Truth About Kamato

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     Two more weeks have passed since the incident between Chase and Leon. The business man was still in prison as Chase lived in a peace for now. Of course, he hasn't been on any missions since then so the only time he got paid was when he stopped Leon, but he didn't complain as it was an enormous amount of cash.

He was in his room once again, doing nothing. Even though he loved being lonely, he did admit it was getting boring. He really had nothing to do as nothing interesting was happening out in the city. That interaction between him and Leon was the most fun he had a in a while and wanted to do more stuff like that.

He did finish his small project that he was working on which was the modified-technology mask and the cape he made which wasn't easy but so wasn't the pup-pack that he created by himself.

The shepherd was on his bed, as he kept thinking on what he experienced these past three weeks. Time sure does fly by really fast. One minute, he was his usual self...happy and alone and things turned a turn when the pups went on vacation and all this other stuff about them, family, the Overlord and all of this business stuff and including his past of all the torture, abuse and manipulation.

To him, it was tiring.

He didn't feel any pain anymore. No emotions, no feelings, no nothing. He was just tired. He never really got a day to rest, besides the time he was sick but he still felt pain. Aside from the Leon incident, these past three weeks just have been...peaceful.

He wasn't bothered at all one bit. He didn't have to deal with enemies, he didn't have to deal with any conflicting emotions, no pups, no money, no nothing. And to be quite honest, he liked it. He hasn't felt like this ever and it was relaxing. Of course, he knew it would all end in the next two weeks, but he also couldn't wait to do something he's been waiting to do for a long time.

Finally get back at Lady Keres.

That was obviously one of his reasons for joining the Overlord, but now, he was glad he did for several others. Getting paid, relaxing and not being bothered by anyone. Back at the Paw Patrol, basically everyday, the pups would get called to do some sort of dumb mission and not get much benefit of it, at least, that's what it seemed like to Chase.

But the point was, he's actually happy.

His thoughts were then interrupted as someone walked into his room and when he opened his eyes, he saw Lincoln scanning the room for a little bit before his eyes lied on Chase's.

"Hey, wanna walk with me?"

The Lookout

It's been three weeks...three weeks and they haven't heard from Chase at all or much less see him. Each passing day, they began to worry much more and some even questioned if he was alive or not. They tried asking everyone they knew, but they said they haven't seen Chase around at all which worried them even more and started to lose hope.

Skye was lying inside her pup-house which a depressed mood. Out of everyone in the Paw Patrol, she was the one who looked around the most, even staying up whole nights trying to find even a single trace of him. None of this would've happened if I just...tried to listen and be grateful. Skye thought to herself.

The world was gifted with a pup like Chase and how did they treat their gift? The world was lucky enough to have Chase be born into it, but he still had a horrible life up until now.

Skye wanted to go back and change things. She thought of that every single night which broke her more. She never knew just how much the German Shepherd would really affect the whole team and their lives.

She suddenly heard a knock on her door, and sighing, the Cockapoo stood back up and opened the door and it was revealed to be Tundra. Remembering how their last couple interactions went, the atmosphere between them was awkward.

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