Secret Chapter

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After Optimus flew in the Allspark. The burial begin. All the Autobots were line up side by side. Wheeljack stood in between two handmade coffins of their fallen comrades. Their images floated behind the coffins. Each member of the Autobots bowed their heads down as the service started.

Wheeljack - We are here today, for our fallen comrades. They served well in the end of the war. Their ends were a tragedy and we all served well under Ultra Magnus. But, we didn't treat him right like we did Optimus prime himself.

Grey clouds started to fill the sky. Day begin to became dark as night. There was a crackle of thunder in the distance. The first raindrop fell on the Commander's coffin. That raindrop was followed by another and another. The Autobots knew that they needed to end the small service quickly before the storm got any worst.

Wheeljack - We'll honor our fallen heroes with a statue in return. To end off our small service with our chant. As Optimus said before " Our main priority is to defeat the Decepticons at all cost. For Cybertron and our fallen comrades."

Ratchet, Arcee, Bulkhead, Bee, Smokescreen, & Knockout - For Cybertron and our fallen comrades!

They shouted as they fist punched the air. The members of the Autobots voices echoed. The thunder roared back at them. Yellow lighting flashed. Bulkhead and the Wrecker leader walked over to a coffin and picked it up. The two Autobots slowly carried the large box over to a premade hole in the ground.

Smokescreen - Careful Bee.

Bee - I'm trying to.

The struggle was real for these small mechs, they were dealing with the Commander's coffin. Bulkhead released one end the large, long black box. It fell into the hole in the ground.

Wheeljack - You two be careful with that one. That's the Commander. Don't drop him. I'm telling ya, his spirit might come get ya.

Bulkhead - Cut it out, Jackie. You can't be scaring the young generation of bots.

Wheeljack - Watch me, Bulk.

He told his friend as he slowly release the coffin of the agent.

3 Cycles later....

After long work of shoveling and setting up the grave markers. The team was covered in dirt, sweat and other filthy things. They saluted and said their goodbye's to their gone comrades. But, yet, promise to visit when they had a chance to. Wheeljack was last to leave. The rain was pour now. They were lucky that it wasn't acidic rain. The team were have acid burns all over their bodies. Before the Wrecker leader left, he patted the top of both graves. He lay against the Commander's grave marker.

Wheeljack - I'll do the best I can, Commander. Don't worry. I won't let you down. I promise.

There was a bright glowing blue light. The Wrecker leader looked up to see the Commander.

Wheeljack - Commander?!

The see through blue figure smiled and seated itself next to Wheeljack. The Wrecker started to crawl away backwards.

Magnus - There is no need to be afraid, Wrecker. I'm glad that you don't want to let me down. But, there is something that you need to know.

Wheeljack - And that is?

He asked the blue figure of the Commander.

Magnus - I was never the leader that I wanted to be. It took me awhile to get my act together. I was just like you. Resistance. I refuse to work at the military base I was station at. It was all because I was taken away from my family. I hated it. Every. Single. Bit.

Wheeljack - Really?

The figure nodded it's head.

Magnus - Also, I wanted to apologize to you putting a lot of pressure on you and the others. And leaving the Wreckers to themselves. I was thinking of my past and wanted to leave. To find survivors. To get things off my mind.

He started to fade away.

Wheeljack - Please don't leave yet. There's something I have to say to ya. That I didn't have a chance to say. And I approve of your apologies.

Magnus - What did you want say to me?

Wheeljack - I'm sorry myself for putting up a fight with ya. I should have been on your side when somethings went done. The fights we had were unnecessary. You are the professor and I'm the student. Yet the student is left alone with others.

The Commander burst into laughter. The Wrecker leader was confuse of why Magnus was laughing.

Magnus - Look at the little Wrecker using big words. But, seriously. I wouldn't expect you to be using words like that. I thought you had a small vocabulary. But, I was wrong.

Wheeljack - Does this mean we're friends?

Magnus - No, just an acquaintance. Remember me well, old friend.

Wheeljack lunged forward and hugged the disappearing figure. In return, the Commander hugged his acquaintance back before completely fading away. The Wrecker leader knew no one will believe him. So, this will be his little secret that no one will know of. Unless they asked what really happened, but it will come out as a lie to the team. A tear was shedded from his optics. No one will know.

Wheeljack - You will always be in my spark. No matter what. Just come back and lead us. Please.

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