The entire Paw Patrol rode down towards Adventure Bay and into the area where the building fell down and Ryder and the pups got to work. Chase and Ryder stood by each other while Mayor Goodway walked up to them.
"So, has anything come up Ryder?" She asked in a worried tone and Ryder looked back at the wrecked site and back to the worried Mayor.
"Sorry Mayor Goodway, but there's nothing that we can put together yet. This case may be more difficult than we expected." Ryder admitted and Mayor Goodway sighed, but also huffed.
"Huh, I believe Mayor Humdinger has something to do with this." Mayor Goodway said as she put her hands on her hips and Ryder looked at Mayor Goodway with a bit of a surprised and confused face while Chase slightly glanced at her with a glare.
"What? Why would you say that?" Ryder asked, and Chase kept listening but pretended like he wasn't paying attention.
"After all of the mayhem he caused at Adventure City and here in Adventure Bay too. It's kind of obvious that he has something to do with this." Mayor Goodway said and the pups came from their duties to see how everything else was holding up and walked in on Mayor Goodway talking about Mayor Humdinger. Ryder quickly thought about what she said and sighed.
"I guess, it could be possible." Ryder said, even though Mayor Humdinger spent some time in Prison, he would still be causing trouble.
"I mean, can you guys believe the amount of trouble he caused in Adventure City?" Marshall asked the pups.
"Dude, he actually thought thwee train tracks loop would be a good idea." Zuma said.
"Exactly. And I wouldn't be surprised If he was behind this too." Mayor Goodway declared.
"First time for everything." Chase whispered, but everybody else heard it and turned to Chase with surprised and confused looks.
"What?" Ryder asked and Chase turned to them and was surprised to see an annoyed glare on his face.
"There's no evidence to prove that Mayor Humdinger did this." Chase said and everyone slightly gasped.
"What? What about everything that happened in Adventure City?" Everest asked.
"Oh yeah, like buildings didn't collapse there too," Chase said sarcastically but continued to speak, "He's gotta be super fast if he knocked down other buildings at Adventure City and here. The cops or the detectives couldn't find anything so what gives you a right to blame Humdinger for this?" Chase almost raised his voice at a surprised Mayor.
"Chase, calm down." Ryder quickly said in a calm voice, not wanting to attract others' attention. Chase looked back at the broken said and quickly walked under the police tape.
"What're you doing?" Ryder asked, now wondering what his police pup was up to.
"I'm taking a closer look. We won't find anything if we keep standing here." Chase walked off closer to the sight and began sniffing around the area. The pups watched the German Shepherd with surprised looks, they never seen Chase talk to Mayor Goodway that way before, if anything, they knew Chase would always treat her and everyone else with respect but he just keeps coming up with surprises.
"Well I'm not gonna let my brother do this alone." Marshall said, determined to help his best friend and walked past the police tape. The pups looked at each, and agreed with Marshall and began investing the area more.
Ryder looked at Chase with a confused and a bit of a worried look. He's never seen Chase talk to Mayor Goodway or anyone like that before, it wasn't like him.
"You know, I noticed that Chase looked a bit different." Mayor Goodway whispered to Ryder.
"Yeah, it's really not that big of a deal." Ryder nervously laughed it off.
"Oh, well I'll trust you then, Ryder. But sometimes, I wonder how you've trained such a hardworking and determined pup." Mayor Goodway said, referring to Chase.
"What do you mean?" Ryder asked.
"Well, while you were away, Chase handled so many missions on himself." Mayor Goodway said with a smile.
"Missions? What kind of missions?" Ryder asked, now wondering what Mayor Goodway was talking about. What missions did Chase go on while they were on vacation? Mayor Goodway gave Ryder a confused look.
"You mean you don't know?" She asked and saw Ryder's confused face.
Chase was sniffing through the wreck, until he caught a strange scent. Noticing Chase found something, Rocky quickly opened his mouth.
"You found something, Chase?" He asked.
"Yeah." Chase casually said and turned to Ryder and Mayor Goodway who were having a conversation, out of the corner of their eyes, Ryder and Mayor Goodway noticed Chase turn to them and quickly turned to him.
"Someone was here!" Chase said and followed the scent and looked up to see that it led down a path. Chase turned to Ryder.
"Whoever did this went this way." Chase said and hopped into his cruiser which surprised the pups and even Ryder, but Ryder knew what Chase was up to.
"You're going after the trail, aren't you?" Ryder asked and Chase looked at Ryder who smirked at him.
"But if something gets too dangerous, I want you to call us. I trust you on this." Ryder said and Chase smiled at him.
"Yes, Ryder Sir." Chase nodded his head and drove off.
"You're really gonna let him go alone?" Skye asked with a bit of a worried tone in her voice and Ryder kneeled down to her and placed his hand on her head.
"Chase is strong. He'll be just fine, besides I still have the tracker on his pup-tag, so we'll know where he is at least."
And Skye lightly smiled at her owner.
With Chase
Chase drove off a few minutes away and the scent led into a dark forest to where Chase didn't recognize that much. But he kept driving down until he stopped in front of a warehouse that seemed like it was in the middle of nowhere. Chase took a closer look at the design of the warehouse and realized what kind of warehouse it was.
"What the...? I didn't know there was a trash warehouse here." Chase told himself and looked back at his cruiser. Chase had a weird feeling in his stomach.
"Ruff! Drone!" Chase quietly called out and his drone came out of the back and floated in front of Chase and he set the drone to recording. Chase then controlled his drone and flew it to the top window, and when the drone was out of sight, Chase hopped out of his cruiser and cautiously walked towards the warehouse. But he was unaware that someone was already watching from the higher windows.
"Someone's on sight. Prepare to strike whenever I command you to."

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...