The pups finally arrived at the Lookout, letting Liberty roam around the place as she explored the original home of the Paw Patrol. Meanwhile, the other pups settled in as they sort of missed the comfort of their old home. Chase on the other hand, wasn't that thrilled, not just because of leaving the Overlord free, but mostly because of the memories he had in this place.
"Ahhh, it feels good to be back." Bella sighed, feeling the great old comfort of the Lookout. The pups let their body fall on their bean bags as they rested.
"That was a long road trip." Rocky said and the others couldn't help but agree.
"Well, since we just got back, why don't we go ahead and rest up for the day?" Rusty suggested and everyone agreed as they did feel tired as well.
"Then how about we do Secret Santa later tonight?" Penny suggested.
"Definitely! I still wanna do that." Rubble agreed. The rest of the dogs followed up in agreement and they began cheering. Ryder and Carlos sweated a little bit. Man, this is a lot of dogs Ryder giggled as he remembered he only used to take care of six dogs, but now he's taking over ten, maybe even more than twenty. The ten year old lost count on how many, but didn't care so far.
"Alright, we'll rest up. I'll make a quick call and we'll do Secret Santa later." Ryder said and shut off the lights and let the pups rest until later.
With Ryder
Ryder and Carlos walked to the top of the Lookout and prepared the large screen with his pup-pad.
"So, who are you going to invite, cause I'm pretty sure we have an odd number of people." Carlos mentioned and Ryder looked at his contacts.
"I'm thinking about inviting Kate-" Ryder began and Carlos grinned.
"Called it." He said as he threw his fist in the air with an excited tone.
"H-Hey! Cut it out." Ryder said while he began to blush and Carlos smirked at him.
"Haha! Okay, so is there anyone else that you wanna invite?" Carlos then asked and Ryder began thinking once again. Just then, he had a great idea.
"Oh yeah, definitely! I have more people I wanna invite for the holidays." Ryder said and began clicking on several other numbers and called them.
With Chase
While everyone else quickly fell asleep, Chase was the only one awake so far. He was lying with the others, while hearing Rubble and his family loudly snoring beside him. He wasn't able to fall asleep.
The police pup glared at the snoring, small, yellow bulldog. His mouth was wide open.
"Yeah, definitely not sleeping." Chase quietly sighed to himself and pushed himself up, quietly walking towards the door, making sure not to wake anyone else up.
The doors slid open as the German Shepherd walked through and let them close behind him. He then looked ahead and noticed that the snow had stopped falling and most of the grass was covered with white, fluffy coldness.
His eyes winced as he stared at the snow, remembering how much he disliked the snow.
Flash Back
A young, puppy German Shepherd was being dragged by his mother who roughly slammed the door open and threw her son out into the snow.
"No, please! I-I-I'm sorry! It's...It's cold! Please, you can't leave me here!" Chase begged with tears as he stared at his mother who had no emotion in her eyes.
"Maybe sleeping out in the snow will teach you a lesson! Next time, bring more money with you and don't slack off!" His mother yelled before she slammed the door and Chase quickly pressed his paws against the door.
"M-Mom! Please! can'''s cold." Chase's voice slowly lowered as more tears began streaming down his face. He looked back to see the whole area filled with snow. It never usually snows in Costa Rica, only on rare occasions. And unfortunately, this time was one of the rare occasions.
The young puppy couldn't imagine spending the night out in the coldness without anything to keep him warm, nothing but his blue hoodie. He then breathed and it was so cold, he could see his breath in the matter of seconds. He silently gasped as he watched as one of his tears dropped and quickly formed into ice as it shattered on the wooden plank.
One of his tears just turned into ice.
He slowly lifted his hoodie up as it got colder and colder by the second. Little did he know, he would spend the next week, outside in the snow.
Flash Back Ends
He winced at that memory and looked around. He remembered how he had to act in front of everyone as if he actually liked snow, but one step in it just made him feel worse.
"I didn't expect you to get up so early."
Chase glanced back and saw Everest, walking up to him while the doors closed behind her. The German Shepherd mentally groaned as Everest was also one of the last dogs he wanted to talk to.
Flash Back
"Now that you guys mentioned it, you're kind of right. He can act so bossy around and act like we can't take care of ourselves." Everest admitted.
Flash Back Ends
"What do you want, Everest?" He sighed in annoyance and Everest frowned at the tone of his voice.
"Did you come out here to play in the snow?" The husky asked, in a little excited tone, but was shot down by Chase's response.
"No." He deadpanned.
"O-Oh." She said, a little heartbroken.
Uncomfortable silence filled the two and both just stared out into the snow. The silence began getting to her and Everest glanced over at Chase once again. The breeze blew his hair out a little bit, while his eyes just kept staring into the distance, without a care in the world.
The snow pup lightly blushed and turned away once again.
"D-Do you wanna...just play in the snow for a bit?" She then asked, getting some of her confidence back.
"No." He responded once again and having enough, he decided to head back towards the doors. Everest was left speechless, but then a frown formed on her face and looked down as she saw some snow lying on the grass. She then smirked as she used her front paws to pick up and mash the snow up into a ball.
The next thing Chase felt was a large blow of coldness explode behind his head, he gasped and angrily looked at Everest.
"What was that for!?" He nearly yelled out as he quickly placed his paw behind his neck, surprised and angry at the Husky's action.
"I dunno, I just felt like it." She chuckled, just then, a large ball of snow landed onto her face.
"Yeah? Did you feel that one?" He asked with a competitive frown, and Everest smirked back.
"Oh, it's on!" She retaliated and began shuffling up some snow,
And both Chase and Everest continued to throw snow at each other.

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...