Chase's Past Part 9

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     He didn't stop, he just kept on running. He didn't care about anything at that moment, he just needed to keep on running. He's never been this scared in his entire life, witnessing his father killing his mother and now that same murder is running after his own son.





Chase heard his fathers psychotic screams and laughing from the voids of the forest, which made it more terrifying. Each sentence got fainter and fainter, meaning that Chase is outrunning him. Chase then lost hope when he ran into a dead-end, a huge wall of rocks, surrounded by nothing but trees. Chase looked back into the dark forest, even though it was far, Chase could still hear the faint running footsteps towards the place.

Panicking, Chase looked back and he realized that he needed to climb in order to save his own life. Luckily, the wall wasn't large so he was able to climb up quickly and hide behind a huge boulder. His legs were hurting, his heart was broken, he was sweating, he was tired. Chase was taking in every breath that he could, but was making sure to be quiet, in case his Dad could hear.

A minute has passed and everything went quiet, that was until Chase suddenly heard rustling of bushes from below. Chase sneakily peaked over the boulder and saw the adult, bloodied German Shepherd walk about of the bushes, looking around.

"Now, now, son. You wouldn't want to worry your parents, don't you?" He asked in the most haunting voice.


"You wouldn't want to make your father upset, do you?" He asked, trying to get every manipulation over his son as much as possible.

He still answered in silence. Chase then heard his father evilly chuckle.

"Chase, you don't want to worry your father like this, do you? I want you to come out." His father in the most fake, caring tone.

Chase didn't respond, but only placed his paw on his mouth when he began breathing heavily. Tears streamed down his face.

"It's sad, isn't it," Chase's father sighed, "that things had to end this way. But at the same time...I'm happy."

Chase was then confused by his words until his father spoke up again.

"Because I get the joy out of killing you myself." Chase's father hauntingly laughed which frightened Chase even more.

"I didn't know killing brought so much happiness!" Chase's father howled.

"This is so much...FUN!" He growled the last word out. It felt like his voice went deeper and deeper. He heard the sound of him maniacally laugh before complete silence took over the atmosphere.

Chase began recalling everything he went through in his life. The abuse, the suffering, the pain, the torture. Why is this happening to me...why can't I just be normal like everyone else? Chase wondered to himself as more tears streamed down his face like a river. Why was he the one who has to endure everything that has happened to him? Was this all life was? Was there any future for him? There is nobody out there for him. No friends and no love. Chase then began to wonder if his father was right and he'd be better off dead.

Suddenly, Chase snapped out of his thoughts. It was all silent. Chase peaked once again over the boulder and his eyes widened.

His father was there

Chase slowly backed away but still hid behind the boulder. Chase has never felt so scared in his life. In the dark, all alone with a murder chasing after him. He began to breathe heavily, the fear was getting to him. Chase was about to make another run for it, but when he turned around...

He saw his father, standing there, close but not too close. He was looking at him with the widest grin imaginable and his eyes were bulging out. His mothers blood almost covered his whole body.

He couldn't he was frozen and let the bat from his father hit him right on the head, not strong enough to knock him out, but strong enough to knock him down to the ground and cause a wound on the side of Chase's head. He grunted in pain and looked back up to look at his fathers, murderous eyes. Chase's father finally got into the position to finally kill Chase and he closed his eyes, awaiting for death to come.


But nothing came. He didn't feel any pain. He kept his eyes closed for a little longer, but once again, no pain came. It was all just silent. Chase slowly opened his eyes and looked to where his father was, only to see him lying unconscious on the ground. Chase was confused and then looked up to see something that shocked him.

It was the man he met a few days ago. The one who offered to sell him the mask. He was standing there, almost panting, holding a steel pipe in both of his hands, his position was like he was trying to hit something swinging by. With everything in front of him, Chase pieced all together in less time.

That man has just saved his life

The man suddenly dropped the pipe and slowly got to Chase's level.

"Don't worry're safe now." He said and Chase was confused as he began to hear sirens and other cars driving by, he then heard conversations. In the darkness of the forest, Chase could see flashes of lights coming and within seconds, police officers quickly ran in. The man pulled Chase into his grasp and both of them watched the cops take away Chase's father who was still knocked out. Arresting him, and other officers going into the forests and studying and looking around to see what happened. The scene was way too much for the little German Shepherd to process.

"W-What's going on?" Chase stuttered in shock.

"Your suffering is going to end."

Chase heard another voice, a soothing but also a spine-chilling voice, a voice that he didn't recognize and both the man and Chase turned around to see a woman walking up to them. Of course, Chase didn't recognize this woman, she was all new to him.

She was tall, with her heels, her height would be about 9'8'' tall. She looked to be around a 45 or a 46 year old woman. She also wore a classic, white and red designed 16th Century dress. She had black bun hair style, to which she also carried a red purse and had black eyeliner and bright red lipstick. She slowly kneeled down to Chase and placed her hand on his head.

"Don't worry, you poor thing. Everything is going to be fine." She said, in a very calming tone. But even with that voice, Chase felt something uneasy. He couldn't describe it, so he just sat there. Uncomfortable in the man's arms, looking at this woman who was petting him with a creepy, but cheerful smile. But soon, Chase will later find out that his suffering wasn't over.

It was just the beginning

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