After Tundra whispered her plan to Skye's ear, Skye looked at her like she was a ghost.
"What? That's your plan?" Skye asked while she was still blushing which made Tundra giggle a little bit.
"Seriously? How do we even know that's gonna work?" The Cockapoo asked which made Tundra wonder a little bit.
"Sure, it's not gonna be easy, but we have to try." Tundra shrugged and then looked down to see Skye looking off to the side with a little worry expressed on her face.
"But...but what if he doesn't...what if he doesn't want to..." Skye stuttered a little bit, not wanting to even think or even say out that possibility which surprised the small pup herself. What? Why would I be upset about that? She thought to herself, she should be happy...right?
Then, she felt a paw around her neck and was pulled in a little bit like Tundra.
"Look, I don't think Chase would mind at all actually." Tundra said softly and Skye only looked up at her.
"How would you know?" Skye asked in a doubtful voice which made Tundra smile even more.
"Because..." Tundra suddenly stopped as she remembered they were still playing Secret Santa which meant she couldn't tell Skye the conversation she had with Chase because then that'll reveal that Chase has gotten Skye for the game.
"Well...uh..." The Husky tried to make some sort of excuse, but nothing.
"Look, I know you have your doubts but...there have been moments where Chase would look at you or worry about you, right?" Tundra asked and Skye then remembered a few times before where Chase would get especially worried for the small pup.
"Well yeah, but he was worried just like the rest of them were." Skye giggled which made Tundra frown a little.
"Yeah, we were worried, but Chase was worried the most." She pointed out which made the pink pup go silent. Was he worried the most? No, that couldn't be, he was always worried? Skye began questioning herself. She knew Chase had a sort of thing for her at that time...right? All of these thoughts began flooding in which troubled her even more.
Seeing the distraught face on Skye, Tundra began getting worried.
"Hey." She placed another paw on her shoulder, getting the little Cockapoos attention once again.
"I'm sorry...I guess it was too soon," Tundra sighed and then lifted up a soft smile to her, "But hey, it's your choice, I don't wanna pressure you into it." She backed away a little bit.
After looking at one of her best friends for a couple seconds in a state of surprise, Skye smiled.
Flash Back
"C'mon, Chase. Please?" Skye asked.
"No." Chase casually stated and Skye sighed in annoyance. I didn't wanna have to do this Skye thought and then used her secret weapon that not even Chase could resist.
The puppy eyes
"Okay Skye, not cool. Cut it out." Chase said, but Skye didn't respond, but still kept on her puppy eyed face. Chase was now getting nervous.
"I won't give in Skye, you might as well give up." Chase stated but Skye didn't listen. As her face got a little bit higher, Chase lightly blushed as she stared into her eyes one more time until he finally groaned.
"Ugh! Fine, If I play one round, will you leave me alone?" Chase asked and Skye cheered with a backflip.
"Sure." Skye agreed.
"Alright, but one round." Chase reminded her and both pups set up the pup-pup boogie game. And they turned it on and chose a game mode. And now, the music began playing and both pups began their dancing competition to their heart's content.
Flash Back Ends
She softly smiled at that memory and looked back up at Tundra. After having second thoughts, she finally made up her decision.
"I'm in."
With Chase
After eating their food, the two friends decided to head back to the Lookout as it began getting a little bit late. While walking, Wild cat decided to start up a conversation.
"So, if you don't mind me asking, what's with the new change?" He asked cheerfully which made Chase look at him with a little surprised look mixed in with a confused look.
"It's not a bad thing, you look pretty cool. Just curious." The cat nervously chuckled which made Chase giggle as well but answered him.
"I just decided to try something new. I figured it was time for a change." Chase shrugged which made Wild cat frown a little bit, but he still kept his smile up.
"What...made you change?" He asked and now, Chase's face fell a little bit.
"Well...uh...things happened and...well...I just can't...stay the same, I just needed to change things up." He said. If he were to tell him what actually caused him to change, he would lose the patience game.
It wasn't really an answer the cat was hoping to get, but he didn't wanna push or force it out of him.
"So, are you feeling better?" He then asked and the German Shepherd only grinned at him.
"Yup, definitely. I can't wait to get back on missions." He lied. All he wanted to do was go back to sleep.
Silence filled the air between them once again, leaving Chase to his thoughts. For some reason, all he can get back to thinking about was Maya again, and the Humdingers. Chase looked off to the side where he could see the beach and in the distance, a little outline of Foggy Bottom.
The happy faces he saw on Maya's and the Humdingers face was precious and it made him happy...truly happy. He didn't just like them, he loved them like family. But Maya was a troubling case for him. How was he gonna help her and her older sister without any money?
Flash Back
"But, I can help you out of that mess." He said and walked behind his desk as Chase walked up to the front of it and saw a suitcase being lifted up and placed in front of the German Shepherd and his eyes widened when the suitcase was then opened up, revealing itself being filled up with money made out of a hundred dollar bills.
"Come work for me. You'll still be fighting crime. I'll even pay you all of this for a single crime you stop." He suggested and Chase stared at the money with wide eyes.
Flash Back Ends
Chase shook his head from that memory. He'll never work for the Overlord, even in his desperate times. But what can he do? How can he earn money to help Maya and her sister?
Just then, Chase heard his name being called out and he and Wild cat looked up to see Tundra running up to them.
"Oh, what's up Tundra?"
Tundra stopped in front of him, catching her breath for a second before she finally looked up at Chase.
"Hey, I need to talk to you."

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...