Another week has passed and things haven't gotten any better. The torture still continued, luckily, the time for it was shortened to half an hour instead of an hour or two. Chase's bruised eye has gotten better, but that didn't compare to the multiple bruises he has on the rest of his body.
He was laying on the fresh and dried pool of blood again, having his legs chained up still and he just lied there. Chase didn't even know what time it was, nor what day it was or if it even was day or night time. Chase had no track of the world, and the world right now has no track of Chase.
It was like he never existed
Chase could hear footsteps from above, every single day, when Chase would be alone in his room, he would always hear people's footsteps on the ceiling. He could make out that it belonged to Lady's footsteps, considering he could hear her voice sometimes. But this time, Chase heard multiple footsteps from two people.
Not only that, but he was able to overhear voices.
"I'm surprised you're able to stay so calm."
As hurt as Chase was, his eyes widened as he recognized the voice. It belonged to the man that tried to sell that mask to him. Now, curiosity sparked within him as he was now wondering why the man was here.
"And why shouldn't I be?"
Chase could hear Lady Keres voice also, it seems that the man and Lady were talking.
"Anyways, you said you've got some news for me, right Jamison? The Lady asked and Chase repeated the name in his head. So that man's name was Jamison. Chase was kind of happy to know that he finally got a name for that man, and then continued to listen to the conversation.
"Yes. Considering what situation you are in, things have gotten more intense. It seems that the Overlord has hired five more assassins."
"FIVE MORE?" Chase heard the Lady yell out, like she was in shock.
"With everything that has happened, there's more of them?" The Lady asked.
"Correct. Unfortunately, for you, the Overlords business is sky-rocketing than we could ever expect. And quickly, he's been training some new assassins to come after you." Jamison said.
"Every single assassin he has hired has been targeted towards me." Lady growled.
"If this gets way out of hand, the police are gonna catch us real soon. You can't keep burning those dead bodies forever."
That sentence made Chase's blood turn to ice. Burning dead bodies? Assassins'? Overlord? Chase was beginning to shake, even though he was in a lot of pain.
"This war between you two can't last forever. It's been going on for over 10 years now." Jamison mentioned.
"You don't have to remind me," Lady growled, "ARGH! And by all mean, that stupid mutt isn't even getting any stronger." Referring to Chase.
"If I can't train him to be an assassin, I'll for sure be dead. He's useless now." Lady Keres said.
"So what're you gonna do? Kill him?" Jamison asked with a snarl.
"Don't use that tone of voice on me." And silence, as if Lady was thinking. "Bring him here." Lady ordered. There was a moment of silence between the two of them. A couple of footsteps were heard.
"Yes, Felicia." Jamison suddenly agreed and soon Chase heard footsteps going towards the stairs.
Immediately, Chase became afraid. It didn't take long to figure out that the man was working for Lady and Chase believed that he was his only hope of living. The footsteps were faint but slowly returned and stopped in front of the door.
The door suddenly opened, and it revealed Jamison. He quietly stood there, and looked into the room and his eyes slightly widened but then went soft, as if the sight didn't bother him at all. Jamison slowly kneeled down and patted Chase's head.
"I'm glad to see you alive." He said in a calm, but trusting tone of voice, which this time, Chase felt like he could trust him.
"You did good, enduring everything. Don't worry," Chase then looked up with no emotion, "All of this will stop soon. I promise." Jamison said, and patted Chase's head one more time and got back up and unchained all four of his legs.
"Can you stand?" He asked and Chase didn't respond aside from a nod, saying "no". Jamison sighed as he walked over and picked up the poor, tortured pup, blood was smearing his clothes, but he didn't. He carefully lifted Chase, but it didn't stop the German Shepherd puppy from whimpering. The man lifted one of his arms to get Chase's head in a comfortable position.
And without saying a word, he turned around, Chase in his arms and walked up upstairs. This whole time, Chase had his eyes closed. His body began shivering, due to the fear of facing Lady Keres once again.
Jamison looked down to Chase's eyes and saw that his eyes were sparkling with hope, there was no emotion to them, he looked like he already gave up, but he could see, again in his eyes, that Chase had some sort of hope. Even after everything that he's been through, he could still have hope, huh? The man mentally thought, slightly surprised that this pup could still be going strong.
A minute hasn't passed and the man has stopped walking. Due to this sudden movement, Chase weakly opened his eyes and saw Lady Keres standing there, no emotion on her face, but just stared at the poor pup.
"It's come to my attention that you're not getting the proper motivation for your training." Lady Keres said sternly, but Chase didn't pay any attention. Out of the corner of his eye, Chase's eyes widened to what he saw.
The front door was opened
The flower garden and fountain was out front and the night sky was revealed.
"TURN TO ME WHEN I TALK TO YOU!" Lady Keres screamed, but with newly found strength, Chase pushed himself out of Jamison's arms, shocking him and Lady Keres and used all of his strength to dash out of the door, earning gasps from the guards as they saw the German Shepherd pup run out into the wild.
He heard the Lady Keres's crazy and psychotic yells after him and it slowly went fait and Chase ran through some bushes and suddenly tripped and rolled down a hill, getting his body covered in dirt and some mud, messing up his hoodie even more, but it mostly stung the wounds Chase still had on his body. The pressure added onto the bruises made the pain unbearable, but Chase couldn't let that stop him.
So he got back up and ran even further.

Behind The Mask
FanficFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...