Chapter 45

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Wheeljack - Get him off me! My frame can't take much more.

The Commander was still putting pressure on the Wrecker's frame. Optimus pull Magnus off of Wheeljack. Bulkhead lifted his friend on to his peds.

Ratchet - Optimus, couldn't you get the Commander into the Med-bay?

The Prime nodded his helm.

Ratchet - Tell me what happen here? What's wrong with Miko?

He asked, noticing that she lay out on the couch. Bulkhead couldn't explain because of his voice box. He pushed Wheeljack forward.

Wheeljack - What a friend you are, Bulk.

Ratchet - Care to explain?

He question the Wrecker. Tossing the wrench he had into the air and catching it.

Wheeljack - Well, Magnus was trying to recharge and...

Ratchet - Just spit it.

Miko - Wheeljack did it. He made Ultra Magnus mad. Real mad. He's terrifying when he's mad.

She said ratting out the Wrecker, as she sat up.

Ratchet - Let me get this straight. The Commander was trying to recharge and Wheeljack was messing with him. Making Magnus really mad, where was trying to kill you. Because of your idiotic behavior.

Bulkhead and Miko nodded their head/helm to agree with what the Medic said. Ratchet hit Wheeljack in his helm with the wrench. Walking towards the Med-bay to deal with a enraged Commander. To his surprise, Optimus had Magnus laying down on a medical berth. In recharge.

Ratchet - How did you get him to rest that quickly?

Optimus - The Commander was just tired by the time I got him in here.

Magnus was just having a rough time. Having a terrible dream. Seen he had seen his beloved Star. The Commander couldn't stop thinking about her. He thought she was gone forever. There was that one memory that bother him so much. It was before the war started. Magnus hasn't heard from Nightstar. She usually send letters to him since he was the military. They had a holiday to go see their family. By the time he gotten home, he found it a complete wreckage. Police tape blocking off his house.

Magnus - Please release me. This my home. I have to find her and my daughter.

Optimus and Ratchet looked at Magnus. He's dreaming a horrible dream.

Ratchet - It has to be a memory that isn't a good one.

The Prime nodded his helm. The Commander shot up and shook his helm. His expression show worry. It melted away and turn into a cold face.

Ratchet - Commander, do you want...

Magnus - No.

He cut the Medic off as he got up. Magnus left the Med-bay. It seem that he was in a bad mood now.

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