Chase walked down the pathway along with Helga who was leading him down.
"Hummy Gummy! You have a visitor." Helga said in the most sweet, motherly tone which made Chase chuckle, and both of them suddenly heard a groan. They saw Mayor Humdinger opening one of the doors and walking out of it.
"Mom, how many times do I have to tell you, don't call me that-" Humdinger then stopped himself, in a state of being shocked by seeing Chase, standing next to his mother.
"Yo." Chase said with a grin as he waved his paw to him and Mayor Humdinger didn't do anything, but awkwardly waved back.
"U-Uh, hey." Humdinger greeted him. Surprisingly, he wasn't mad or upset about one of the pups from the Paw Patrol being in his lair. Normally he would, but now he's more calm about it, but mostly because it was Chase visiting him.
"So, what're you doing here?" He asked.
"I came to pay a visit, since the Paw Patrol will be leaving to Adventure City tomorrow." Chase said.
"Wait, you're leaving tomorrow?" Humdinger asked, hinting a little bit of sadness in his voice, causing Chase to giggle.
"Yeah, we have a mission and we have to leave tomorrow." Chase explained and Helga decided to jump in the conversation.
"Well, shouldn't you be packing right now?"
"Well, I already did that, and I think I'd just spend some time with you guys...I-if that's okay." Chase added, nervously rubbing his neck.
"No, no, that...that'd be fun." Humdinger agreed and Chase lightly smiled at him and Helga smiled at the two of them.
"Alright then, why don't we spend some time together, all of us?" Helga suggested.
"All of us?" Chase repeated and then heard the sounds of purring and meowing and looked behind to see Humdingers kittens walking up to them. Quickly, Chase's allergies kicked in.
"Achoo!" Chase covered his nose and backed away and when the kittens saw the German Shepherd, they hissed towards him until Mayor Humdinger quickly jumped in between them.
"Hang on there, kitties. He's a friend." Mayor Humdinger calmed them down and the kittens looked at Humdinger in confusion and then back at Chase. Humdinger kneeled down and patted the cat that looked like Chase.
"Oh, so you're allergic to cats, huh?" Helga said and kneeled down towards Chase.
"Yeah, I sneeze every time I get near 'em." Chase chuckled.
"Then, this might be a solution for you." Mayor Humdinger walked up with a sock in his hand and Chase deadpanned.
"You're seriously gonna make me wear that?" And he placed the clean sock around Chase's nose.
"Well, if it helps you with your allergies, then yes." Mayor Humdinger replied and Chase sighed in defeat. Humdinger then slowly looked down and his mouth opened agape and his eyes widened when he saw a familiar necklace, hanging off of Chase. Slowly, Mayor Humdinger positioned his hand under the necklace and lifted up, a little closer to him. Chase saw his reaction and his action and became a little bit nervous for what his reaction would be.
"W-Where did you get this necklace?" He asked in a disbelieved tone. Chase moved his eyes and landed with Helga's.
"She did." Humdinger looked back to see Helga looking at her son with a somewhat worried look. He looked back and noticed that his hoodie presented the same logo as it did on the necklace.
Then, Humdinger smiled.
"Gotta say, it kind of looks good on you." Humdinger said as he let the necklace go and stood back up. Chase seemed a little bit surprised by his response, but smiled back at him. As long as he wasn't upset about him wearing this special necklace.
"Thanks." Chase said with a thankful smile and Humdinger warmly smiled back.
"So, what do you plan on doing here?" He asked.
"Well, I was just thinking we could hang out." Chase said in a light-hearted tone and Humdinger thought for a second and was then interrupted by a ringing, coming from a lighting pup-tag on Chase.
"Hold on, gimme a sec." Chase sighed and answered the call.
"Hey, Chase? Where are you?" Ryder asked in a worried tone.
"Calm down Ryder, I'm just..." Chase looked up at Humdinger and Helga and knew he couldn't tell him where he was right now. "I'm just taking a stroll around Adventure Bay. Don't worry, I'll be back before the sun sets." Chase responded.
"Oh, okay then. Just let me know next time because you left without saying anything." Ryder mentioned, making Chase chuckle.
"Hehe, sorry about that Ryder. I won't forget. Bye." Chase ended the call and focused back on Humdinger and Helga.
"Sorry about that, anyways, any idea of what we could do?" Chase asked and everyone looked at each other and quickly took some time to think until Humdinger thought of an idea.
"How about game night? I have a couple board games we could play together." Humdinger suggested while the cats happily meowed.
"That sounds fun." Helga said while clapping her hands together, as she was excited to do something fun all together.
"Cool. Let's do it." Chase agreed and Humdinger pointed towards a Hallway.
"At the end, there will be shelves and one level, there are board games stacked up. Do you mind getting them while me and Arnold make snacks?" Helga asked sweetly but was then confused as she saw Chase, sitting there with a surprised look.
"Hold up, your name's Arnold?" Chase asked as he looked at Humdinger who nervously nodded back at him, confirming his thoughts.
"So this whole time, now I find out what your actual name is?" Chase asked in a shocked tone, causing everyone to laugh, including Chase.
"I'll get the games, don't worry." Chase happily said and began walking down the hallway, noticing the kittens following beside him.
"You guys wanna help out?" Chase asked and all of them meowed together, basically saying "yes.". Which made Chase laugh.
"Thanks, guys. Maybe kittens aren't that bad after all?" Chase said and two kittens that resembled Chase and Skye quickly snuggled up beside his two front legs, making Chase lightly blush.
"Awww. Alright, let's go." Chase said and happily ran down, along with the kittens.
With Humdinger
Mayor Humdinger was heating up some popcorn while Helga was making some home-made chicken and fish. Both of them were alone and Humdinger took this opportunity to talk to his mother.
"How come you gave him the necklace?" Humdinger asked, in an interested and confused tone. Helga turned towards him and looked at the ground.
"I told him about Kamato." She responded and Humdinger slightly gasped and looked at her mother with wide eyes.
"Look, I know that story is between our family, but..." Helga stopped, but Humdinger didn't say anything, but just listened to what his mother had to say. "I feel like it was the right thing to do. I don't know what it is about him, but I could feel that he's special in some sort of way and that necklace belongs to him. I'm sorry for that, if you want, I can ask him to give the necklace back." Helga suggested in a sad tone.
"No." He simply said, now earning a surprised look from Helga.
"I...I want him to keep it." Humdinger said. For some reason, he felt the same way that Helga did and Arnold turned towards his mom with a confident smile. He then opened his mouth and said something that he had no trouble saying and made him believe it was the right thing to say.
"There's nobody else I would want more, other than Chase to wear that necklace."

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...