By the time everyone began setting up the Christmas tree, it was getting late and everyone decided to finish up decorating on the next day.
They hung up the last few ornaments, candy canes, and lights. But just like yesterday, everything felt awkward, especially for Skye.
"Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and he's still not back." Kushina whispered to herself as she looked off to the sight of Adventure Bay, but Edan was able to hear her due to being next to her hanging up some ornaments.
A sad expression came onto his face as he looked off with Kushina, wondering when he's gonna come back home.
"Don't worry, he'll come back in time for Christmas." Edan said in a hopeful smile, trying to cheer his mate up, but it didn't seem to work.
"But what if he doesn't? I still wanna talk to him." Kushina sadly doubted which made Edans expression fall a little bit.
Marshall was on one other side of the tree, but he overheard his parents' conversation. Much less, he was saddened. He hated it when he saw his parents upset and worried, it gives him that uneasy feeling, it's like they shouldn't have to worry because they're wonderful dogs, they deserve nothing but the best.
Whilst this also made the small Dalmatian angry as it was his own brother is the reason why they're at worry and unease. Don't be selfish, bro. Where are you? Marshall thought to himself as was also a little bit worried, but now began getting irritated.
With Chase
Meanwhile, after Chase reminded himself that he was going to help out the Humdingers AND Maya, he decided to pay her a visit since it has been a few days. Besides, since tomorrow is Christmas Eve, it's best to plan out some things and in all honesty, the German Shepherd wanted to spend Christmas with her and the Humdinger family.
But then Ryder and the pups came back into his mind and he frowned a little bit. He wondered if he should come back for the holidays at least. But then, he kept remembering the conversation he had with Skye that caused him to run to the Humdingers. And then he thought about the pups' last two conversations about him.
He had to be honest with himself. Was he happy? All the time he spent at the Lookout, everything he did. All the time he spent even before he began to change. Did he ever feel happy? It wasn't like he was treated any better.
Flash Back
"Okay, well Skye is out and now we have an odd number of us. One of us is gonna have to sit this one out." Marshall pointed out.
"I nominate Chase!" Rubble said, raising his paw.
"Wait, what!?" Chase said, even Marshall seemed a little surprised by Rubbles answer.
"Whatevew, I'll go with Chase." Zuma shrugged.
"What? Why me, Zuma?" Chase asked in shock.
"Well, take it as payback for waking us up with the megaphone." Zuma said.
"But I always wake you guys up with the megaphone." Chase deadpanned.
"Meh, well, I don't really know, I guess I'll go with Chase too." Rocky shrugged also.
"Seriously, Rocky?" Chase asked.
"Sorry Chase, but even if you and Marshall vote someone different, it'll probably have no effect on the two votes on the same pup. So I have no other choice." Rocky explained.
"What were you thinking?" Skye asked with an angry tone in her voice.
"I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't know which one was the brake, I-I thought it was the left paddle." Chase stuttered.
"Are you kidding me? Why would you-?!" Skye then sighed, as she didn't want the other pups to hear her yell.
"Whatever, just leave. You're clearly useless for stuff like this." Skye said
"W-Wait, I'm sorry! Let me help you..."
"I think you've helped out enough today. You think this is funny?"
"Ugh, whatever. Just go play with the others or something. I don't need you right now." Skye said as she walked away to pick up her wheels.
Flash Back Ends
No. He never felt happy. After Ryder took him in, he felt happy for a while, but each time one of the pups joined the team, all that happiness began to wash away.
Chase then took his mind off of those thoughts as he saw Maya's house up ahead. Even though he has been to it before, it didn't stop him from frowning.
He walked up to the door and called out to her.
"Hey squirt, you in there?" Chase asked out loud and quickly, Maya looked through the window and just like before, she hopped out and excitedly ran towards Chase, hugging him by his leg.
"Big bro!" She cheered which always made the German Shepherd giggle.
"I'm glad you visited me, I missed you!" She exclaimed.
"But, it was only for a few days." Chase pointed out with a little hint of a surprised voice.
"It felt like years!" She exaggerated which made Chase laugh once more at how adorable she was. "Sorry, squirt. Things have gotten really busy, but I'm here now." Chase explained.
"That's awesome! Are we gonna visit Mayor Humdinger again?" She asked with stars in her eyes as she desperately wanted to visit them due to how much fun she had.
"Sure." Chase answered with a grin and Maya got excited, but then she stopped as if it's like she realized something.
"Wait, is it okay if my older sister can come with us too? She's home!" Maya voiced and Chase seemed a little surprised, but he wasn't opposed to the idea at all. Besides, he was trying to help Maya and her older sister and this would be a good chance to meet her as well.
"Alright, sounds great." The Police pup accepted and once again, Maya got excited and ran towards the door of the house while Chase slowly followed behind her, now wondering what her older sister would be like.
"Big sis! Big bro would like to invite both of us to hang out with him!" She called out and soon enough, Chase heard the footsteps of someone walking down the stairs.
Just then, the door slightly opened to which it revealed a dog that looked a lot similar to Chase and Sylvia. For some reason, the German Shepherd slightly froze at the sight of her, it's as if he recognized the pup.
"What? Who are you-?" She asked as the dog looked up from Maya to Chase and her eyes widened.
Both Chase and the older sister were looking at each other with wide eyes. The older sister was in shock as she just found out that Maya's older "brother" was the one that took down the Ominous ten and the little puppy that she met years ago and the one that she supposedly fell in love with.
Chase on the other paw couldn't describe the thoughts. He quickly recognized the older pup in front of him as he remembered he met her years ago in Costa Rica. Back when she had Archie and Lucky with her also. In a complete state of shock, he couldn't control it, but called out her name in a stutter.

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...