Chapter 26

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Optimus' pov

                                          I am worrying about the Commander and what will happen after this moment of time. Will he ever return back to normal? My old friend, Ratchet, has been looking at me for a nanoseconds now. I look at him.

Ratchet~ Optimus, can we talk privately?

                                        I nodded my helm. We went outside to talk.

Optimus~ Ratchet, what is it we need to talk about?

                                               I asked. Not sure if it was about the Commander or the dark energon.

Ratchet~ Optimus, you seem worried. May I ask why?

Optimus~ I am not worrying, Ratchet. It's just that Megatron is now experimenting on fellow Cybertronians. And if we can undo Megatron's doing.

Ratchet~ I might need the samples of the dark energon. Just make sure no one touches it. We don't want anyone to look like the Commander.

                                        We both look at the colorless Commander. He playing with our human friends. Magnus is more soft then usual, do to this gel consistency dark energon. Bumblebee and Smokescreen seem to enjoy the Commander smiling and laughing. It warms my spark, but this isn't how it suppose to end. Not with a emotional and colorless Commander.

Optimus~ Ratchet, I do not want the team to end up like the Commander.

Ratchet~ But, Optimus. This can be only way of saving Ultra Magnus. I know you don't want your lieutenant to stay like this.

                                      He pointed at Magnus, who was still playing with the humans. Ratchet lowered his servo. Magnus looked in our direction and waved a servo at us. Ratchet waved back for the two of us.

Ratchet~ I know you don't want this to end like this. Not trying to lose another Autobot. And you know who I am talking about. I dare not say his name.

                                        Ratchet is talking about Cliffjumper, Arcee's partner. I might as well agree with him. The dark energon could save the Commander. But, it could have someone on the team get infected like Ultra Magnus. Yet, a price must be payed. Unless, Nightstar. If she could help us with gathering de of the Decepticon's dark energon.

Optimus~ Ratchet, is Nightstar in good condition?

Ratchet~ To what?

Optimus~ To help us gather some of the Decepticon's dark energon.

Ratchet~ I haven't checked her conditions yet. But, she can probably help us with that.

                                       He said as he went to Nightstar's side to check her conditions. Wheeljack came after Ratchet left my side.

Wheeljack~ So, what's the plan?

                                        He asked. I don't have a plan yet. Not until Ratchet gives me the official update of Nightstar's conditions.

Optimus~ I don't have a plan yet, Wheeljack. But, for right now. We are going to wait.

Wheeljack~ Wait! We are giving Megatron an advantage. You got have a plan.

Bulkhead~ Look Jackie, the Prime is doing is best to look after the team. You and Ultra Magnus came after we needed help. He had to sacrifice himself to save us.

                                     Bulkhead is correct. I have done a lot for the team. But, I am still thankful for still having my family with me. Even if Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack have came into picture later. The two of them are still apart of my family.

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