mood." Chase argued back and began walking past Hubcap, now the small bulldog dashed back in front of Chase.

"You have to help us! If you hadn't followed us, we wouldn't be here in the first place." Hubcap weakly argued.

"Dude, one, last time, I had to save you guys from a cave and two, how am I supposed to know that you three would try to attack me?" Chase pointed out and Hubcap was left speechless as he didn't have a better argument.

Meanwhile, Gasket and Dwayne were listening and they kind of agreed with the shepherd a little bit, even though Hubcap was their leader.

"To be honest, Chase kind of has a point. We did randomly attack him." Dwayne agreed.

"And plus, he was standing behind our vehicles, how was he supposed to know? Kind of our fault too." Gasket pointed out as well.

At least they're nice about it Chase happily sighed as he heard the two slightly agreeing and watched as their leader looked at them with a surprised face.

"You guys can't be serious!" He yelled in disbelief.

"Fine, I'll help you guys out." He agreed and everyone looked at the shepherd in shock.

"Really!?" The three of them yelled out and Chase opened one eye to look at Hubcap.

"You're lucky to have these two, they're the reason why I decided to help you." Chase admitted with a cool smile.

Dwayne, Gasket and Tundra then smiled at each other and Hubcap just rolled his eyes.

"Fine." He grunted and Chase chuckled as he patted his back.

"Alright, follow me." Chase said and turned back to the forest and stopped, immediately confusing the rest of the pups.

"What's wrong?" Tundra asked and the German Shepherd sheepishly turned to face her.

"Which way did we come from again?" He nervously chuckled, earning shocked looks from everyone.

They began looking around as they didn't know which way they should take to get to Adventure Bay. But then, the five lost pups then heard rustling up ahead. Chase frowned as he realized that there was someone watching them and they looked down to see a bush violently shaking and soon, a figure jumped out to them which caused them to gasp in shock.

It was a cat with light cream fur with patches of light orange fur around his greenish blue eyes and has a collar with gold edges with a gray center and a red cat paw in the middle.

"I think I can help you guys out with that." He said and everyone stared at the Ginger Tabby cat as they realized who it was.

It was the first ever cat member of the Paw Patrol and everyone, except for Tundra, yelled out his name.


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