Snowy Walk

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     Along the sidewalks of Adventure Bay, Chase and Tundra were walking beside each other, and the atmosphere was filled with silence. Tundra began getting uncomfortable at the silence between them, so she decided to start a conversation.

"So, where are we going?" She asked, breaking the silence.

"I don't know." Chase responded with a shrug, making Tundra groan inside. It seems that getting through to the German Shepherd was going to be a little tougher than she thought.

"How about we try to spot some good stores. Maybe you can find a good gift for Skye." She suggested and Chase looked at her and around the town. Well, that doesn't sound too bad. Chase thought.

"Okay, sure." He reluctantly agreed and Tundra smiled as she felt like she was making some sort of progress.

Now, both pups were walking around the town, constantly turning their heads to the side, trying to find a good store that could help Chase find a gift for the Cockapoo.

Suddenly, their heads turned to the nearby mall and both smiled at each other as that would be the best place to look. So, with that, both of them entered the mall.

It was a perfect place to find gifts and other stuff as it included multiple stores. It contained multiple floors as it had it all. Toys, clothes, furniture, movies, souvenirs and a bunch more.

As the two pups walked through the mall, Tundra glanced at the shepherd.

"So, what're you gonna get her?" She asked, and Chase glanced back at her and back at a few of the stores.

"I don't know. Well, all I know is that she likes flying and that wind-up mouse that she plays with. Maybe something like that?" Chase suggested and Tundra slightly smiled and frowned as the shepherd wasn't wrong, but for a Christmas Gift, he has to get something much bigger.

"Oh come on, try getting her something even better!" Tundra suggested and Chase looked at her in confusion.

"So what do you recommend?" He asked and Tundra began looking around. The mall was split into four different pathways, and in the middle stood a large open area, with a large dome at the top. And under the dome, there was a mistletoe hanging above the Christmas Tree down in the middle.

Tundra smirked and pointed at the mistletoe. Chase looked to where she was pointed and his eyes widened at the sight of the mistletoe. And for some reason, he slightly began blushing.

"That would be a perfect gift." She said with a cheeky grin and Chase looked at her in disbelief.

"Oh come, I'm pretty sure we can find a better gift." Chase tried, not trying to hide his blush. Hehe, he's blushing Tundra chuckled.

"C'mon, there's no better gift than a kiss under the mistletoe." She ginned, but Chase was still in denial.

"No way. I'm not gonna do that." Chase huffed and Tundra responded with a smirk.

"Oh really? It might change your mind once the two of you taste each other's lips for the first time." She said, trying to give Chase some imagery and hopefully, that will change his mind.

"W-What?" He stuttered, shocked by what the Husky had said, but she wasn't finished yet.

"Trust me. Once the two of you kiss. you guys will start making out and-" And before Tundra could say anymore, Chase quickly covered her mouth with his paw.

"Shhhh! I don't want anyone else to hear!" Chase yelled in a whisper as he whipped his head around, hoping that nobody had heard the crazy words that had just been spoken by her. As Chase sighed in relief, he removed his paw, not staring into Tundra's smirk.

"Come on, that's got to sound good to you." She said,

"Are you crazy? There's no way that'll ever happen." He nearly shouted while the blush was still visible on his cheeks.

"Are you sure?" She asked, and Chase nodded his head up and down.

"Are you really sure?" She asked again.

"I'm really sure." Chase sighed and he looked over the giant clock that was also hung up. Chase smirked and looked back at Tundra who was still staring at him.

"Or actually, maybe you need that present more than I do." Chase started, now confusing Tundra.


"Oh? I mean, don't you wanna get the taste of Rocky's lips?" Chase asked in an evil grin, making Tundra gasp and madly blush.

"W-W-W-Wha-? What're you...what're you talking about?" She stuttered while blushing and watched as Chase began circling her.

"Oh you know, your little thing for Rocky?" Chase began, "I mean, think about it. Once the two of you kiss under the mistletoe, who knows, maybe you'll get more than Christmas Jo-" Before Chase could finish, the positions reversed as Tundra placed a paw over his mouth.

"Hey. Quiet before someone hears you." Tundra quietly yelled as she now looked around, hoping no one was giving them weird looks. She too sighed and removed her paw, now looking up to see Chase with a satisfied smirk as he has gotten revenge.

"H-How'd you know?" She asked, wanting to know how the police pup knew her feelings for the green pup of the team.

"From how've you been looking at him at times, and what happened right now. It's pretty easy to tell." Chase bragged and looked at Tundra who looked down in embarrassment, but also a little sadness. Chase knew what she was thinking and put on a warm smile and patted her back.

"Hey, I know that Rocky has been looking at you the same way. If anything, he probably has feelings for you too." Chase grinned and Tundra looked at him with shock.

"Really? Are you sure?" She asked, hoping that Chase wasn't wrong.

"I'm certain of it. If anything, this is a great chance to tell him how you feel. Now quit being sad." Chase playfully ordered, making Tundra laugh. And eventually Chase laughed along with her.

A couple of hours have passed and Chase and Tundra were walking out of the mall with nothing as they decided they will buy things some other time.

"Today was fun." Chase grinned as he truly did have a good time and Tundra smiled, happy to know that Chase was feeling better.

"I did too. Anyways, let's head back before Ryder or Katie notice that we're missing." Tundra said and Chase agreed and both were about to walk back to the Lookout, until they heard the sounds of engines rumbling in the distance.

Both stopped and looked around in confusion. They waited silently as they listened as the engines grew louder and louder. Tundra and Chase watched as two motorcycles emerged from the town, quickly racing past their vision.

They raced down the road like there was no tomorrow. Tundra was confused, but Chase quickly knew who they were as both of them saw that it wasn't humans riding them, but dogs.

A French Bulldog, Great Dane and a Siberian Husky were driving quickly down the road.

The Ruff-Ruff Pack

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