Kushina's Plan

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     "The whole boat?" Marshall asked in a surprised tone, but made sure to keep his voice down as everyone looked back to see Chase explaining what recently happened to Ryder and the other parents who were huddled around.

"Trust me dudes, it was crazy." Zuma confirmed and all of them looked at Chase who was just talking to Ryder, he was talking to him casually, as if nothing had ever happened. The pups began wondering if the police pup was actually telling him what happened.

"Well that's obviously a big red flag." Rocky said.

"To think that he'd burn down the whole boat and still take out three guys at once, he's amazing." Everest sighed with a slight blush, staring at the handsome German Shepherd, along with Liberty and Sylvia.

"Anyways, did you find anything out about him?" Rubble asked as they all looked at Zuma.

"Kind of, we had a little talk after he defeated them." Zuma answered and all of the pups got closer as they wanted to hear what the water pup had to say.

Flash Back

"So what?" Chase started

"Why does it matter how I take them down? The only thing that matters IS taking them down. Besides, why don't we think about it?"

"How many times have we been called to rescue a stupid chicken? Or stop Mayor Humdinger? Or Sweetie? Duke? Sid? Cheetah? Harold? What about Copy Cat? Or Claw? How many times have we been called just to stop those bozos?" Chase asked

"I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of rescuing that stupid chicken when there's an easy solution to the problem. But what about now with these new guys and higher stakes?"

"We're just embarrassing ourselves with that kind of job. We've literally saved this city before, we can take on bigger things!" Chase practically yelled.

"Face it Zuma, we're up against a bigger challenge here. We have to send a message out to those guys that we're not gonna take their bull! If we don't start fighting back and take risks, then who knows what or who'll they'll send out next? Take Duke for an example, he was willing to take the life of a father in order to get what he wants. What about today? Sid was willing to get rid of us just for some treasure. There are others who are willing to take people's lives just for their own selfish gain. Why should we show mercy to those kinds of people?" Chase asked.

"This is reality, Zuma." Chase started up again.

"The Paw Patrol isn't some sort of game. Yeah, we help people, but we also stop bad guys and there are those guys that will stop at nothing, from achieving what they want." Chase harshly stated.

"Trust me, Zuma. I've dealt with those kinds of guys before. We can't let them push us around anymore. If we don't fight back, it'll be over before you know it." Chase said and began walking again, leaving a stunned Zuma.

"That's just the harsh truth of life."

Flash Back Ends

The pups were stunned when Zuma explained it all to them. They never thought Chase was capable of saying those things.

"What does he mean...by...he's dealt with those kinds of people?" Rocky asked, suspicious of that saying.

"Well, I'm not really suwe. I didn't ask him but that's all I've got." Zuma admitted and everyone went into thought while Rocky kept thinking of that certain sentence he asked about.

Meanwhile, Chase was explaining everything that happened at the docs to Ryder and the pup's parents.

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