Soccer With Robo Dog

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     6 Years Later

Chase woke up once more, checking the time to see 10:35 AM. Chase has slept in longer all because of the missions that he had to do yesterday all by himself. He was still surprised that he somehow managed to stop a whole animal conga line but it was also tiring. Chase yawned as he was about to head out and use his megaphone to wake the other pups but realized he was still alone.

"Hah! Not gonna fool me this time." Chase laughed, but his laugh stopped which was then complete by full silence. Chase sighed and wore his normal blue hoodie and walked out and realized that the sun was still rising. Suddenly, Chase's pup-tag rang and Chase quickly got excited.

"Hello?" Chase answered

"Hey Chase, how've you been?" Chase heard Ryder through the call.

"I'm doing great, Ryder. What about you?" Chase asked in his most cheerful tone.

"Everything's going great. I've called you because we won't be back until late at midnight." Ryder said and Chase was surprised.

"Really? I thought you and the pups would return in midday?" Chase brought up.

"Yeah well...plans have changed." Ryder responded and Chase got concerned.

"Is something wrong?" Chase asked.

"No, no. It's not that, It's just, we all met up together and now we're kind of hanging out all together and catching up on stuff." Ryder answered which made Chase's ears fall a little bit.

"O-Oh. So, you mean...e-everyone is there?" Chase asked. Silence filled the call.

"Y-Yes." Ryder answered, though, it sounded like he hesitated on that answer.

"Chase, I'm really sorry. I wish I could've done something but I promise you, it was unexpected, I'm being honest." Ryder apologized.

"It's okay, Ryder. It's no big deal, I'll still be waiting for you." Chase said with a grin on his face and Chase could feel a small smile forming onto Ryder's face, even if he couldn't see it.

"What a good pup, we'll see you at midnight." Ryder said and left the call and silence fell upon Chase once again.

"Bye." Chase sadly said, even though the call has already ended. Chase then walked inside the lookout and his stomach growled. He then remembered that he hadn't eaten anything yesterday and sadly sighed once again.

Chase checked the television and saw that no calls had come in yet. So with all of this free time, Chase had nothing to do. After thinking, he had an idea and quickly went to get a couple of board games.

A card was being placed on a table by Chase.

"Alright, Marshall, it's your turn." Chase said,

A small table with nothing but a few cards on the table and a deck of cards. Chase was surrounded by two pillows with photos of Marshall and Rocky taped onto them.

But neither of the pillows moved.

"Marshall, it's your turn." Chase said again but the pillow with Marshall's face didn't move.

Chase sighed

"I'm really going insane. I'm talking to a pillow right now." Chase said as he looked at the pillow with Rocky's taped photo.

Chase sat in silence once again and suddenly, he had an idea.

Chase then walked out of the basement along with Robo dog following behind him.

"Alright, Robo Dog, so what do you wanna do?" Chase asked in an excited tone and Robo dog just tilted his head in confusion.

"I mean, what game do you wanna play?" Chase nervously asked, evaluating the question. And Robo dog looked over at the table of cards and the two pillows still standing there.

Suddenly, Robo dog barked happily and rolled outside. Chase then got excited and followed Robo dog outside, only to see him with a soccer ball.

"Oh, so you wanna play soccer?" Chase asked and Robo dog barked, saying "yes".

"Alright, I'm all for it!" Chase said with a grin and Robo dog suddenly began backing away and when Chase saw this, he got confused, until he realized what Robo dog was about to do.

"Oh no. Robo dog, wait-!" Chase tried to stop, but Robo dog had already charged at the ball with full force, sending a huge impactful kick and flew towards Chase at the speed of light.

"AH!" Chase yelled as his reflexes kicked in and ducked below the ball, only for it fly past him, through the doors and into the lookout.

Suddenly, Chase heard a massive crash inside the lookout and his body shivered. He wished he was in a bad dream right now because he worked hard on cleaning the lookout and hoped to keep it that way until Ryder and the pups returned.

Chase and Robo dog slowly made their way to the door and Chase gasped. Everything was trashed once again, it was even worse than a couple days ago. The table was flipped, the cards were all over the floor, bean bags were even out of place and a lot of other stuff got knocked over.

Chase stared at the sight with his mouth agape and deadpanned along with Robo dog and looked at each other.

"I think it's best If I just find a way to entertain myself, alone." Chase said and Robo dog nodded in agreement and took the elevator back downstairs. Chase was now left alone to clean this entire mess.

1:49 PM

Chase lied on a bean bag as he sighed in exhaustion. Cleaning the entire lookout again was tough, but he managed to do it. Suddenly, he heard a ding from his pocket on his hoodie, he used his paw to drag out his pup-phone. He placed his paw on it so it would scan and let Chase through. He got a new notification which came from and saw that it was on a social media photo platform.

He clicked on it and saw a photo of Ryder and the pups along with two adults who looked similar to Ryder and a bunch of other adult pups that looked like the pups, Chase knew it was their parents so he knew what they look like and he saw all of them, together in one photo at an amusement park. They all had either cotton candy, they were laughing, smiling. It was like an active, fun family photo. Chase smiled at it. They all looked...


But slowly, his smile faded as he lowered his phone back to his pocket. Suddenly, a ring came from the TV which brought Chase out of his thoughts and quickly answered and saw Mayor Goodway again, looking terrified.

"Oh, Chase! Thank you so much for answering, it's-!"

"Lemme guess, Chickaletta is missing, right?" Chase asked with an obvious smile.

"Y-Yes, how'd you know?" Mayor Goodway asked in confusion.

"I don't know, lucky guess." Chase laughed and looked at Mayor Goodway with a confident smile.

"Don't worry, Mayor Goodway, I'll be right there." Chase said and ended the call. His smile faded once again after he ended the call.

"Looks like it's gonna be another busy day." Chase told himself and ran towards his cruiser and prepared himself to find a lost chicken.


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