Chase's Past Part 7

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     His head was sore, he could hear wind rustling through the leaves of the trees and bushes. Chase slowly woke up, and noticed that his head wasn't in pain anymore. But something was off. Using his four legs to stand in his position, he shook his head around, looking at his surroundings. He was still in a forest...but the trees were hollowed out, they were camouflaged in all black. Like they lost all of its color. Chase looked up to see that the sky was black, but no clouds or stars or moon to give off any light.

He suddenly began to shake as he remembered the conversation he heard from his father. Then, he heard a clear, deep but chill sounding voice, calmly laughing. Not loudly, but more like a joyful, evil laugh.

You're just an idiotic pup

Chase stood still.

Just an idiotic, uneducated pup.

Chase said nothing. His legs began to shake. He wanted to run, the coldness of the fog running through his feet was stopping him. He then heard laughter, echoing through the forest.

Aren't you just an idiotic, uneducated pup? The voice asked Don't you agree?

Chase answered him in silence, not moving his mouth at all, receiving an amused chuckle which sent chills down Chase's spine.

Well then, you'd better run off and play...or tell the others about everything. But they'll think you're insane. You don't want them to think that you're...insane, do you?

Sweat began dropping down on Chase's face. He looked around to see where the voice was coming from, but he couldn't find an outline of a person or a dog.

You like your parents a lot...don't you? And that man, and Archie, and Arya, and Lucky?

Chase suddenly felt something approaching him. He turned around and he couldn't believe his eyes. He was in too much shock to scream or move or do anything at all.

There stood...himself. It was like looking in a mirror but something wasn't right. Everything about that dog looked like Chase...except for his hollow eyes which made a void. The pup was looking and slowly moved his head up to look directly to Chase's eyes.

What're we doing out here all alone? Or should I ask, what're YOU doing out here all alone? You should be afraid of me The pup said with a slight smile.

Chase began to shake a little more, but not due to the coldness, but in fear.

There isn't anyone to help you. Only me

"W-Who a-are you?" Chase finally asked

I'm you...isn't it obvious?

Chase didn't respond, only looked at himself in fear and his mouth slowly becoming agape. Confused and scared of what he was seeing in front of him.

Funny thinking how you can just escape like that? Like something easy like hunting and killing.

Suddenly, the entire forest echoed in quiet, evil laughter.

Didn't you know...I'm part of you? Look closer...closer...closer!

The voice slowly but quietly rose up, as if it was like it was trying to avoid getting the attention of others.

I'm the reason why all of this is happening to you. Why are you going through all of this pain?

The pup's laughter rippled through again.

"W-What're you...talking about?" Chase stuttered, but the pup ignored his question.

You still don't understand? You only need me out there. So don't try to run.

Chase only stood stiff, the deep and threatening voice echoed throughout the air.

Listen closely, all of this has gone quite far enough, my misguided brother. WE can do whatever we want together. I know better than you do. I know you better than you know yourself.

Chase gulped and didn't say a word.

You're. Not. Wanted. Do you understand?

Then the pup laughed once again and slowly dropped his head down, looking at the ground so Chase couldn't see his mouth or his eyes.

Me and you are gonna be best friends. Don't you think so? Aren't you excited that we'll be having fun together?

Suddenly, Chase noticed his front paws starting to disintegrate.

Oh, would you look at that. It seems like I have to go now. But don't worry...we'll meet each other soon enough.

Chase gasped as he opened his eyes and quickly stood up, he was panting, like he just ran a marathon. Looking down on the ground, Chase could see his own shadow and looked up at the sky and his eyes widened. There was daylight, white fluffy clouds roamed the blue sky. Chase sighed in relief. I-It was just a dream Chase thought and smiled. But then, his smile dropped to a sudden realization.

Chase looked around and saw that he was at the same spot that he fainted. He was running away from something. Chase realized that, even before he fainted, it wasn't a dream.

", no, no, no, no, NO!" Chase repeated and began sprinting to the direction he was originally heading. Chase worried about how long he slept in because every minute was crucial away from his and his mothers death.

Why do you bother?

Chase suddenly heard a voice and quickly stopped to a halt and looked around, but saw nobody nearby. Chase recognized the voice from his dream and fear struck him once again.

"W-What?" Chase softly said out loud.

I asked why do you bother? The voice asked again. Can he hear me? Chase thought to himself.

Every thought

Chase jumped a little bit by that response, but decided he wasn't gonna wait for answers.

"What do you mean by that?" Chase asked, referring to the voice's first question.

Your mother was on the agreement of letting that man murder you. And now you want him to stop him from killing her?

Chase then couldn't respond, because the mysterious voice countered him with that question.

"B-Because she's my Mom. I have to help her." Chase responded but no response. The weird thing was that he could hear his own voice saying those words. As if he was the one who was having a mental battle with himself...or his true self.

Chase quickly brushed those thoughts and focused back on running.

A few minutes went by and Chase began to panic. It felt like he was getting further and further away from his home. But when he saw the view of his tiny village from the distance, Chase gasped and quickly ran towards the direction of his home. But by the time he saw the view, the sun was already beginning to set.

But little did he know that this would be the night where Chase's life would take a huge turn, but for the worst.

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