New Day, New Plan

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     Since finding and creating a new design was tiring enough and plus, he had to be with the pups. Chase couldn't finish it yesterday so he decided to try and finish it today. Morning has come and Chase yawned, as usual, he's the first one up. Chase looked at the clock which read:

6:15 AM

Chase sighed as he put on his usual blue hoodie and opened his door which showed the dark sky with a bit of a sliver of orange, meaning that the sun was going to rise soon. Chase then walked back inside as he was about to use his megaphone to wake the other pups...

But he stopped

After remembering what happened yesterday, Chase pulled away from his pup-house and looked at the pup-houses beside him. I'll let them sleep in a little longer Chase thought as he grabbed his new black hoodie that he bought and had an idea. Chase then took out the necklace that Helga gave him and smiled at it. There was something about the hexagonal logo on it that really interested Chase, as if it represented some sort of symbol or something like that. But whatever it was, Chase felt like he needed to honor it.

Chase then checked his pup-pack to find some money that was given to him from yesterday. After Chase found out the type of design he wanted, the Paw Patrol got a call and of course, Chase was needed and the person in trouble was nice enough to reward Chase with some money, even though the pup denied the reward.

Chase threw the black hoodie on his back and began walking towards Adventure Bay

Adventure Bay

Chase went back to the store that Helga bought the hoodie from and walked up to the counter to meet that same nice lady working behind the register, she noticed Chase and smiled at the pup.

"Aw, you're back. Is there something I could do for you?" She asked in a nice, sweet tone with a cheerful smile and Chase smiled back and placed the hoodie onto the counter.

"Hi, I wanted to know if I can add something to the hoodie, like a symbol or something like that?" Chase asked in a hopeful voice and the lady looked a little bit surprised at the pup as she took the hoodie and looked over it.

"Um, well that'll be a little bit challenging, but I'll see what I can do. What would you like to add?" She asked and Chase took out and showed her the necklace.

"I'd like to imprint this symbol onto the back and a small one on the front of it, please. With a blue color?" Chase asked with a hopeful grin. The lady looked closer at the logo and smiled.

"Sure. I think there's something we could work with here, why don't you come back by the end of the day, it'll be ready then." She decided and Chase grinned.

"Thank you, that means a lot!"


In her pup-house, Skye was beginning to wake up, she yawned as she opened one of her eyes to check the time.

7:00 AM

Skye looked at the time with a shocked expression. Chase was supposed to wake them up an hour ago, and here she was, still sleeping. Skye waited for a little bit longer, but she still didn't hear the police pup's megaphone or his voice or anything at all. Now curious, Skye opened her door and looked around and saw some other pups from opposite sides, walking to each other and saw Everest walk out of her vehicle which was in the grass..

"Hey, morning guys." Skye greeted awkwardly.

"Morning." The rest of the pups said and Skye noticed that all of them had somewhat of a confused expression.

"Hey, cowect If I'm wrong, but wasn't Chase supposed to wake us up an houw ago?" Zuma asked.

"Yeah, it's past seven now." Rocky pointed out.

"Let's check his pup-house." Everest suggested and everyone agreed and walked towards Chase's pup house and saw that his door was closed. Marshall walked up and was the first one to knock.

"Uh, bro? Are you in there?" He asked as he was knocking, but got no response. The pups looked at each other in confusion and in a state of shock.

"Open his door, check if he's asleep." Rubble suggested and Marshall lifted his door and the pup's eyes widened as they saw that the German Shepherd wasn't inside his pup-house.

"What? He's not in here." Marshall pointed out the obvious and closed the door.

"But where would he be?" Skye asked with a small hint of worry in her voice, but then, Zuma got excited.

"Doesn't mattew! Quick! Everyone get more sleep befow he comes back!" Zuma said and every pup looked at each other and quickly ran into their pup-houses to get more shut-eye. The pups knew that if they had a chance to get more sleep, then they would take it.

Skye quickly ran to hers, closed the door and threw her blanket over herself and quickly closed her eyes.


Skye slowly opened her eyes back up after a minute. For some reason, even after feeling tired, she couldn't go back to sleep. C'mon! Go to sleep while you have the chance! Skye mentally slapped herself, but she just wasn't falling asleep. She sat in her pup-house in awkward silence, she felt like something wasn't right. What's up with me? Skye mentally asked herself. Normally, she would always quickly fall asleep when given the chance, but now, she couldn't.

She wanted to stay up for some reason, like she was worried about something...or someone.

Eventually, after staying up for a couple more minutes for what felt like hours, her eyes finally gave in and no matter how hard she tried to stay awake, she fell back asleep.

With Chase

After handing the money to the cashier, he walked out of the store as he of course couldn't wait the entire day inside. Chase checked the time and it read:

7:30 AM

"Oh shoot! I forgot about the pups!" Chase softly yelled as he didn't want to wake up the entire town and quickly dashed towards the lookout.

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