"Strike!" Chase cheered as he rolled down a ball which knocked over a large portion of cups that were designed as turkeys. So far, Chase was winning in Turkey Bowling.
"Seriously? You must be cheating, you got four strikes in a row!" Edan exclaimed with suspicion in his voice as he turned to look at Chase who only smirked at him.
"Hey, guess I just got a knack for it." Chase said with a teasing smirk and Edan's eye twitched as he looked back ahead as he stared down at the group of turkey cups, staring right back at him. It was like they were teasing the Dalmatian to try. Edan breathed in and out as if his entire life was depending on this roll.
"Gah!" He made the noise as he rolled the ball which completely rolled off to the side, not being able to knock down one cup. Which made Chase and Marshall keel over in laughter while Kushina tried to hold back her laughter. Edan grumbled to himself as Chase got up, with tears falling down his cheeks and stared at Edan with humorous disbelief. "Haha! You seriously missed it? You didn't even hit one." He laughed.
"Dad, you're second-in-command for a fire chief but you can't knock down cups?" Marshall also laughed.
"Oh come on! This game must be rigged or something!" Edan retaliated while Kushina patted his back.
"It's okay honey, you'll get it next time." Kushina comforted while Chase and Marshall got up, a couple tears still falling from their faces.
"Anyways, it's my turn." Kushina said as she got her competitive face on.
Kushina crossed the finish line first while Chase came in second and Edan came in third. Kushina cheered as she won the sack race and both watched Marshall, struggling to jump.
"You can do it son!" Edan cheered on and Marshall tried his best, but ended up tripping and rolling on the bag, crashing right into Kushina, earning gasps from Edan and Chase, but then bursted out in laughter.
"Guess I really went rolling there, did I?" Marshall punned, making Kushina happily roll her eyes.
"Four, huh?" Chase counted on the dice that he just rolled which both faced two black dots. The German Shepherd then walked up and slid his head through a hole of a mask which was attached to handles which connected to a hand, holding a large pie.
Chase placed his paw on the handle and twisted it and clicked every time he counted.
The third twist sprung the hand with the pie up, slamming onto Chase's face, earning laughter from Marshall and his parents.
"Haha! You got pied, dude!" Marshall laughed. The pie slowly slid off of Chase's face who didn't make an effort to take it off, and deadpanned at the three laughing Dalmatians. But the police pup shrugged.
"Meh, I'm not complaining." Chase said with a slight smile as he licked the cream around his face.
"I win!" Edan cheered as he won a game of Autumn Tic-Tac-Toe against his wife who looked at the board with a surprised look
"What? No way!" Kushina gasped in shock.
"Let's go one more time!" She challenged once again.
"Sure, more free wins for me." Edan taunted which made Kushina growl and Chase and Marshall sweated a little bit as they could feel the tension.
"Turkey?" Marshall asked.
"You already guessed that!" Chase exclaimed.
"Candied yams?" Edan guessed, knowing that the answer might be wrong.
"No." Chase sighed.
"Jellied cranberry?" Kushina asked.
"No, it's not." Chase said as he ripped off the tape, covering the answer on the board.
"It's bread rolls!" Chase exclaimed, earning "Ahh" from the three of them. The next game was Family Feud and Marshall's family had a difficult time, guessing the last answer for what things you eat at Thanksgiving dinners.
A small bean bag was tossed straight through the hole of a turkey's chest, obviously made out of cardboard.
"Alright! Score!" Chase cheered as Marshall made an attempt to throw a bean bag through one of the holes, but missed as it hit the cardboard wall.
"Aw man." Marshall sadly sighed.
Now, the three of them were holding a list on their paws, walking around the park, doing a scavenger hunt.
"Christmas decorations? It's still November." Edan told himself, confused on why Christmas decorations would be on the list.
Somewhere else with Kushina
"A beautiful rock?" Kushina scratched her head, wondering where she would find a beautiful rock, if there was any.
Another place with Marshall
"Search for something beautiful?" Marshall asked and then looked up to see Everest and her parents running across in the distance. Marshall lightly blushed at the Husky and dreamily sighed at his crush.
With Chase
"Where am I supposed to find a live turkey?" Chase asked, confused on the list of his scavenger hunt.
After a long day of playing games and having fun at the festival, everybody met back at the Paw Patroller where Ryder bought each one of them some pies to fuel up a little bit before they would go back to having fun. Since it was getting to the winter season, the days would end sooner and so the sun was already beginning to set a little bit.
The pups dug straight into their food while Ryder chuckled.
"You guys enjoying the festival?" Ryder asked and all of the pups nodded "yes." which made Ryder chuckle.
Rocky looked off to the side a little bit and noticed that there were three other pies, standing there but nobody was eating them. He looked back to see that everybody was here and had their own food. He looked back up at Ryder.
"Uh, Ryder? What are those three other pies for?" He asked and all of the pups stared at them and looked back at Ryder.
"Because we have a couple guests joining us for Thanksgiving." Ryder said.
"Really? Who?" Skye asked, excited to know who their other guests would be.
"¡Hola amigas, long time no see!"
The pups heard a familiar voice and they looked behind and their eyes widened as they saw a familiar Chihuahua walking up to them, along with two other adult Chihuahuas with him, along with a boy as the same age of Ryder with pale skin, dark brown hair and blue eyes. He wears a beige fedora hat with a red and blue trim and his wears an orange shirt, blue jeans and brown boots. All of the pups except Liberty, Sylvia and the other parents, cheered out.
It was Tracker, his parents, Charlie and Mia, and Carlos.

Behind The Mask
FanfictionFamily. Something that Chase doesn't know about. Living a life where his parents were physically and mentally abusive. Covering up the past was hard enough, but the worst part is wearing a mask in front of those who you thought would reach their paw...