Fight To Survive

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    Chase walked into the warehouse and the stench already entered his nose, trash was filled mostly over the entire place, a few garbage trucks were parked, everything seemed silent and Chase glanced at the top of the window to see his drone was still flying above, recording everything on sight.

Chase suddenly heard the noise of a car driving in, and quickly hid behind one of trucks while placing his hood up so he wouldn't be noticed in the darkness. Then, two familiar people walked out of the car. It was Ruben and Butch which surprised Chase.

"What? What're they doing here?" Chase whispered to himself, he remembered they went to prison along with Mayor Humdinger too and they did get bailed out, but what are they up to now?

"So, did the boss say the pup went inside?" Chase heard Butch ask and Chase wondered what pup he was talking about, but then got a good view of his cruiser where he parked inside the forest. Oh great! The blue color gave it away! Chase gritted his teeth in frustration. Now the goons knew that Chase was here.

"Don't know, but they say it was the pup that we kidnapped before at Adventure City." Ruben replied and both of them evilly giggled at each other and Chase sighed and quickly moved away from the truck so he could begin his strike.

Ruben and Butch cautiously walked around and looked closely around the area to find Chase, they decided to split up so the job will be done faster, but then, a shout was heard and Ruben ran back to see Butch was tangled up in a net and saw Chase standing on top of him, making it even harder for Butch to escape the net.

"Ha! Butch? How many times do I have to take you down?" Chase laughed and Butch used his arm to push Chase away and escape the net.

"And where's your other partner, Ruben?" Chase asked and suddenly heard footsteps running behind him and saw Ruben darting towards Chase. Chase quickly jumped to the side and bit down on the bottom of Rubens pants, causing him to trip and fall on top of Butch.

"Look, things might be awkward now since I sent you guys to jail, but we can't meet like this." Chase said with a grin and both Butch and Ruben were angry and quickly hopped back onto their feet and charged towards Chase once again.

"No food? No tea?" Chase said as he dodged Ruben once again and caused Butch to trip this time and fall on top of Ruben.

"Sheesh, not even a hello? You guys are hilarious." Chase joked and he was caught off guard. He usually wouldn't be the one to joke around missions, but this time was way different. But I gotta admit, it's fun Chase thought with a smile. Now he could understand why Zuma liked telling jokes and quips a lot of times during their missions.

Just then, Chase has been blown back by a blast of vibrating air and it sends Chase to land in a pile of trash, he quickly gets back up and groans.

"Ugh, what was that?" Chase held his head and looked up to see a person walking up to Chase.

A man that seemed just as old as Ruben and Dutch, he wore an outfit that resembled a countryside fashion. He wore a large Kangaroo cowboy hat with a large blue scarf and a black vest with a white, buttoned up shirt with a loose belt and long brown pants. He wore two wallet chains and fancy black shoes on the bottom. He had greasy brown hair and an earring on his left ear, he had a short beard and green eyes and a scar under his eye crossing his nose.

He also wore a huge metal gauntlet with a few wires coming out of it.

"You know, you're either brave or just plain stupid." He said in a cowboy accent and tightened his fist and lifted his arm towards him which held the gauntlet and a blast of vibrating air shot towards Chase, who reacted quickly and jumped out of the way and instead sent the garbage flying back and hitting the wall.

How can he do that? Chase was shocked and then looked back at the man and figured that it was the gauntlets doing.

"Woah, that's offensive! Dogs actually have high intelligence. Depends on what kind of dogs were talking about" Chase argued back but said the last sentence a bit too quietly. Ugh, now I sound like Rocky Chase thought and turned his attention back to the man. "And who are you?" Chase asked

"Well? How's about you call me, Carson." The man said and sent another blast of the vibrating air towards Chase, who again leaped out of the way and charged towards Carson.

"Or how's about-" Chase mocked his accent, but this time, the blast hit Chase again and sent him back, but quickly recovered and charged towards Carson once again.

"Ruff! Net!" Chase called out and Carson sent out another blast, but Chase was able to dodge and shoot the net onto the gauntlet.

"What the-!" Carson was shocked and quickly tried to rip off the net, but Chase tackled him and pushed onto the trash.

"Gotta say, that thing's awesome, where do you work to make that kind of stuff?" Chase asked, referring to the gauntlet

"Why don't you mind your own business?" Carson responded and surprised Chase by hitting him with another blast and sent Chase flying and landed onto the top of a compactor

"Ugh. That thing can send you flying like a bird." Chase grunted and he struggled to get out of the heavy garbage that was on top of him. Suddenly, a shadow loomed over him and saw Carson standing there.

"But I already have a job that pays me a fortune." Carson said with a smug smirk and pressed one of the buttons which caused the walls behind and in front of Chase to enclose in. Chase widened his eyes and struggled even more when the walls began moving closer, already crushing some of the garbage inside. Chase looked in front and saw a large opened cabinet moving his way.

Carson watched as the walls completely crushed Chase and the other garbage along with him and smoke came out.

"Flattened like a pancake." Carson evilly chuckled and walked back down to see Ruben and Butch walking up to him.

"The deals are done. The Overlord would be satisfied for now." Carson said and began walking out.

"Now come on, he was just a minor setback, our real target is still on the move." Carson said and he and the other goons ran off.

Leaving Chase inside, crushed inside the compactor

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