Chapter 67

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This was the battle between the Agent with the leader of the Autobots and Megatron.

Nightstar - Ready Prime?

Optimus - You should be down there with the Commander and the others.

Nightstar - Bulkhead and Bumblebee should be there in a little bit. Plus I am supposed to protect you at all cost. It a two v one, Optimus. We should be able to win.

She explained. The Decepticon leader seem to caught on to their conversation. With swift movement, Megatron grabbed Nightstar and threw aside. The wrestling match between the two leaders begun.

Nightstar - That's just rude. No mech should be throwing femmes, unless another femme said so.

The Agent stated as she picked herself off of the ground. She dust herself off.

Nightstar - You made me real mad. I promise, you won't like a femme mad.

She grabbed grabbed both of her glocks off of her waist. Her battle mask cover her bottom half of her face. Nightstar pulled the trigger of her pistols. It was rapid fire to the Decepticon leader's back. Until it annoyed him. Megatron body slammed Optimus into the ground.

Megatron - I had enough of your nonsense, Nightstar.

His blade came from underneath his fusion cannon. The laser bullets bounced off the blade of the gladiator's. The Prime wrapped his arms around Megatron's neck cabling. The Decepticon leader was fighting to get Optimus' arms from around his neck cabling. Nightstar punched Megatron in his face and gave him a kick to the tanks.

Nightstar - This is over Megatron. This will your final battle.

Megatron - Actually it will be your final battle, Agent Star.

She wasn't understanding, but didn't believe what he was saying. The Decepticon leader waved his left arm around. Trying to get free from the Autobot leader's grip.

Nightstar - Optimus, I'll get the stasis cuffs ready and...

Optimus - Nightstar?

Her body fell to the ground and her head tumbled off. Optimus looked at Megatron, who had a a big grin. The Agent's head rolled close to the edge of the cliff. It wobbled. There was energon on the blade of the gladiator's. Her head fell off the ledge. As the Commander was fighting off the last of the incoming armada. He felt something hit the back his right feet. Turning around to see what it was. Picking up his lovers head. Nightstar's expression was shock with a little bit of fear mixed in. Wheeljack was going to say something, but seeing the Agent's head in the Commander's left servo was meaning that he didn't want to talk and Megatron was going to get aft beat. Magnus' face darkened, anger boiled inside of him. The kneeled down to place Nightstar's head on the ground, gently.

Magnus - Don't worry, Star. I'll get him for you, if I don't end up like you.

He stated to her head before getting back on his feet.

Magnus - I never thought I'd be saying this, but Wheeljack you are in... Charge.

He said as walked over to the bottom of the cliff.

Wheeljack - What?!

The team was shocked to hear the Commander say that.

Bulkhead - But, why?

Magnus - Don't ask questions. Do as the Wrecker says, that's an order. If I come back in one and Wheeljack tells me that you all didn't follow his orders. You all get punished. Is that understood?

Arcee, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee - [Yessir]

He started climbing the cliff side. When Magnus gets his servos on Megatron, he will kill the Decepticon leader for what he did to his sparkmate.

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