Chapter 10 ~ Military base

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                                 It was 30 minutes after dusk, Nightstar, Agent Folwer and Ultra Magnus were on their way to the military base.  Agent Folwer let Ultra Magnus come along with General Brace's permission.

               30 minutes later...

                                        Once they got to the human base, the gates open. Nightstar and Ultra Magnus transform into their bot mode. They both walked over to the gate.

Agent Folwer~ As you know Commander, this is how far you can go.

                                  He pointed at the outer part of the gates.

Magnus~ That is understood, Agent Folwer.

Agent Folwer~ And for you Miss, you go inside of our base.

Nightstar~ But...

                                  She was cut off by the Commander.

Magnus~ Agent, just do he said. We don't want no problems. Is that understood?

                                 Nightstar just nodded her helm and stepped inner part of the base. She kneeled down and looked up at Magnus.

Magnus~  Now Agent, don't start...

                                  But, she had tears in her optics already. He sighed and looked down at her. Magnus kneeled down to be the height of Nightstar.

Magnus~ We'll get to see you within a few weeks or ...

Agent Folwer~ By the end of the month.

                           He said finishing Magnus' sentence.

Magnus~ As Agent Folwer said. It would be in between that period of time. Agent Folwer...

                                  He said as he looked down at the small human.

Magnus~ Optimus said he wanted to stay in touch with our Agent. Do you mind if we communicate with her?

Agent Folwer~ I have already talked to General Brace about that and he said that it would be fine to check in on your Agent time to time. Just not a day.

Magnus~ What do you mean by that?

                                     He cocked a brow.

Agent Folwer~ Calling her a few times a day. Plus wait a few days before calling again.

Magnus~ I do understand, but we just meet her and...

Agent Folwer~ We'll send the information to Ratchet.

Magnus~ I wasn't going to talk about that. I was going to say that she hasn't been in this war long. The Agent is very emotional and never knew much about this war.

Nightstar~ We are at war?

                               Magnus sighed once again.

Magnus~ Yes Agent, we have been at war for the past 40 million years. We have been fighting the Decepticons to keep Cybertron safe, but we had flee from home.

                                 It just made the problem worse. Rivers of tears fell from her faceplates.

Nightstar~ I don't want to die. I too young.

Magnus~ How old are you?

                                        He question.

Nightstar~ I don't even know anymore. I can't remember anything from before. I..I..I can't do this anymore. Life is suffering.

                                  She stood up and transform into alt. mode. Nightstar flew towards the rising sun.

Magnus~ Ultra Magnus to base. Do you copy?

                                     He waited for a response through the static.

Intercom~  I hear you loud and clear Commander. What's the problem?

                               Ratchet said.

Magnus~ Doctor, the Agent doesn't remember anything. I think she might be in her younger age mind.

Intercom~  Do you mean a sparkling mind? Or older than that?

Magnus~ The Agent is trap in teenager mind I believe. I'm just not sure. I'll be returning to base immediately.

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