In front of the entrance of Adventure Bay Park, the sick German Shepherd was being held up by his pup-pack, by Butch who was faced Chase towards the rest of the nine members of the Ominous Ten.
"Man, I didn't think I'd be this easy. So, who'd like to take the honor?" Butch laughed, referring to who would be ending Chase's life. Just then, Ruben took a step up.
"Hohohoho! I'm feeling like putting this metal arm through your chest." Ruben smirked as he stuck his right, robotic fist out. But then, he looked at Chase whose head had been hanging down this whole time.
The police pup slowly raised his head up, giving Ruben a death glare, but it didn't faze the blond.
"Haha! What's the matter, coward? Are you too scared to crack your last joke!?" Ruben cried and dashed towards Chase with his fist forward.
Even though it hurt, Chase needed to react fast.
"Ruff. Net." Chase silently barked and quickly, his pup-pack quickly shot out it's net, right into Rubens face, quickly catching him off guard.
"GAH!" He yelled as he stopped running and was too focused on ripping the net off, meanwhile, Chase quickly used his back leg to kick Butch's chin, sending both of them back, but the big guy didn't lose his grip on the pups hoodie.
Then, Claw reacted quickly.
"Quick! Sparks, finish it!" Claw ordered and Sparks responded by channeling energy in his throat and shooting fire towards the both of them.
Even with his eyes closed, the red and yellow light shined through his eyelids which quickly made Butch shoot open his eyes and let out a horrifying scream at the fire blasting towards him.
In a panic, Butch ducked down while throwing Chase in the air instead of bringing him down with him. The throw caused Chase to fly over the entrance of the park and slam onto the grass, which bursted the German Shepherd with a lot of pain.
"Ugh." Chase groaned out as he held himself again, trying to ease the pain in a terrible situation like this. But then, he glanced over to see the Ominous Ten running through the entrance.
"There he is!" Carson yelled out and quickly pointed his gauntlets, shooting blasts of air towards him. Chase reacted by backflipping away a couple of times from each blast.
But the German Shepherd was heading towards a drop where stairs are needed to walk down. They were fighting on top of a bridge and the pathway below goes under.
Chase jumped onto the steps and jumped down from the edge, trying to escape the team of super villains.
"No way!" Wilson yelled out and everyone ran towards the edge, now seeing Chase falling down. Duke quickly made an attempt to fly over and hit him from the air. He shot himself towards the air and around to hit the police pup.
"Ruff! Grappling hook!" Chase barked out and shot his grappling hook around Wilson who gasped. Chase landed on all fours of the ground and pulled Wilson down along with him, causing Duke, who was flying towards him and Wilson who was falling towards him, to go into a collision course, knocking both of them towards the stone stairs.
While the two were down for now, Chase saw his shadow and a bright light coming from him and looked behind to see Butch shooting fire from his two gauntlets that he wore. Chase quickly jumped up, dodging the blast, and dodging another blast of air from Carson.
"Ruff! Zipline!" Chase then barked out and his launcher for his zipline aligned with his launcher with the grappling hook.
He shot both wires around Carson's and Butch's chests who gasped. Chase pulled his body down, causing both Carson and Butch's faces to slam into the stone fences of the edge.

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...