Chase and Everest were breathing heavily a little bit, due to running around and throwing snowballs at each other. Both of them were wet and were covered up with a little snow.
"H...Heh, that was fun." Everest said with a little pant and Chase friendly growled at her.
"No. It was honestly annoying." He said with a frown, surprising Everest again.
"Seriously? Come on." Everest tried again with a slight, hopeful smile, while breathing in and out. Seeing her breath leaving her, but mostly focused on the German Shepherd. Otherwise, the police pup ignored her and began making his way back inside the Lookout until Everest quickly jumped in front of him.
"Okay, before you go. Can I ask you something?" She asked, hoping to at least spend just a little more time with him. In all honesty, for the longest time she's known him for, this is not the Chase she remembered. She remembered him as bright, outgoing, friendly, and kind. He did grow more attractive, especially now. But now, he was just cold, harsh and a little scary at times. These are completely two different pups and she couldn't compare them at all.
"What is it?" He spat out in an annoyed tone, hurrying to go back inside.
"Can you tell me, what caused you to change?" She straight up asked, catching Chase off guard a little bit. Obviously not expecting that question.
Inside The Lookout
For some reason, Marshall slowly woke up. He yawned and looked around and saw everyone else sleeping around him. He smiled but then his smile turned into a look of a little confusion and surprise. He didn't see Chase or Everest around at all. Have they woken up?
Marshall only shrugged, thinking that the two had woken early, but he looked around once more, noticing that the room was still dark and the only source of light shined through the glass of the doors by the moon. Plus, the room was empty and silent, no sound of sight of two pups in sight.
This confused the young Dalmatian even more, wondering where Chase and Everest are at now. He got up and quietly left the bean bags, making sure to not wake the others up. He walked around, still seeing the outlines of every object in the room, even though it was dark.
"Where would they-?" Marshall asked himself, but then glanced at the front door and saw two silhouettes close to each other. Is that them? He thought and walked towards the door and glanced through, getting a closer look and suddenly saw the colors appear before him. Confirming that it was Chase and Everest. What're they doing out there? He asked himself.
The fire pup knew that walking through those doors was going to make news so he quickly ran towards the other side and ran through the back doors which slid open for him and closed behind him. He ran around and made sure to not trip or fall. He quietly hid behind Rubbles pup-house, listening in to know what's going on.
"Can you tell me, what caused you to change?" He heard Everest ask and Marshall quickly knew what was going on.
"What? Why ask me that?" He retaliated, earning a frown from Everest.
"Come on, it's obvious to me that you're acting differently. Lately, you haven't been talking or even hanging out with me or Marshall that much either." She said in a low voice. Hearing her sad tone, Marshall was saddened a little bit. He hated it when Everest sounded or even remotely looked sad. But he also has to agree.
The German Shepherd was a brother to the red pup, and lately, he's been super distant and yet, Marshall wasn't able to figure out why.
"Hm? And why would you care?" Chase asked a little softly this time, obviously, he didn't want to be super rude, but he's not gonna let her go off the hook easily.
Everest on the other hand, was again shocked by Chase's response, but of course, she couldn't help but answer with a light smile.
"Because you're like my little brother." She answered, which surprised Chase this time and Marshall warmly smiled. Out of everyone in the Paw Patrol, Marshall and Everest were the only ones who felt as Chase was one of their siblings.
For Marshall, he was his brother, maybe even his older brother. For Everest, considering that she was the oldest of the team, she saw Chase as a little brother.
Chase on the other hand, frowned a little bit at that statement, but Everest continued talking.
"You're also Marshall's brother! He sees you like family." Everest added on, and behind his lips, Chase gritted his teeth in anger.
Flash Back
"Now that you guys mentioned it, you're kind of right. He can act so bossy around and act like we can't take care of ourselves." Everest admitted.
"Well...," Marshall thought, "I mean, he's not here right now, but yeah, I've gotta admit, it's pretty annoying almost all the time. Especially during the mornings." Marshall said.
"Why do you even hang out with him that much?" Rocky asked and Chase listened closely as he now wanted to hear Marshall's answer.
"I guess I just pity him. I mean, he has an awesome life and all, and of course being the leader, but the way that he acts and being so bossy is so unnecessary."
"Don't know dude. Sometimes, I wish that we didn't have him as the leader or police pup on the team. I know that's a bit hawsh, but c'mon, his authowity is really annoying. I wish we didn't have someone like that on our team." Zuma said.
"Agreed" The rest of the pups said.
Flash Back Ends
"Family, huh?" Chase repeated, Everest looked at him with a little confusion. An image of Kushina appeared in the German Shepherds mind for some reason. She was the true example of family when it came to Chase, along with Ryder as well.
"If that's the case, then I wanna ask you something?" He said back and Everest seemed a little surprised by the rebound, along with Marshall, but he listened in along with Everest, waiting for the question.
Chase glanced to the left a little bit, as if he was looking at something, or someone. It's as if he knew someone was listening to them. He mentally smirked as he knew that someone else will think about what he's about to ask Everest.
"What would you do if your family lied to you?" He asked, completely confusing Everest and Marshall.
"W-What?" She stuttered a little bit, feeling as if that question was directed at her and Marshall, who had no idea that he was listening in.
"Let me know once you figure it out." He "warmly" smiled at her as he patted her shoulder with his paw and walked past her, towards the Lookout, but then he stopped and then he opened his mouth to talk.
"Oh, and Marshall is behind Rubbles pup-house."

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...