Everyone watched Chase and his Abusive Father in a moment of silence before they suddenly heard the sound of glass being destroyed which whipped their heads up and saw The Blood Kings hoverboard quickly fly towards their Shepherd. Zuma was about to yell at Chase to watch out, but before he could speak, Chase quickly jumped on all of his fours and backflipped over the board, dodging the attack which amazed the others.
"Woah!" Rocky, Zuma and Rubble gasped.
"Wow, he can backflip higher than you can, Skye." Everest noted and the Cockapoo agreed as she was shocked as well. She remembered when Chase tried to mimic her backflip and failed, but now, he can jump and backflip higher than she could ever have dreamed of.
Chase landed safely, now even at a further distance and looked up to see The Blood King charging towards him...but Chase just smirked in amusement. Chase quickly ducked down from the punch and quickly used his head to hit The Blood King's chest, pushing him back.
Seeing the hoverboard roaming around, Chase decided to act fast.
"RUFF! Grappling hook!" He barked and shot his grappling hook, getting a good grip on the board and pulling it back. Chase jumped up just in time to dodge The Blood King flying towards him by using the board to hit him from the back.
The others watched The Blood King crash into wooden boxes which spread dust. Chase landed on his fours and reeled in his grappling hook. He turned his head to look at them.
"Hey!" Chase called out, getting the attention from them. "Ya might wanna get him outta here." He nudged his head, pointing to Archie. Arya decided to respond first by running up to Archie and attempting to pick him up, still having tears in her eyes...but then she noticed something.
Even with all of the blood, Archie's back was rising up and down...
He was breathing.
Arya gasped and a sudden rush of relief and happiness took over her. Tears of joy began spilling out and was more than happy that he wasn't dead. But she also noticed something else. On the back, where Chase had stabbed Archie, there was some sort of device attached on his back, leading up to his neck. It was metal and in the shape of a diamond with a long rectangle made out of metal leading up to his neck and head. Blood mostly covered the device, so it was hard to tell. But...
Flash Back
"C-Chase...I...I," He kept on stuttering, he was just a speechless as he felt his entire head spin, "I don't...I don't remember what-"
"DON'T LIE TO ME!" The young, broken Shepherd roared out. He's gone through enough. Enraged, Chase used his paw to roughly grab Archie by the front of his hood and forcefully picked him up from the ground, making the Bernese Mountain Dog tremble a bit.
"This whole time! YOU! Out of everyone in the world, YOU have to be the one to try and kill me!? What would've happened if I killed you!?" Chase yelled as he fought back the urge to let his tears fall again.
"I never wanted to...I never wanted to kill you...I never hated you. Even with what you've done. Joining a dangerous Overlord, causing a little destruction in order to win and protect those you love...you're still my friend."
Flash Back Ends
She softly gasped once again. If Archie didn't remember anything like he was about to claim, then this device must be the cause of that...it was...controlling him? With a couple tears dropping down her face, she slowly raised her head to look at Chase whose back was turned to face her.
"He's not dead, don't worry. He'll be fine. The wound isn't life-threatening either." He said, not waiting for a response as he watched The Blood King stumble from the boxes and smirked.

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...