Morning came and everybody was awake, Ryder prepared breakfast for all of them and they all happily ate.
"Thanks again, for letting us stay here, Ryder." Fiona thanked once again and Ryder happily smiled at her.
"No problem, it'll be a lot more fun and a big help with you here." Ryder said, making everyone smile. Soon, after everybody finished up breakfast, the pups got together, including Sylvia, backing away from Chase, who was still asleep, Ryder and their parents.
"Okay, so Skye, did you find anything out?" Zuma asked, hoping that on the "date" Skye and Chase went on, Skye would've found something out.
"Huh? Find out about what?" Sylvia asked, obviously confused as she didn't know the actual reason why Skye went on a "date" with the police pup.
The pups looked at each other, wondering if they should tell Sylvia.
" notice how...Chase has been acting lately?" Everest asked and Sylvia looked up at the German Shepherd and already knew what they were talking about.
"Oh, yeah? What about it?" Sylvia asked.
"Well, we're trying to figure out why he's acting the way he is." Rubble answered.
"Oh, but why? I mean, that pup's pretty hot if you ask me." Sylvia said, making everyone look at each other with a bit of a surprised look by Sylvia's words, while Skye, Liberty and Everest kind of looked at her with a slight glare.
"W-Well, still, he's been ignoring us a lot and doesn't even want to hang out with us anymore. The only reason why Chase went with Skye yesterday is that we kind of pushed him to and made a deal with us that if he did, we would leave him alone." Marshall explained and Sylvia now knew.
"Ah, I see. So you wanted to find out why he's acting the way he is through a date, clever. So what did you find out?" Sylvia asked and everyone looked at Skye who lightly blushed.
"Honestly, I didn't ask him anything about that." Skye embarrassingly chuckled as everyone's mouth dropped.
"Seriously? Not even one thing?" Rocky whined.
"Hey, to be honest, I was too busy enjoying the whole thing, I guess I kind of forgot." Skye tried to defend herself and everybody sighed.
"So what are we gonna do now?" Liberty asked and everyone tried to think of a plan.
With Ryder
The parents were helping Ryder clean their bowls that they ate from, and Fiona looked back to see the pups talking, but then looked up to see that Chase was still asleep.
"Hey, isn't it about time that he woke up?" Fiona asked as she pointed at Chase. They looked up to see Chase still snoozing and Kushina sighed at the sight.
"Give me a sec, I'll be right back." Kushina said and Edan could feel the irritation radiating from Kushina and sweated a little bit. Oh boy, he's gonna get it now Edan thought
Kushina walked up the stairs and climbed up the ladder, now watching Chase sleeping with his usual hoodie on. He's so peaceful when he sleeps Kushina warmly smiled, but knew she had to wake him up now. Kushina placed a paw on her shoulder and shook Chase.
"Hey, get up." She lightly said, but Chase shrugged her off and turned his back to her, making Kushina deadpan.
"Hey, wake up, it's morning now." Kushina tried again, while shaking his shoulder a little more, but Chase wasn't budging. So that's how he wants to play it Kushina thought while her eyebrow twitched and sighed.
"WAKE UP!" Kushina yelled.
"GAH!" Chase screamed as he jumped as everybody heard the sound of Chase banging his head on the ceiling, making them wince.
"Ugh!" He groaned as he placed both of his paws on his forehead, he then furiously glared at Kushina who was standing there with a surprised look.
"What's your problem!? What was that for!?" Chase yelled.
"Well you weren't getting up!" Kushina argued back.
"Why do you have against me sleeping?" Chase yelled back while he still held his forehead.
"Don't give me that attitude! Now get up!" Kushina ordered like a mother, while Chase only growled at her.
"I won't listen to anything you say, especially violent girls!" Chase argued and that comment made Kushina furious.
"Aaah?! Just who do you think you're calling violent!?" Kushina argued back.
Everyone watched as Chase and Kushina began to argue and all of them sighed, that's what basically happens when the two of them interact.
Chase got up and began eating breakfast, still angry with Kushina about how she woke him up. That's when Ryder came up to the German Shepherd.
"Morning, bud. So I got a call." Ryder said as he kneeled down towards Chase.
"What's up?" He asked as he took one last bite of his food.
"Captain Turbot is delivering some boxes towards the docs of the city. Do you mind if you and Zuma can go and help him out, there's gonna be a lot of it and I think he could use the help of you two." Ryder suggested and immediately, Chase did not like the idea. The plan of going with Zuma is what bothered him.
Flash Back
"I don't know, but we gotta do something about Chase." Zuma brought up and Chase's ears perked.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Skye asked in a confused tone.
"Weally? He stawts every morning with that megaphone that is super loud! Especially today when we're all tiwed!" The Labrador began.
"Exactly! I don't wanna walk with him or hang out, just be left alone. But whatevew." Zuma said.
"Don't know dude. Sometimes, I wish that we didn't have him as the leader or police pup on the team. I know that's a bit hawsh, but c'mon, his authowity is really annoying. I wish we didn't have someone like that on our team." Zuma said.
Flash Back Ends
"Does it really have to be me and Zuma?" Chase whined a little bit and Ryder was confused on why he complained about it, but nodded.
"Ugh, whatever. I'll get him. Thanks for the food." Chase thanked him and walked towards Zuma who was still talking with the other pups.
"Yo, Zuma!" Chase called out and the pups turned towards the German Shepherd.
"Captain Turbot needs our help, let's go." Chase said and began walking towards his vehicle, but nonetheless, Zuma agreed as this was his chance to get to know the police pup.
Get to truly know him.

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...