Visit For Maya

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     The next day, the pups woke up, once again, not hearing Chase's microphone waking them up. It saddened them a little bit already, but remembered what they talked about last night. They decided that they were just going to ignore them like he did. The pups met up with each other outside before they walked inside the Lookout to meet their parents and ate breakfast.

With Chase

Ryder looked at the police pup of the Paw Patrol with a surprised look. Both Ryder and Chase were having a little talk at the top of the Lookout.

"A-Are you sure?" He asked, a little surprised by Chase's request.

"Yeah, I have some plans for today and I just wanna go out by myself for the day." The German Shepherd shrugged.

"Um, sure. It sounds okay to me, but do you mind if I ask why?" The leader tilted his head a little bit, causing Chase to look off to the side a little bit.

"Well again, I have some plans." Chase repeated as Maya's face appeared in his mind. Ryder stared at Chase for a little bit before he finally shrugged.

"Okay, sounds good to me. Just be careful." He said in a little concerned voice which made Chase chuckle a little bit before he left towards the elevator.

"Don't worry, I will."

Chase was riding down the elevator, even though it felt like less than twenty seconds, for him, it gave him plenty of time to think.

Flash Back

"So then...what are we supposed to do?" Tundra asked and then everyone thought about it for a second.

"I say, let's just...carry on but let's not bother Chase anymore, if he wants to tell us, then let him tell on his own. We'll just have to wait for him." Everest then said in a bit of a stern voice and everyone looked at each other and sighed.


Flash Back Ends

He couldn't help but smile again, for some reason. They should've been able to figure it out, but they weren't. They didn't need him to give them the answer they're looking for. Not everything will be given to you, no matter how much you try to fix the problem.

If that's the case, I'll just play along with them. Chase thought with a smirk as he looked at his paw again, as he imagined different colored strings coming out of it again, it's as if he was controlling puppets.


They're my puppets, Chase chuckled at his thought. This was all a game to him, just a waiting game...and he was in control of it as he already knew how to win.

Just then, the elevator stopped and Chase walked through the doors and glanced back a little bit, watching the pups, along with their parents, eating breakfast. But he didn't bother to join them.

Hearing the elevator, everyone looked back to see Chase walking out and the pups quickly turned away, not wanting to even look at him right now. But a few of them couldn't help but glance a couple of times before mentally slapping themselves in the face.

Meanwhile, Edan and Kushina sadly stared at the shepherd who just ignored them and walked out of the Lookout. The two of them were hoping to talk with Chase when he got back, but when they heard Chase was already sleeping, the two of them decided to talk with him today. But it doesn't seem that Chase wants to talk.

Both of them sadly glanced at each other and thought about walking up to Chase and trying to settle things with him but they decided against it.

4:30 PM

Time went by really fast and Chase waited until the sun began setting down. He was now standing a fair distance from Maya's house. Every time he looked at the sight, his mood saddened a little bit, but knew that just seeing Maya's face was going to cheer him up. Alright, Maya. Get ready for a fun night! He excitedly thought.

The German Shepherd walked up to the house and called out her name.

"Hey, squirt? You in there?" He called out and waited for a few seconds before he glanced to the side to see Maya's face quickly pop up through the window and her expression changed to an excited one.

"Big bro!" She yelled in an excited tone and hopped through the window to softly land on her back. She struggled a little bit to get up, but she was able to stand on her fours and hug Chase's leg once again.

"You came back!" She said and Chase warmly smiled as he returned the embrace.

"I promised you, didn't I?" He asked and the adorable puppy pulled away and cheerfully smiled at Chase.

"Yeah, you did!" She almost yelled out before hopping onto Chase's back, the same way like how Chase carried her here last night.

"So, is your sister working right now?" Chase asked.

"Yeah, she told me she'll be working all night." Maya responded which left Chase a little curious to know what her older sister's job was, but decided not to press into it.

"So, what do you have planned?" She asked in a cheerful expression, wanting to know what her older brother had come up with for their fun day together.

Chase only smirked at her.

"If I tell you, it wouldn't be that surprising, huh squirt?" He asked and Maya pouted.

"Hey, don't call me squirt! I'm much more than that!" She almost yelled out which made Chase smile even more.

"Okay then...twerp."

And with that, Chase walked up, leaving Maya deadpanned on his back.

5:30 PM

Some time has passed and the entire sun has set. Maya was still riding on Chase's back while she looked back to see Captain Turbot's boat leaving the beach, which left the small shepherd confused.

"I don't get it, big bro. Where are we?" She asked and Chase glanced back at her with a huge smile on his face.

"Well, I may not be able to spend time with my parents, but I want you to meet my true family." Chase said and Maya seemed surprised and smiled, but then took another look at their surroundings.

"That's cool, but what is this place? I have never been here before." Maya said, making Chase chuckle and he opened his mouth to answer her.

"We're at Foggy Bottom."

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