~ Chapter 15 ~ Questioning

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Wheeljack's pov

                                      Ultra Magnus seems upset for some reason. Before I could say something, he started to ask questions.

Magnus~ Wheeljack, where's the Agent?

                                         I forgotten about her. Nightstar was taken by the Decepticons. Is that the reason why the Commander is upset?

Wheeljack~  The Agent was taken by the Decepticons, Sir.

                                       I don't he'll be asking questions for while or he needs a break. He seems overwhelmed. Overwhelmed by what? Magnus fell to his knees and was breathing heavily. Optimus and I lifted him up on to medical berth. His optics flashed on and off.

Ratchet~ Something isn't right.

Optimus~ Your right, old friend. The Commander doesn't act like this.

Bumblebee~ { When Nightstar first came here and we described what she looked like.  The Commander seem to space out at the moment. Do you think he has feelings for her?}

Wheeljack~ You might be on to something, Bee.

                                        I said. I looked at the Commander. His side started to leak. Magnus' tanks must have been damage when he gotten hit.

Smokescreen~ Ratchet, the Commander has sprung a leak.

                                       Ratchet grabbed some medical supplies and the energon I found. Magnus is still down and Nightstar is kept prisoner of the Decepticons. We're stuck for right now. Even though I asked myself questions before, I ask them again. We just need him. The Commander can't just give up on us and go to the fragging All-spark. I will get Nightstar back from the Decepticons, no matter what happens. It's for the Commander. I will do anything for him, Magnus really deserves it. If Nightstar keeps him happy then so be it. I'll give it my all to get Nightstar back. I walked towards the exit and transform, racing out of the base. Flying past Bulkhead, which I didn't notice when I was six miles away from base. I was so caught in my thoughts, that I didn't see Screamer. And yes, that is Starscream's nickname. I just want to get revenge, but no. I need to get her. I transform and grabbed my swords.

Wheeljack~ Where is she?

Starscream~ Who's she?

                                         He asked. I Screamer is playing with me.

Wheeljack~ Don't play with me. If I ask you one more time, I will cut you into pieces. Where is Nightstar?

Starscream~ Oh, her. Nightstar, she's a loyal Decepticon now. Don't worry about her because when she sees you, she'll rip out your spark.

                                         A groundbridge open up. I knew that it wasn't ours. The Cons came out of it. I put swords on my backplates and run towards the groundbridge. I quickly jumped and got through the closing groundbridge. I got on to my peds and quietly walk down the hall. Time to time I will hide in the shadows because of the Cons ped steps. I have only been on this ship once, but will be the second for a recuse. I hear a click of heels. That's her.  Looking at Nightstar, she looks away different. Black and grey colors with ruby red optics. There are more ped steps, I quickly grabbed her hand and pull Nightstar into the shadows. I put a servo over her mouth to silent her.

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