Next morning came and everyone began taking their luggage into the truck.
"Marshall, Rubble, Rocky, Zuma, Skye, Everest and Chase." Ryder counted the pups off as they saw all of the parents walking after them as they carried their luggage with them too.
"Edan, Kushina, Bella, Spike, Delilah, Dallas, Daisy, Axel, Penny, Rusty, Eve and Blaire." Ryder counted the parents off as well and smiled as everyone was already inside the Paw Patroller and walked inside after the pups and sat next to Robo Dog behind the controls while the dogs placed their luggage in a large closet.
"Alright, you guys ready?" Ryder asked as he turned his head to face the pups.
"ROAD TRIP!" All of them cheered and Ryder chuckled and turned his attention back to the road and began the truck.
"Paw Patrol is on a roll." Ryder said with a grin and all of the pups and their parents cheered with a howl and the Paw Patroller began moving and Ryder decided to turn on some music for the pups to listen to while they were having fun, and the pups wasted no time in having fun.
8:00 AM
The pups watched a movie to kill some time first
10:50 AM
The pups, along with their parents, decided to show off their dance moves to the music that was playing. All of them danced, except Chase who just watched.
1:20 PM
Ryder stopped the Paw Patroller and allowed the pups to go out and get a little bit of fresh air and decided to stay there for a little bit and take a break, since they weren't in all that big of a rush.
2:30 PM
Rubble brought out a suitcase full of pup treats and all of them happily dug in and ate.
Some time has passed and since Ryder and the pups have taken multiple breaks from driving, it's taking longer to arrive at Adventure City. Meanwhile, the pups decided to do their own thing with their parents while Chase was left alone in his seat.
He looked around to see some of the pups walking around the Paw Patroller, showing them around or a couple of them on the seats, either on a device or just talking while some others were talking with Ryder. Chase lied on the seat, just looking out of the window, watching as trees, bushes, large fields of grass and a few buildings quickly passed by in front of Chase's face.
Chase only sighed as this road trip seemed a bit more boring than the last one, but that was because it was only with the pups.
"Enjoying the scenery?" Chase turned around and saw Edan, hopping onto a seat next to Chase, looking out of the window with him.
"I guess." Chase sighed and Edan noticed the depressed tone in his voice. Edan figured Chase was still trying to deal with what happened yesterday.
"So, you've been to Adventure City before, right?" Edan asked and Chase glanced at Edan.
"Yeah." He said in a tired tone.
"So, what's it like?"
"What's it like?" Chase repeated his question.
Flash Back
"C'mon, follow me." Jamison said once more and both of them walked towards the elevator which had a window. Jamison pressed a button and both of them were now being lifted, Chase looked out of the window, and each time they passed a floor, Chase could see a much better view of the city. He thought being inside it was large, but from this view, it looked like the city never ends. This view made the city look like a complete maze.
"Wait, what!?" Chase heard Jamison's shocked voice, "We signed a contract. We had a deal!"
"Look, I'm sorry, but the deal is off." The other man said sternly.
"Are you kidding me? I went through so much trouble to get that dumb mutt to trust me so I could sell him off to hopefully get more money but now you're saying that you had another deal with someone?" Jamison argued.
Chase felt his heart drop. He couldn't believe it. The man that he trusted. The man that said he was going to adopt him and make his life better. All of this time, it was all an act so that he could sell Chase to get more money. Chase could no longer feel any emotions as if they were drained. He trusted a human for the first time and that same human was trying to use him for their own selfish gain.
Flash Back Ends
"It's's like a maze." Chase described and Edan didn't respond as he noticed the lack of excitement and more depressed tone coming from that sentence.
"He's on your mind, isn't he?" Edan then began, obviously referring to Jamison. Chase glanced a glare at Edan but said nothing. Chase calmed himself as he knew that Edan had done nothing wrong to him, and figured he should show a little more respect.
"I can't stop thinking about him. I trusted him the most and he betrayed me like that. Just thinking about him wouldn't understand." Chase sighed, making sure his voice was quiet so the others wouldn't hear him. Chase just sadly looked at the view from the window, out into the night sky and passing roads on the highway.
Edan sadly looked at Chase and back at the seats. He knew that he couldn't understand Chase one bit of anything that he had to go through.
"You're right, I don't understand." Edan said and Chase looked at him with a bit of a surprised look.
"But at least tell me what happened." Edan said with a calm, and soothing tone like a father trying to comfort his son. Chase really wanted to burst out and say everything that he had to go through, but he couldn't as he felt like it wouldn't do any good.
"Nothing happened before or after that. But...why do you care so much?" Chase finally asked, and Edan sighed as he glanced down at Chase's necklace.
"I know someone who wore that necklace before."
Chase's eyes then widened as he stared at Edan with a shocked look on his face. Edan then looked at Chase with a sad and worried look.
"Can I Kamato your father?" Edan asked and Chase was confused and surprised by the sudden question.
Flash Back
"Look, I have a wife and a son. Obviously, he's gonna get people's attention, and when he does, my wife and I will have our lives ruined like they weren't already." Chase's father explained.
"Already?" The man repeated.
"My son was a mistake, he never should've happened. Even when things couldn't get harder, of course my wife had to give birth to a mistake and ruin our lives even more. He can't even work properly. Which is why tomorrow, I'll be making him sleep outside and that's where you'll come in and kill him." Chase's father explained.
Flash Back Ends
" he's not my Dad." Chase sadly sighed and Edan looked at Chase with a defeated look.
"Sorry, I just figured since you had his necklace, I thought you were his son for a second." Edan explained himself and now it was Chase's turn to ask.
"How do you know Kamato?" Chase asked and Edan hopped off the seat.
"Follow me, I think it's best if Kushina and I explain this to you." Edan said and walked off to find Kushina in the Paw Patroller. Chase seemed confused at first, but he wanted to find out what Edan knew about Kamato.
So he followed

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...