Chapter 23

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Nightstar's pov

Nightstar~ Uh oh. It looks like the Prime is going to get a beat down. Right, my liege?

Megatron~ Indeed.

                                              I could see his evil grin crawling on to his faceplates. So, was mine. He had the Forge in his right servo. I was right by his side.

Megatron~ Ultra Magnus, I think you should have this for your battle.

                                           My lord said catching his attention. Magnus looked up and wiped away the dark energon that came from his intake. He held out his servos to catch the Forge. Megatron released the Forge and walked away, wanting to watch from the shadows. I wanted to watch from sitting on the edge of the ledge. It's quite more of the fun and action, I do say.

Optimus~ Wheeljack, Bumblebee, try to get the Forge out of the Commander's servos.

Wheeljack~ Yes, Prime.

                                          Bumblebee nodded his helm to respond to the Prime. They can talk as quietly as they want, but I can still here.

Nightstar~ Hey Ultra.

                                              He looked up at me. I can see it in his optics that they are full of rage and revenge. He was colorless at this point. Grey and silver with glowing cherry red optics.

Nightstar~ I would hold on to the Forge a little bit more tighter because they want to take your big boy hammer away.

                                         All he did was grunt. Wheeljack and Bumblebee were on both sides and Optimus in front. I can't wait for the fun to begin. Why hasn't Magnus made his move? He just dropped the Forge and fell to his knees. I can tell Megatron is frowning. Our excitement has drain away.

Optimus~ Commander?

Magnus~ Yes sir?

Megatron~ Nightstar, come along. You and Knockout have to inform Shockwave. How the experiment went.

                                          I felt the ledge collapsing underneath me. Being hit in the helm a few times by fist size rock making me unconscious. I hit the ground soon after that. Captured by the Autobots again. I could see Megatron looking down at me and he turn his backplates on me. Second in command of the Decepticons. Well Screamer will be so happy to be second in command again. My world. My life. Is ending. This will go down in history: Nightstar the traitor. That put a smile on my faceplates. This is it. My optics shut off.

Nightstar~ Goodbye Autobots.

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