Chapter 68

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As the Commander was climbing, it started rain. His servos slipped off of the rocky cliff side. Once he gotten to the top, Magnus pulled himself up. The Prime looked over the Decepticon leader's shoulder. Optimus was pinned to a smooth stone wall. The Commander knew Megatron had beaten him before, but on this very day. He was going to beat the Decepticon leader. He'll make sure it will be the Decepticon's last battle.

Magnus - Megatron, I believe your fight is with me now. You took something away from me. I won't let you take something else away.

Megatron - I'll gladly fight you. You will fail again, Ultra Magnus.

He released the Autobot leader. Aiming his fusion cannon at the Commander.

Optimus - Commander, this is my fight with Megatron. Not yours.

Magnus - He took something away from me, Prime.

He told the Prime. Transforming his right servo into his blaster and aim at the Decepticon leader.

Magnus - Which one of us is going to shoot first, Megatron?

He asked. Ready to fight for what he lost. Megatron fired and so did the Commander. Once both laser bullets hit each other, it form a small ball before exploding. Magnus as all ready on the edge. The small explode, knocked him back a little bit. Megatron let go of Optimus and rushed towards Magnus. As soon as the Decepticon leader gotten close to the Commander, Magnus uppercuts Megatron with his left ball up servo.

Megatron - You think that will do anything.

He said wiping away some dark energon from his mouth. The Decepticon leader took the power of Magnus on the edge. Throwing punches as the Commander blocked them. Magnus was slowly side off the cliff. The Commander quickly tucked his right leg in between the Decepticon leader's legs. Pulling on Megatron's legs, the Decepticon leader fell. The Commander sat on top of Megatron chest and started punching him in his face.

Magnus - You killed her. You took her away from me!

The Decepticon leader's face started to get gorey with his energon. Magnus' servos were covered with dark energon.

Magnus - First, you take her and make her a Decepticon and then you experiment on me. Making me a slave of your's. Mind control us. And now this... This is what you get for killing her. We all may be Cybertronians, but I dislike your type. You are murderers.

Optimus pull the Commander off of the Decepticon leader.

Optimus - Ultra Magnus, that is enough. You are going to kill him.

Magnus - Get your servos off of me. I'm not done teaching him a lesson. He's a murderer. He killed Nightstar.

He broke down into tears after saying that. Nightstar was the closest Cybertronian to him.

Optimus - You know the Agent?

He asked. Megatron lifted his right servo to his face. The Prime let go of the Commander.

Magnus - No one else knows her like I do. She was my...

He stopped, Magnus never shared his past with anyone.

Magnus - My sparkmate. We had a daughter together before the war started. I've been pulled out of their life because of two stupid military mechs dragging me away!

He shouted upset.

Magnus - They ruined my life. The war made me this strict mech. I don't know if I will return to my old self after years pass on Cybertron.

The Decepticon leader aimed is fusion cannon at Ultra Magnus. The Commander had gotten soft.

Magnus - Nightstar is dead. Our daughter is... I don't know. Nightstar didn't say anything about her. I believe she's dead too.

Optimus - What's her name?

Magnus - Star...

He started. The Commander stumbled back. Looking down at his body to see if he was damage. There was a large hole in his frame. Magnus fell back, off the cliff. When he hit the ground, his optics went off. The in charge Wrecker raced over to the dead Commander. Magnus fell face flat on the ground. Wheeljack couldn't tell if he was knocked out or was slowly recovering from the fall.

Wheeljack - Sir, are you okay.

He asked. There was no response from the offline Commander. The hole through his frame was barely visible to the Wrecker. Wheeljack lifted Magnus up a little bit. Once he saw the hole in the Commander's frame, he let go of the corpse. After all these years of messing and teasing the Commander. There won't be no Cybertronian who is like Ultra Magnus to lecture him, to punish him, and to chase after him.

Bulkhead - Jackie, what's wrong? Is the Commander okay?

Wheeljack - He's not okay. Ultra Magnus is gone.

Arcee - What do you mean that the Commander is gone?

The small blue warrior asked as she walked over.

Wheeljack - He's dead. First, it's Nightstar, now him. Now who's going to command if he's gone?

He question his fellow Autobots. Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee looked at the Wrecker. Wheeljack was confused. Why were they staring at him?

Bumblebee - [You.]

The scout said.

Bumblebee - [ He trusted you to be in charge, while he up there to fight. He's probably looking down on you now.]

He beeped and bleeped. Arcee and Bulkhead nodded, agreeing with the black and yellow scout.

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